Announcing OpenWeatherMap binding for Eclipse SmartHome / openHAB

Tried it out I get this error though?

Trying to transform value 270

10:01:09.516 [ERROR] [.ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - transformation throws exception [transformation=org.eclipse.smarthome.transform.javascript.internal.JavaScriptTransformationService@346f388e, value=270]
org.eclipse.smarthome.core.transform.TransformationException: An error occurred while executing script.
	at org.eclipse.smarthome.transform.javascript.internal.JavaScriptTransformationService.transform( [217:org.eclipse.smarthome.transform.javascript:]

I just adapted the code, I actually didn’t test it,
Let me check it out

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my item:

Number windrosetest "windrose [JS(windrose.js):%s]"

The script

 * Windrose
 * Based loosely on the code by:
 * @author rogeriopvl <>
 * @license MIT
 * the depth parameter will determine the definition of the windrose
 * depth = 0 : 4 points (N, E, S, W)
 * depth = 1 : 8 points (eg: N, SW, NE...)
 * depth = 2 : 16 points (eg: N, SSW, NNE...)
 * depth = 3 : 32 points (eg: N, NbE, Sbw, NNE...)
 * depth = 4 : 64 points (Unused)
 * depth = 5 : 128 points (eg: N¾E, NEbN½N...)
 * the valueReturned parameter will affect the value returned abbreviation or full sentence:
 * valueReturned = symbol : "SE"
 * valueReturned = name: "South East"

(function(i) {
    var DEPTH_AREA = [ 90, 45, 22.5, 11.25, 5.625, 2.8125 ];
    var COMPASS_POINTS = [
        { symbol: 'N', name: 'North', depth: 0 },
        { symbol: 'N¼E', name: 'North quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'N½E', name: 'North half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'N¾E', name: 'North three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NbE', name: 'North by East', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NbE¼E', name: 'North by East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NbE½E', name: 'North by East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NbE¾E', name: 'North by East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NNE', name: 'North North East', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'NNE¼E', name: 'North North East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NNE½E', name: 'North North East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NNE¾E', name: 'North North East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NEbN', name: 'North East by North', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NEbN¾N', name: 'North East by North three quarters North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NEbN½N', name: 'North East ny North half North', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NEbN¼N', name: 'North East by North quarter North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NE', name: 'North East', depth: 1 },
        { symbol: 'NE¼E', name: 'North East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NE½E', name: 'North East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NE¾E', name: 'North East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NEbE', name: 'North East by East', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NEbE¼E', name: 'North East by East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NEbE½E', name: 'North East by East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NEbE¾E', name: 'North East by East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'ENE', name: 'East North East', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'ENE¼E', name: 'East North East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'ENE½E', name: 'East North East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'ENE¾E', name: 'East North East three quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'EbN', name: 'East by North', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'E¾N', name: 'East three quarters North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'E½N', name: 'East half North', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'E¼N', name: 'East quarter North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'E', name: 'East', depth: 0 },
        { symbol: 'E¼S', name: 'East quarter South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'E½S', name: 'East half South', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'E¾S', name: 'East three quarters South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'EbS', name: 'East by South', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'ESE¾E', name: 'East South East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'ESE½E', name: 'East South East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'ESE¼E', name: 'East South East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'ESE', name: 'East South East', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'SEbE¾E', name: 'South East by East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SEbE½E', name: 'South East by East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SEbE¼E', name: 'South East by East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SEbE', name: 'South East by East', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SE¾E', name: 'South East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SE½E', name: 'South East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SE¼E', name: 'South East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SE', name: 'South East', depth: 1 },
        { symbol: 'SE¼S', name: 'South East quarter South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SE½S', name: 'South East half South', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SE¾S', name: 'South East three quartersSouth', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SEbS', name: 'South East by South', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SSE¾E', name: 'South South East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SSE½E', name: 'South South East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SSE¼E', name: 'South South East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SSE', name: 'South South East', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'SbE¾E', name: 'South by East three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SbE½E', name: 'South by East half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SbE¼E', name: 'South by East quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SbE', name: 'South by East', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'S¾E', name: 'South three quarters East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'S½E', name: 'South half East', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'S¼E', name: 'South quarter East', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'S', name: 'South', depth: 0 },
        { symbol: 'S¼W', name: 'South quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'S½W', name: 'South half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'S¾W', name: 'South three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SbW', name: 'South by West', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SbW¼W', name: 'South by West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SbW½W', name: 'South by West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SbW¾W', name: 'South by West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SSW', name: 'South South West', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'SSW¼W', name: 'South South West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SSW½W', name: 'South South West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SSW¾W', name: 'South South West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SWbS', name: 'South West by South', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SW¾S', name: 'South West three quarters South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SW½S', name: 'South West half South', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SW¼S', name: 'South West quarter South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SW', name: 'South West', depth: 1 },
        { symbol: 'SW¼W', name: 'South West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SW½W', name: 'South West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SW¾W', name: 'South West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SWbW', name: 'South West by West', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'SWbW¼W', name: 'South West by West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'SWbW½W', name: 'South West by West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'SWbW¾W', name: 'South West by West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WSW', name: 'West South West', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'WSW¼W', name: 'West South West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WSW½W', name: 'West South West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'WSW¾W', name: 'West South West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WbS', name: 'West by South', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'W¾S', name: 'West three quarters South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'W½S', name: 'West half South', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'W¼S', name: 'West quarter South', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'W', name: 'West', depth: 0 },
        { symbol: 'W¼N', name: 'West quarter North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'W½N', name: 'West half North', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'W¾N', name: 'West three quarters North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WbN', name: 'West by North', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'WNW¾W', name: 'West North West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WNW½W', name: 'West North West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'WNW¼W', name: 'West North West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'WNW', name: 'West North West', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'NWbW¾W', name: 'North West by West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NWbW½W', name: 'North West by West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NWbW¼W', name: 'North West by West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NWbW', name: 'North West by West', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NW¾W', name: 'North West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NW½W', name: 'North West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NW¼W', name: 'North West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NW', name: 'North West', depth: 1 },
        { symbol: 'NW¼N', name: 'North West quarter North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NW½N', name: 'North West half North', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NW¾N', name: 'North West three quarters North', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NWbN', name: 'North West by North', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'NNW¾W', name: 'North North West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NNW½W', name: 'North North West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NNW¼W', name: 'North North West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NNW', name: 'North North West', depth: 2 },
        { symbol: 'NbW¾W', name: 'North by West three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NbW½W', name: 'North by West half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'NbW¼W', name: 'North by West quarter West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'NbW', name: 'North by West', depth: 3 },
        { symbol: 'N¾W', name: 'North three quarters West', depth: 5 },
        { symbol: 'N½W', name: 'North half West', depth: 4 },
        { symbol: 'N¼W', name: 'North quarter West', depth: 5 }
    var depth = 3; //Enter desired depth here
    var valueReturned = "symbol"; //Enter returned value here (symbol or name)
    var degrees = parseInt(i);
    var step = DEPTH_AREA[depth];
    var response = "";

