APT Repo Public Key Expiration & Update

@dikkedimi is right that following the documentation wouldn’t fix their error, although the error shouldn’t affect any functionality and the only effect is the message they receive.

Following the docs would remove the Bintray reference for you if the the reference was held in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openhab.list, but since they very recently upgraded from openhab2, the outdated list file was called openhab2.list, hence both exist after following the instructions.

Can anyone tell me where can i download openhab 2.4.0
Currently i have installed 2.5.3 where i got stuck in standard mode UI installation…can anyone help me out?

I think I read that with the end of bintray all those old archived versions of OH went away too and only 2.5.12 and 3.0+ are available. I suspect someone ought to be able to build older versions of OH from source, assuming tags were taken that correspond with the releases.

I could be wrong though and there are old versions of OH stored around somewhere else. But I don’t know where they are.

Was trying to update and got invalid public key error. This here solved my problem. Thanks.

Hi @pedrolima (and for others seeing this thread).

Please note that using apt-key is deprecated and is no longer the recommended way for any Linux software. See the latest announcement on the key expiring.

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