To close this out, I finally got it working today and am happy with getting it to work without using text config files. (I personally despise them, despite being a dev)
This is specifically for the AQARA WS-USC01 available on amazon in the americas. It’s a “no neutral wire” switch so it has a battery or slow capacitor inside, not sure which. In my case I had to use it because a slack electrician added a switch for a light by simply putting the switch in line, leaving the neutral at the fixture. This can happen when the walls and ceiling are finished and breaking them would be an excess of work, however in my case it was an unfinished space so it should have been run.
Some URLs that will help you. openhabsvr in the url means YOUR open hab instance’s IPaddress or name. If you are not on Rasberry Pi (RPI) yet, highly recommend it. I was running it on a NAS for years and years, but Openhabian on the RPI is lower powered (so the nas can sleep state) and RPI is stable, and faster to respond when the nas is busy.
Devices supported by zigbee2mqtt:
Cool software that talks directly to the mqtt device. You can see all sorts of data and publish commands to the device(s). This helped immensely with seeing the config and sending json payloads.
Your zigbee2mqtt after install in OH is here:
Your OH log is here (you must login as admin via the web to see it):
You will need a Sonoff Zigbee dongle from amazon that will plug into your RPI.
Adding the THING in OH
Forget using the Home Assistant MQTT search, its problematic, it will find the device and create the THING but it will not always make the proper channels for the THING and this was my problem there was no SWITCH channel. Instead I created a THING manually via the GUI.
Things Page > click the blue + > MQTT Binding > Generic MQTT Thing
Make sure to choose the bridge you setup when Mosquitto was installed via OH admin linux console.
Save it. and Edit it.
Goto the channels tab for the new THING and ADD A CHANNEL then enter the specifics
Notice the MQTT Command topic has a /set this is important
The payloads (aka data) for the Command Topic are in json format, with curly braces {"state:“ON”}
Lastly after saving make an ITEM linked the Channel (green plus - add link to item)
In this case a switch type item.
Once the item is saved, toggling it will turn on and off your switch.
Hope that helps you.
***REMINDER you must have setup mosquitto and zigbee on openhab before any of this, its simple and there are a few threads on it, if you’re stuck reply to me I may be around to help.
Also you DO NOT NEED the aqara hub for this, you do need the zigbee dongle.