Android app shows sitemap incorrect, iphone, chrome and chrome mobile work perfect


I am running OH2 on a RPI Zero.
Everything worked fine till one day i had a reboot on my openhab Raspberry.
From that moment te layout in de android openhab app is incorrect.
The same sitemap (i only have one) previews correct on other systems or browsers like Iphone app, Chrome mobile, chrome on the my mac,… see the home.sitemap file below.

Kind regards.

sitemap home label="Bergstraat 29" {

Frame {
	Group item=gGate icon="garagedoor"{
		Switch item=Garagedoor  mappings=[ON="Bedien"]
		Switch item=Poort mappings=[ON="Bedien"]

Frame {
	Text label=Jacuzzi icon="jacuzzi" {
		Default item=gJacuzzi
        	Switch item=gJacuzzi mappings=[OFF="All Off", ON="All On"]
        	Default item=Bubbels label="Bubbels"
        	Default item=Jet1 label="Jet 1"
        	Default item=Jet2 label="Jet 2"
//        	Switch item=JacuzziLedPower label="Power Jacuzzi Led" icon="rgblamp"
        	Slider item=JacuzziLedDimmer label="Dimmer"
		Frame {
		Text label=Verlichtingsopties icon="rgblamp" {
        	Colorpicker item=JacuzziLedColor label="Kleur"
        	Selection item=AnimationModeRgbWW label="Animation Mode" icon="rgb" mappings=[1="1",2="2",3="3",4="4",5="5",6="6",7="7",8="8",9="9"]
        	Switch item=AnimationSpeed label="Animation Speed" mappings=[DECREASE='-', INCREASE='+']
        	Switch item=JacuzziLedNight label="Nacht Mode" icon="moon" mappings=[ON="aan"]
        	Switch item=JacuzziLedWhite label="White Mode" icon="snow" mappings=[ON="aan"]
		Frame {
                Text label=RaspberryInfo icon="raspberrypi" {
		Text item=CPUtemp label="CPU Temperatuur" icon="temperature"
        	Text item=CPUussage label="CPU Gebruik"
        	Text item=freemem label="free memory"

Frame label="Verlichting" {
Frame {
	Text label=Binnenverlichting icon="light" {
		Switch item=wifiled_wifiled_ACCF239FDD62_color label="Ledstrip"	
		Colorpicker item=wifiled_wifiled_ACCF239FDD62_color label="Ledstrip"
        	Slider item=wifiled_wifiled_ACCF239FDD62_color label="Ledstrip"
		Text icon="none"
		Switch item=Bureaulamp
		Setpoint item=BureaulampDIM minValue=1 maxValue=100 step=10
		Setpoint item=BureaulampCT minValue=153 maxValue=500 step=35
		Text icon="none"
		Switch item=Staanlamp
		Setpoint item=StaanlampDIM minValue=1 maxValue=100 step=10
		Setpoint item=StaanlampCT minValue=153 maxValue=500 step=35
		Text icon="none"
		Switch item=Shelly1_1 label="Slaapkamer"
                Text item=Shelly1_1_input label="Slaapkamer"        	
		Group item=gStaanlamp

Frame { 
	Text label=Buitenverlichting icon="light" {
        	Switch item=Terras label="Buitenverlichting"
        	Slider item=Terras label="Buitenverlichting"
} //sluit frame verlichting

Frame label="Ventilatie" {
       Switch item= Ventilator icon="fan"

Frame label="Verwarming" {
       Switch item= Thermostaat icon="temperature"
	Text item=Temperatuur icon="temperature"

Frame label="Muziek" {
	Frame {
	Text label=Binnenmuziek icon="music" {
        Switch item=Cinema
        Text icon="none"
        Selection item=Input mappings=[HDMI1="PS 3",HDMI2="PS 4",HDMI3="Chromecast",HDMI4="RPI",TUNER="Tuner",Spotify="Spotify"]
        Text icon="none"
        Switch item=Volume mappings=[DECREASE='-', INCREASE='+']
        Switch item=Mute label="MUTE"
	Frame {
	Text label=Buitenmuziek icon="music" {
	Switch item=EdimaxSimple
	Group item=gVerbruik
} //sluit frame muziek
//Video url=""

} // sluit sitemap

This is on the iphone. I had to put this in a reply, as i am new in this community i can only upload a single picture in a post.

Could this have something to do with the custom icons?
Do you have the custom icons both saved as png. and svg.?

