Announcing OpenWeatherMap binding for Eclipse SmartHome / openHAB

Yes, they fixed the lower case letters a few days.
I would use the condition value in rules. That’s the reason why I ask for it.

You should go for the condition-id. It is a fixed numerical value and independent from translation. Have a look here for a detailed description and a complete list of all weather condition codes.

After using this binding for a few months, I continue to be happy with it. I severely miss the ability to pick a specific station like I could do with wunderground. The data provided by Open Weather Map is not really accurate for where my house is located due to geography. But that is open weather map’s limitation and not something the binding can overcome.

I’m on top of a mountain. It’s giving me the generic weather for the local area, which is always more applicable to the larger valley area. So it’s always colder and windier at my house up on the mountain. With wunderground, I simply selected a neighbor’s station that was also up on the mountain and it was spot on.

Hi Matt,

Yes, I still have this feature on my to-do list, but did not found the time to implement it:

I don’t think that will actually help for scenarios like mine. I can go to open weather map’s website and tell it my exact location and I get generic weather for the valley area. I asked Open Weather Map’s support about this. They said their system aggregates data and provides the user data for the area, not for any specific station. They said there is no means for the end user to identify and specify a specific station to pull data from. I don’t see it as a binding issue or something you’ve left out. It’s just not something Open Weather Map does unfortunately.

It probably works fine for 90% of the users. Geographically, weather is complicated at my house.

Where can I find this binding? Link to documentation in first post leads to 404, I registered at Eclipse Marketplace, but no binding for openweathermap to be found… Documentation at doesn’t give any clues as to how to get it… installed market place in openHAB, but also no luck. :frowning:

Edit: this link is shown everywhere including readme markdown on GH, but also leads to 404

The right place for the documentation is:

The binding itself is part of OH2.4 and can be installed in the same way like every other binding (

Vincent… How many degrees are each step in this windrose.js script?

I still get no rain data (current, not forecast), it is always 0.0 mm even though the API call returns a value “rain”:{“1h”:0.76}. This has been mentioned before, but I couldn’t find a solution to it. Is there any update?

Which version of the binding are you using? Have you deleted and recreated the Weather and Forecast Thing to update the Thing definition?

I installed the binding a few days ago for the first time (2.4) using Paper UI.

That version does not contain the 1h forecast change from You would need to upgrade to a snapshot version of OH or a snapshot version of the binding.

I do not recommend upgrading OH to a snapshot version at this time unless you are developer-minded, as there are still some kinks being worked out after the ESH reintegration and build system change. So, better to wait for at least 2.5 M2.

I will just wait a bit. Thanks a lot for the great work!

It’s @cweitkamp that deserves the kudos!

Hi, I have just installed this binding and it works great.

I have set the language to english in the things file, but I have one current condition that comes up german. Is there any fix for this?


Hi Jared,

Unfortunately not. The binding receives the translated conditions from the OWM API and only forwards them. The only hint a can give you is to double check your settings to exclude any unexpected behavior.

Thanks for the response I’ll go through the settings again and see what I can find.

I found it, user error strikes again. Thanks for verification*


Hi everyone,

sorry for this question, but I am facing an issue I am not able to solve :smiley:


These are the values based on my geo location in OpenWeatherMap. Once checking my basic ui, I find the following:

What I am wondering now, why is the wind in the upper picture 190 - South, the provided value is based on the mapping Nord, which is related to a value of 3.3161255…do I have a bug in my mind? My understanding was, I have the mapping table and based on the provided value of 190 the wind direction should be South.

Furthermore yesterday was rain, the OpenWeatherMap page showed rain 1.2mm but my system didn’t. I don’t get it :-D.

Hope someone can help me out.

Thx you.

Nobody an idea? @cweitkamp maybe?

Found the issue…I had a wrong item definition for the wind direction. instead of number:Angle I used number:dimensionless…problem solved, user happy :smiley: