Announcing OpenWeatherMap binding for Eclipse SmartHome / openHAB

my item:

Number windrosetest "windrose [JS(windrose.js):%s]"

The script

 * Windrose
 * Based loosely on the code by:
 * @author rogeriopvl <>
 * @license MIT
 * the depth parameter will determine the definition of the windrose
 * depth = 0 : 4 points (N, E, S, W)
 * depth = 1 : 8 points (eg: N, SW, NE...)
 * depth = 2 : 16 points (eg: N, SSW, NNE...)
 * depth = 3 : 32 points (eg: N, NbE, Sbw, NNE...)
 * depth = 4 : 64 points (Unused)
 * depth = 5 : 128 points (eg: N¾E, NEbN½N...)
 * the valueReturned parameter will affect the value returned abbreviation or full sentence:
 * valueReturned = symbol : "SE"
 * valueReturned = name: "South East"

(function(i) {
    var DEPTH_AREA = [ 90, 45, 22.5, 11.25, 5.625, 2.8125 ];
    var COMPASS_POINTS = [
        { symbol: 'N', name: 'North', depth: 0 },
        { symbol: 'N¼E', name: 'North quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'N½E', name: 'North half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'N¾E', name: 'North three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NbE', name: 'North by East', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NbE¼E', name: 'North by East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NbE½E', name: 'North by East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NbE¾E', name: 'North by East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NNE', name: 'North North East', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'NNE¼E', name: 'North North East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NNE½E', name: 'North North East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NNE¾E', name: 'North North East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NEbN', name: 'North East by North', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NEbN¾N', name: 'North East by North three quarters North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NEbN½N', name: 'North East ny North half North', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NEbN¼N', name: 'North East by North quarter North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NE', name: 'North East', depth: 1 },
        { symbol: 'NE¼E', name: 'North East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NE½E', name: 'North East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NE¾E', name: 'North East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NEbE', name: 'North East by East', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NEbE¼E', name: 'North East by East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NEbE½E', name: 'North East by East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NEbE¾E', name: 'North East by East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'ENE', name: 'East North East', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'ENE¼E', name: 'East North East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'ENE½E', name: 'East North East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'ENE¾E', name: 'East North East three quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'EbN', name: 'East by North', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'E¾N', name: 'East three quarters North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'E½N', name: 'East half North', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'E¼N', name: 'East quarter North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'E', name: 'East', depth: 0 },
        { symbol: 'E¼S', name: 'East quarter South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'E½S', name: 'East half South', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'E¾S', name: 'East three quarters South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'EbS', name: 'East by South', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'ESE¾E', name: 'East South East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'ESE½E', name: 'East South East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'ESE¼E', name: 'East South East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'ESE', name: 'East South East', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'SEbE¾E', name: 'South East by East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SEbE½E', name: 'South East by East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SEbE¼E', name: 'South East by East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SEbE', name: 'South East by East', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SE¾E', name: 'South East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SE½E', name: 'South East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SE¼E', name: 'South East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SE', name: 'South East', depth: 1 },
        { symbol: 'SE¼S', name: 'South East quarter South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SE½S', name: 'South East half South', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SE¾S', name: 'South East three quartersSouth', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SEbS', name: 'South East by South', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SSE¾E', name: 'South South East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SSE½E', name: 'South South East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SSE¼E', name: 'South South East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SSE', name: 'South South East', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'SbE¾E', name: 'South by East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SbE½E', name: 'South by East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SbE¼E', name: 'South by East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SbE', name: 'South by East', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'S¾E', name: 'South three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'S½E', name: 'South half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'S¼E', name: 'South quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'S', name: 'South', depth: 0 },
        { symbol: 'S¼W', name: 'South quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'S½W', name: 'South half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'S¾W', name: 'South three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SbW', name: 'South by West', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SbW¼W', name: 'South by West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SbW½W', name: 'South by West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SbW¾W', name: 'South by West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SSW', name: 'South South West', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'SSW¼W', name: 'South South West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SSW½W', name: 'South South West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SSW¾W', name: 'South South West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SWbS', name: 'South West by South', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SW¾S', name: 'South West three quarters South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SW½S', name: 'South West half South', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SW¼S', name: 'South West quarter South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SW', name: 'South West', depth: 1 },
        { symbol: 'SW¼W', name: 'South West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SW½W', name: 'South West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SW¾W', name: 'South West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SWbW', name: 'South West by West', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SWbW¼W', name: 'South West by West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SWbW½W', name: 'South West by West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SWbW¾W', name: 'South West by West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WSW', name: 'West South West', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'WSW¼W', name: 'West South West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WSW½W', name: 'West South West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'WSW¾W', name: 'West South West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WbS', name: 'West by South', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'W¾S', name: 'West three quarters South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'W½S', name: 'West half South', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'W¼S', name: 'West quarter South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'W', name: 'West', depth: 0 },
        { symbol: 'W¼N', name: 'West quarter North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'W½N', name: 'West half North', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'W¾N', name: 'West three quarters North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WbN', name: 'West by North', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'WNW¾W', name: 'West North West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WNW½W', name: 'West North West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'WNW¼W', name: 'West North West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WNW', name: 'West North West', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'NWbW¾W', name: 'North West by West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NWbW½W', name: 'North West by West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NWbW¼W', name: 'North West by West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NWbW', name: 'North West by West', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NW¾W', name: 'North West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NW½W', name: 'North West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NW¼W', name: 'North West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NW', name: 'North West', depth: 1 },
        { symbol: 'NW¼N', name: 'North West quarter North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NW½N', name: 'North West half North', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NW¾N', name: 'North West three quarters North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NWbN', name: 'North West by North', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NNW¾W', name: 'North North West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NNW½W', name: 'North North West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NNW¼W', name: 'North North West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NNW', name: 'North North West', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'NbW¾W', name: 'North by West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NbW½W', name: 'North by West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NbW¼W', name: 'North by West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NbW', name: 'North by West', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'N¾W', name: 'North three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'N½W', name: 'North half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'N¼W', name: 'North quarter West', depth: 5 }
    var depth = 3; //Enter desired depth here
    var valueReturned = "symbol"; //Enter returned value here (symbol or name)
    var degrees = parseInt(i);
    var step = DEPTH_AREA[depth];
    var response = "";

    var compass_points = COMPASS_POINTS.filter(function (pt) {
        return pt.depth <= depth;

    degrees = degrees + (step / 2);
    if (degrees > 360) (degrees = degrees - 360);

    var point = Math.floor(degrees / step);

    response = compass_points[point][valueReturned]

    return response;
}) (input)

That works for me: depth = 5, input = 96, output = E½S

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