Android Auto Support for Widgets

Hey all,

any idea how to to bring the existing OH Widgets with work fine, to also Android Auto (AA)?
As I do not want to go via classic Cloud services, like Google Home etc, I would linke
to have OH Items under AA manageable when I have openend an VPN tunnel to the house.
I would be cool to have a Item under AA in the car to open the garage etc. :slight_smile:

Not possible.

The best you can do is connect your OH to Google Home and then you can add an icon to the menu to run a Google Assistant routine to (e.g. “Open the garage door”) send the command to OH.

Google and the OH Android app provides no other alternative. And Google makes it very hard, as I understand it, to get approval to run anything on AA.

Thanks Rich,

But bringing my home and therefor OH (4.2.3) to any cloud is not what I want. Everything needs to stay local. That is why I only use OH since a long time.
Current I have shortcuts in AA for contact item, and with a GSM call to my local PABX system and an attached relais I can open/close, on/off etc

As I have more that 40 Shelly’s in use, and the latest App also supports AA (but only when the shellys are in the clould) I was suggesting, that It could be possible that the OH App, could be able to bring the existings Widgets from OH to AA somehow

I wouldn’t say it’s not possible, but hasn’t been implemented yet with the Android app. Home Assistant supports both Android Auto (AA) and Android Automotive OS (AAOS).


Widgets are bits of F7 web page framework code. They are not ever going to be something that would be supported in AA. If the OH app ever supports something in AA it’s not going to be MainUI widgets. MAybe something like a mini sitemap (a la the Apple Watch integration).

You can open an issue on the openHAB Android repo to see if someone will volunteer to implement something and get it approved by Google to run on AA.

Unless or until that happens, you either have to use some cloud service or chalk this up to an opportunity cost you have to pay by not using cloud services.

We already have an issue open for this: Openhab Android app compatability with AndroidAuto · Issue #3041 · openhab/openhab-android · GitHub 
 I’ve also done an initial investigation with the outcome of ‘it’s hard’. Details are in the issue report.

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Here’s a video of Home Assistant in action on Android Auto. I found it at Home Assistant coming for your car! - Home Assistant

This would be the perfectly solution,if it would work also for Openhab

So, I have now found a solution for me, as long as our native OH Client for Android is not supporting AA.

What I need for that:

  • Nativ OH client installed on my S23U
  • VPN (wireguard) tunnel installed and the AA excluded from the tunnel.
  • Fermata Auto (1.9.9) installed, with the new Fetaure Fermata FS (Fullscreen)
  • AAwireless WLAN adapter installed and (Developer-Mode Enabaled) so that the Fermata FS is working. Also A14 Problem is gone with AAWireless.
  • As I have had Problem with Fermata FS and the access right, I installed the HUR (HeadunitReloadedEmulator) App €3,99.

All in all everything works and I can open the OH client and it will be displayed like here:

Additional I’m start playing now with Homeassistant and the nativ client and AA support
 But take some time :slight_smile:

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After an hour of install and basic setup, I’m meanwhile able to use my two shelly for open and close. Some fresh up additional needed but so far overall not to bad