Are there changes in derived group status

With my TP Link sockets, I have combined the switch and RSSI in one group.

Openhab 3.4.4 on Windows 11
Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF)  TP_ST10_G  "TP  10"  <socket>    ["PowerOutlet"] 
 Switch  TP_ST10_Switch  "TP 10 switch [%s]"  <socket>        (TP_ST10_G) ["Switch"]    {... }
 Number  TP_ST10_RSSI    "TP 10 Signal [%d]" <qualityofservice> (TP_ST10_G) ["Frequency"] {...}  

Until now, the group status was always displayed in sync with the switch. But for some time now, unfortunately I don’t remember when, it’s always ON.
If I remove RSSI-item the display is correct.
Has something changed in the group settings, or where can I look for the error?

You can’t combine Number and Switch in one Status. Number Items don’t have a status ON nor OFF.

But to be honest, why putting both Items in a group anyway? If it’s about the Semantic Model, just omit the aggregation, you don’t need it.

Yes, it’s only for the Semantic Model to have some order and a better overview.