Automower DateTime different between Next Start and local time

since yesterday I have the automower binding installed and I have a problem with the information from the automower binding.
My configuration is

  • OH: Openhab 3.1 stable
  • System: Synology DS920+ in a docker container
  • TZ: Europe/Berlin
  • Mower: Husqvarna AM405X.

The automower binding provides three DateTime channels, two of them are relevant

DateTime   Automower_Last_Update       "Letzte Änderung [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"  { channel="automower:automower:xxx:yyy:last-update" }
DateTime   Automower_Next_Start_Time   "Nächste Startzeit [%1$tA, %1$tH:%1$tM]"           { channel="automower:automower:xxx:yyy:planner-next-start" }

For Automower_Last_Update I get “2021-07-04T12:29:51.880+0200” this is the correct time for my TZ but for Automower_Next_Start_Time I get “2021-07-04T16:00:00.000+0200” but it should be “2021-07-04T14:00:00.000+0200” because my calendar tasks are planned for 14:00 o’clock.

In the “Automower(R) Connect” App the time for next start is correct. And even in the timeplan between 14:00 and 20:00 the difference between the openhab Automower_Next_Start_Time and the App information is always 2 hours.

Has anybody an idea what I can do?
Thanks in advance.

You can add an offset in the Thing Channel (-7200s)

thank you for your solution.
I have now solved it with an additional item and a rule that adds the difference between GMT and my time zone if the Automower_Next_Start_Time is changed. This means that I have the summer / winter time changeover under control.

val long zo = Long.parseLong(now.getOffset.toString.substring(0,3))
val ZonedDateTime dt = (Automower_Next_Start_Time.state as DateTimeType).getZonedDateTime.minusHours(zo)
Automower_Next_Start_LocalTime.sendCommand(new DateTimeType(dt))