Few days ago I bought the NetAtmo Smart Video Doorbell, nice product imho.
(Smart Video Doorbell | Netatmo)
The NetAtmo binding works like a charme. Client-ID and Client_Secret found at their website. The question is, if it’s possible to get this “Smart Video Doorbell” working with the Netatmo binding. I think by now this is not yet possible, let’s hope I’m wrong.
configuration: RPi4, OH 3.2.0
I would be interested in the answer as well.
There is some documentation on the API here (just checked briefly):
Netatmo Connect | Security API Documentation
I am still in the progress to decide between eufy or Netatmo doorbell…
There is a new version of the binding underway, currently in code-review. PR is here https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/pull/10831 and contains a link to a binary in the first post for testing.
Netatmo unfortunately deprecated a few API-calls just recently, and the developer @glhopital decided to bring in those as well. So it might take a bit more time until its merged and available with the snapshot-versions.
Awesome - thank you, Markus!
Wouw, would be nice. I’ll give it a shot, patiently.
I face challenges with this Thing as well:
Netatmo Account works well:
But during the setup of the Doorbell Thing no Bridge can be selected:

When I add it manually to the code:
UID: netatmo:doorbell:fca0630762
label: Smart Video Doorbell
thingTypeUID: netatmo:doorbell
bridgeUID: netatmo:account:Bridge
the thing Status remains in UNKNOWN.
And the work on github seems to have been sleeping since May 2022.
Any hint how I can get this to a working state?