Its a guess, im not sure that is the problem because it would probably just show the item without the icon if its not working.

After looking more closely to your code try this:

Instead of this:

Frame label="Verlichting" {
Frame {
	Text label=Binnenverlichting icon="light" {
		Switch item=wifiled_wifiled_ACCF239FDD62_color label="Ledstrip"	
		Colorpicker item=wifiled_wifiled_ACCF239FDD62_color label="Ledstrip"
        	Slider item=wifiled_wifiled_ACCF239FDD62_color label="Ledstrip"
		Text icon="none"
		Switch item=Bureaulamp
		Setpoint item=BureaulampDIM minValue=1 maxValue=100 step=10
		Setpoint item=BureaulampCT minValue=153 maxValue=500 step=35
		Text icon="none"
		Switch item=Staanlamp
		Setpoint item=StaanlampDIM minValue=1 maxValue=100 step=10
		Setpoint item=StaanlampCT minValue=153 maxValue=500 step=35
		Text icon="none"
		Switch item=Shelly1_1 label="Slaapkamer"
                Text item=Shelly1_1_input label="Slaapkamer"        	
		Group item=gStaanlamp

Try it like this:

Frame label="Verlichting" {
Text item=Binnenverlichting icon="light" {
		Switch item=wifiled_wifiled_ACCF239FDD62_color label="Ledstrip"	
		Colorpicker item=wifiled_wifiled_ACCF239FDD62_color label="Ledstrip"
        	Slider item=wifiled_wifiled_ACCF239FDD62_color label="Ledstrip"
		Text icon="none"
		Switch item=Bureaulamp
		Setpoint item=BureaulampDIM minValue=1 maxValue=100 step=10
		Setpoint item=BureaulampCT minValue=153 maxValue=500 step=35
		Text icon="none"
		Switch item=Staanlamp
		Setpoint item=StaanlampDIM minValue=1 maxValue=100 step=10
		Setpoint item=StaanlampCT minValue=153 maxValue=500 step=35
		Text icon="none"
		Switch item=Shelly1_1 label="Slaapkamer"
                Text item=Shelly1_1_input label="Slaapkamer"        	
		Group item=gStaanlamp

For a text item or text label you dont need to have “frame{” before that

Here example of part of my sitemap:

sitemap Home label="Thuis" 
 //Label information met alle teksten
	Frame label= Information{
	//Presence, presence gaat aan wanneer mobiel connect
		 Text item= Presence label= "Precense" icon= presence labelcolor=[>ON="#1DB954",>OFF="#FFAFAF"]
	{Frame label="Presence" {
		Group item=Presence label= "People" icon= parents_2_3 labelcolor=[>ON="#1DB954",>OFF="#FFAFAF"]
	Text item=Dateandtime labelcolor=["#808080"] valuecolor=["#808080"]
	//Computer en devices settings
	Text item= PCswitch label="Computer/Devices" icon= pc labelcolor=[>ON="#30A1FF",>OFF="red"]
		Frame label="Computer"  {
		Switch item= PCswitch icon= pc labelcolor=[>ON="#30A1FF",>OFF="red"]
		Switch item= PCFreddy labelcolor=[>ON="#30A1FF",>OFF="red"]
		Frame label= "" visibility=[PCFreddy==ON]{
			Webview url="" icon=none 
		Frame label="Printer"
		{Text item=printer labelcolor=["#808080"] valuecolor=["#808080"]
			Text item=jamevents labelcolor=["#808080"] valuecolor=["#808080"]
			Text item=totalpages  labelcolor=["#808080"] valuecolor=["#808080"]
			Group item=colorsprinter icon="printercolor" labelcolor=["#808080"] valuecolor=["#808080"]
		Frame label="Raspberry Pi Info"{
			Text item=systemmemoryused label="System Memory" labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]
			{Frame label="System memory" labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]{
				Text item=systemmemorytotal labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]
			Text item=systemmemoryavailable labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]
			Text item=systemmemoryused labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]
			Text item=storageused label="System Storage" labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]
			{Frame label="System Storage"{
				Text item=storagetotal labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]
			Text item=storageavailable labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]
			Text item=storageused labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]
			Text item=cpuname labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]
			Text item=networkip labelcolor=["#b3446c"] valuecolor=["#b3446c"]

Als je vragen in NL hebt kun je altijd een PB sturen!

Awesome, removing the frames did the trick! Thank You!

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