Awtrix 3 Binding (formerly Awtrix Light)

Yes these are the two things that are supported by the binding. Can you add things or does this give you more exceptions?

Have you already had the mqtt binding installed?

I don’t know what the exception means, maybe this is just a small hickup right after the installation!? Please try to use the binding by adding things and tell me whether this works for you. Thank you!

I just got a TC001 and haven’t heard of Awtrix until today. Maybe it’s a stupid question, but what does it mean when it says here that Awtrix 2.0 got discontinued? I don’t read anything about a successor. Is this even relevant for using the binding?

I didn’t use Awtrix 2.0 myself but as far as I unterstand it Awtrix was a complete DIY solution that you could build yourself. Awtrix light can be seen as a successor to Awtrix 2.0 but it can be installed on the ready to buy TC001 hardware. But that is just my understanding, please correct me if I’m wrong :man_shrugging:

You find the current documentation here:

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Yes, correct.
There is even a firmware for old Awtrix2.0 displays to change them into Awtrix lite.

The naming is a bit weird :slight_smile: as Awtrix lite is much more powerful than Awtrix2.0, but to be fair, Awtrix2.0 was able to - sort of - run standalone, where an Awtrix lite hardware is reduced to time and date without an additional server (which is irrelevant in openHAB context :wink: ).

Now it worked!

I installed the latest jar in the addon folder (OH 4.1.0).

But I don’t get any atrix bridge.

my mqtt server get infos from my light:

Bu I don’t get any atrix entry within my mqtt binding:

Where is my mistake?

It seems that something went wrong with the installation because I don’t see that you could add the device manually either which means that the binding is not installed. Do you have any errors in the logs after you dropped the jar file in your addon folder?

No error(s), nothing in the logs …
Can I check it it is loaded in this way:
bundle:status org.openhab.binding.mqtt.awtrixlight

If yes … then this:
Error executing command: Bundle org.openhab.binding.mqtt.awtrixlight does not match any bundle

Hm, it should say „Active“. Maybe just move the file out of the folder and back in? No idea what went wrong here…

No change. I pulled the file with wget direcly into the folder and made a restart … nothing happens.
Maby the file is wrong?

I just downloaded the file with wget again and used diff to compare with my local copy. The files are the same. So if the file is corrupt something went wrong on the way from Dropbox to your machine.

This is the result of md5sum of the package: 630ee046461de97f47c5b54140e00425

If you have the same file then something else must be wrong

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Same problem here - thought may be a right problem - but then i fund these thread … and that i not alone…

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Thank you for your input. This might help to track this issue down. My problem is that I cannot reproduce this on my system. It just works for me and also for other users. I’m also on OH version 4.1.0… weird that you don’t see any errors in the logs :thinking:

One question: have you set proper file permissions? Is your OH user able to access the file?

i´m running it with docker under portainer in a stack - for testing i set also the file on 755
but openhab do not see it… other files like rules a without any problem

Yeah 755 should be enough. I always transfer ownership to the openHAB user. But I think it’s just a habit, technically I do not see why this would make a difference.

Do you have any other manually installed bundles?

@Udo_Hartmann , nope

Ok, I reup my OH 4.0.3 container.
In this version, I get an installed after bundle:status org.openhab.binding.mqtt.awtrixlight
but :frowning:
I get also this


So it is installed but doesn’t work.

With OH 4.1.0 I dont get the installed message or the error.
In 4.1.0 there is nothing …

hope this helps :pray:

The latest binding builds will only work on 4.1.0 and up due to a missing gson dependency in older versions. So the error on 4.0.3 is expected. However it should install also in the 4.1.0 version and it sure does in mine.

The latest version that will run on 4.0.3 can be found here: Awtrix Light Binding - #4 by DrRSatzteil

But this is not an actual solution of course…

ok, two step back and one big step forward :slight_smile:

I threw away the old 4.1.0 container and setup a new one with update from 4.0.3 (the version with active but framework error). After the update I put the jar in the addon folder an … YES :metal:

Now the thing is working

So the root cause was somewhere in my container confiuguration … :innocent:

Thanks for your support/assistant.


New(bie)question :innocent:

I created an app and the display shows “NEW AWTRIX APP”.
So fine.
I set up two items for the text and the icon.

String    AwtrixApp_OutsideTemp_DisplayText        {channel="mqtt:awtrixapp:HeiTrix:AwtrixAppTempOutside:text"}
String    AwtrixApp_OutsideTemp_Icon                {channel="mqtt:awtrixapp:HeiTrix:AwtrixAppTempOutside:icon"}

I update the items with a rule:


But therr are no updates via mqtt. So the display shows still “NEW AWTRIX APP”.

Whare I’m wrong :roll_eyes: