does anyone use Google TTS and SSML?
It works well with chromecast binding and Google TTS.
also the tags, like or work well
however i try in vain to play an audio file with the
i try the samples from google sound library https://developers.google.com/assistant/tools/sound-library but the log says “Audio format OGG_OPUS is not yet supported.” .
So i try also own public downloadable mp3 files
and use samples from https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/docs/ssml?hl=de
tmptext=tmptext + " The Break worsk fine <break time=\"3s\"/>."
tmptext=tmptext + " <audio src=\"https://actions.google.com/sounds/v1/alarms/alarm_clock.ogg\">Audio not found</audio>"
tmptext=tmptext + " end."
can anyone help me with the sound file?
Thanks in Advance