Astro-binding - all START vs. END times are exchanged


is there any known issue (I couldn’t find some here).
All my sunrise, sunset, civil, natic, etc. datetime items are exchanged.
That means the beginning of the sunset is after the end:


==> /var/log/openhab/events.log <==

2024-01-03 12:58:46.420 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'ASTRO_SonnenDaten_Start' changed from NULL to 2024-01-03T06:51:00.000+0100
2024-01-03 12:59:53.369 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'ASTRO_SonnenDaten_End' changed from NULL to 2024-01-03T06:48:00.000+0100

Because of this issue, I startet a new, clean Image openHabian on my Raspberry Pi 3.
Assumeing any sideeffects, I started on the clean openhabian image with the astro-bindinding (File: astro.thing). As the astro-binding is a real simple one I thought, there’s nothing to make wrong…

// astro.things
Thing astro:moon:local 	"ASTRO Mond-Daten" 		@"Home"		[geolocation="123.4567890,12.34567890", interval=300]
Thing astro:sun:local	"ASTRO Sonnen-Daten" 	@"Home"		[geolocation="123.4567890,12.34567890", interval=300]

(geolocation anonymized)

before I started whith my astro-item-file, I generated two items on the web-console:

Where’s the error? Somebody any hints or ideas?

thank you for your help!

I’m on 4.1.
I added the items. Mine are working fine…

It don’t help you, but the binding is fine… :man_shrugging:t3:

Hold on… maybe I found it…

It’s so embarrassing…

Where is the button to delete this thread?

during anonymizing my geolocation, i was struggling about the value…
I should have double check it before!

Sorry for that. correction of geo-data brings correct values for start- and end-time.

Thank you for trying to help me.