Allows one to set a lower unit, upper unit, and threshold above which the transformation returns the state in the upper unit.
There are three arguments:
: unit to use when the value is below the thresholdupperUnit
: unit to use when the value is above the thresholdthreshold
: value above which theupperUnit
is used
For example, if the lowerUnit
is W
and the upperUnit
is kW
and the threshold
is 1 kW
, an input of 750 W
will be returned unchanged. An input of 0.75 kW
will be returned as 750 W
. An input of 1025 W
will be returned as 1.025 kW
See below for an example on how to call the transformation.
Version 0.1
- initial release
"uid": "config:js:ohrt_ScaleUnits",
"label": "Scale Units",
"type": "js",
"configuration": {
"function": "(function(data, lowUnit, highUnit, threshold) {\n console.loggerName \u003d \u0027org.openhab.automation.rules_tools.ScaleUnits\u0027;\n console.trace(\u0027ohrt_scaleUnit invoked with: \"\u0027 + data + \u0027\" \"\u0027 + lowUnit + \u0027\" \"\u0027 + highUnit + \u0027\" \"\u0027 + threshold + \u0027\"\u0027);\n let rval \u003d Quantity(data).toUnit(lowUnit);\n console.trace(\"To low unit result \" + rval);\n if(rval.greaterThan(Quantity(threshold))) { \n console.trace(\"Over threshold, converting...\")\n rval \u003d rval.toUnit(highUnit);\n }\n console.debug(\"Before conversion \" + data + \" after conversion \" + rval);\n return rval.toString();\n})(input, lowUnit, highUnit, threshold)"
Calling the transformation with these arguments would look like:
JS(config:js:ohrt_ScaleUnits?lowUnit="W"&highUnit="kW"&threshold="1000 W")