Version 2.9.2-beta comes with an updated theme engine (3 accent color * 2 background color), support for Android’s dark mode and a new activity to write NFC tags.
Hi mueller-ma,
really like the new theme engine approach. From my point of view it is the right way (a good start) to give the good app a more appealing look. It definitely deserves it!
This will attract more people using the app. I aggree the app should have a similar appearance as the BasicUI and/or other openHAB Ui’s (at least by default?). If I got the discussions on github right, Kai prefers more or less to stick with the traditional BasicUI coloring (blue/pink) and/or the the openHAB-orange.
But respectfully, the downside is this leads to a somewhat boring look too
So color theming is the way to fullfil user wishes while maintaining the “openHAB corporate idendity” with the standard color schemes.
Theming Improvements?
Personally, I would prefer having (#1) a kind of a color picker for the accent colors providing more than the three colors and (#2) automatically choose a darker shade of the selected color for the headline/title bar or add a picker for the header color too.
Additionally, I propose (#3) a configuration option to enable the accent color to be used for value color rendering if not “overridden” by the sitemap’s valuecolor=....
Green Example(inspired by the HABpanel matrix theme):
Accent color:
Dark shade of the accent color to be used in the title bar/headline
Those two directly contradict themselves. One can either have a ‘branding color’ or let the user choose a color to his liking…if one does the latter, the former isn’t the case anymore.
Understood. I have to admit, that’s more/less the answer I have expected
Though: It’s a pity. The app is very good from the functional side. If the design would match more the users personal preference, it would get more recognition and more use. I guess, more people would then just put this app on their wall tablet/Android desk phone/etc. and avoid the hassle with perfecting HABpanel dashboards and simply use the generic sitemap concept.
I’d do so
Why? I think you can have both.
Aren’t there different needs? One thing is to show the relation to the openHAB project in the public. This would be needed when show-casing openHAB on presentations/conferences.
For this case you can choose one of the openHAB color schemes to show the consistence with BasicUI for example. Matching the openHAB “ci” is a must here.
Daily use is different. I do know, that I’m using openHAB. No need to have orange accent color to remind me
Here I would like to adjust the color to match those colors of my club/society/organization or simply my personal preference.
openHAB is that open. You can integrate (almost) everything you want. The beauty of it is that it can be adopted perfectly to your needs. There are no limits. That’s why we love it.
Honestly, why is coloring/theming in the openHAB-app (as well as in the BasicUI) such an issue then? Why limiting the selectable colors?
To be clear: I really like the app and will use it even if the above is not considered. I can live with that
I’m just unhappy with the predefined color sets and would appreciate more choices…
In the demo sitemap there are two scene selections in the widget overview, the first provides a dropdown list of options, the second provides three buttons: TV, DINNER and READING. How is the second option that uses buttons achieved?
Is there a change to get the location info from an android phone into openhab only with the installed android app? I know the already working possibility with the binding, but my question is if it will come in future with only habdroid installed.
To have buttons next to each other use a Switch element in your sitemap. For the drop down use a Selection element. An example is shown in the documentation.
Hahaha! Unbelievable! I’ve used OH for years and had never noticed that you could do that with a switch! I had thought that you had to use a switch for on/off items and a selection for items with multiple states.
It is working with every app that uses the AlarmManger api of Android. However some apps mis-use this api and thus you don’t get the correct time. Tasker is one of these apps, so the app ignores alarms set by Tasker.
rule "Alarm Clock to DateTime"
Time cron "0/5 * * * * ?" or // only for testing
Item Phone_AlarmClock changed
logInfo("RULES", "AlarmClock - übergebener Wert: " + Phone_AlarmClock.state)
if (Phone_AlarmClock.state != NULL) {
if (Phone_AlarmClock.state as Number != 0) {
var alarmtime = new DateTime((Phone_AlarmClock.state as Number).longValue)
logInfo("RULES", "AlarmClock - alarmtime " + alarmtime.toString)
So i can see the data every 5 seconds in my openhab.log. When i change something inside the items-file, the value will get NULL, after editing the Item inside the android app, i get values again.