    var compass_points = COMPASS_POINTS.filter(function (pt) {
        return pt.depth <= depth;

    degrees = degrees + (step / 2);
    if (degrees > 360) (degrees = degrees - 360);

    var point = Math.floor(degrees / step);

    response = compass_points[point][valueReturned]

    return response;
}) (input)

That works for me: depth = 5, input = 96, output = E½S

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Thanks - it works for me now :slight_smile:

Had the script copyed wrong :frowning:

I have changed the code above slightly at the bottom, more efficient
And corrected a bug

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It works perfect - thanks :slight_smile:

That was a good opportunity to migrate my code into OH.
Thanks @Nanna_Agesen

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Dear all,

A new ESH snapshot build (281) has been released. And a new OH2 snapshot build (1316) based on it.

You can download a new Testversion of the OWM binding here (requires ESH build 281 or higher and / or OH2 build 1316 or higher). I will not update the marketplace version immediately.

New changes:

  • Removed max-outdoor-temperature and min-outdoor-temperature channels from current weather
  • Request hourly or daily forecast data only if enabled in API configuration
  • Reviewed labels and descriptions of all entities and added German translations
  • Added channel for icon
  • Changed channel-types to new default system channel-types
  • Moved error and thing status handling to thing handler
  • Added channels for weather station data

Have fun & good luck


Hi Christophe. I’ve downloaded the latest jar ‘org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.openweathermap-0.10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar’, but I don’t see the icon channel.

Hi Nigel, please try to recreate your Things. New Channels are not added automatically to an existing Thing.

Hi Christophe, Spot on! Thanks for such a swift reply :slight_smile:

i can’t see the temperature as a condition in my current weather thing, using the newest .jar
Thats what i get:

Hi Joe, which OH2 version do you use? Latest snapshot?

i’m using openHAB 2.4.0 Build #1292
ok, i see. i need the 1316?

Yes, OH2 build 1316 or higher. But that should be no problem if you are already on snapshot.

thanks, it work’s :wink:
first reading helps

great work @cweitkamp :grinning::+1:

i was looking for a alternative for wunderground… and this works like a charm…

(running latest snapshot and binding from marketplace) Edit: the latest dev binding :wink:


on the page How to start to work with Openweather API - OpenWeatherMap i found, that we should use the API via the CITY ID…

How to get accurate API response
Call API by city ID instead of city name, city coordinates or zip code. In this case you get precise respond exactly for your city. The cities’ IDs can be found in the following file: Link goes directly to json.gz Cities’ IDs list.

is it planned to use it this way? and we will get the ability to simply add the city id in the paperui config?

@kugelsicha Currently it is not possible to use the city id for requesting the weather data. I have put it onto my TODO list .

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can you also add the “wind gust”, “sunrise” and “sunset” to the TODO list so we can use these channels too… they are already in the json…

{"coord":{"lon":13.82,"lat":51.15},"weather":[{"id":520,"main":"Rain","description":"light intensity shower rain","icon":"09d"},{"id":211,"main":"Thunderstorm","description":"thunderstorm","icon":"11d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":294.15,"pressure":1011,"humidity":73,"temp_min":294.15,"temp_max":294.15},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":5.7,"deg":300,"gust":11.3},"clouds":{"all":75},"dt":1535041200,"sys":{"type":1,"id":4879,"message":0.0021,"country":"DE","sunrise":1534997073,"sunset":1535047724},"id":2880067,"name":"Lausa","cod":200}

Thanks :slight_smile: