aWATTar binding: Beta and discussion

@Wolfgang1966 I’d like to contribute and add a capability to read spot prices from the Entso-E Transparency Platform so that your wonderful binding could be used by folks from other countries and regardless where they are purchasing their electricity from.

I installed the aWATTar Bindingin and had a 10 min look at it and it looks to me that the only thing that would be needed is to enhance this so that there would be another Bridge option which would take the following arguments:

  • Entso-E API token (this is free of charge and can be obtained from Entso-E service desk)
  • Bidding Zone, for example 10YFI-1--------U means Finland
  • VAT multiplier
  • Currency exchange rate so that folks who do not use Euros can see the prices in their own currency

Is my assumption correct that the only thing that is needed is to write this additional Bridge?
