Apple Watch Switch and Slider not working

I use OH3.4.4, iOS 16.5 / watchOS 9.5.1 and the OpenHab App V2.4.56.
The iOS App works as expected, the Apple Watch App works basically ok but has issues with switches and sliders. I want to power on/off my Denon 8500 and want to adjust the volume, here’s the watch.sitemap file:

sitemap watch label=“Watch”
Switch item=8500_Power label=“Power”
Slider item=8500_Pegel label=“Pegel”
Text label=“Test”

I did play around with https/http with Port 8080 and 8443, always send logon data (tried on and off) and the SSL is on ignore (always). All items are displays as expected but using the slider or the switch does not have an effect on the device. any idea?

solved: used wrong names for items.