Hi everyone and thanks for the inclusion. I know my first post and then directly a project presentation, is probably unusual, but may be interesting for some…
Based on an earlier post, I had tried to use this system in openHab 4. Unfortunately, I reached the limits of this project early on, especially because it could not be compiled and had problems with the libraries.
So I took this as a basis to make something new that runs independently of the openHAB API and runs purely via MQTT.
This resulted in AzTouchMQTTInterface, which is not as colorful as the template, but its function can be extended quickly and easily.
In essence, the AZ Touch wall mod is used, whereby a hardware modification must be made to access the SD card.
This means that the entire configuration can then be outsourced quite simply and easily later on and no API is required.
Much is explained on this page Heimautomation mit openHAB - Teil 4, it was a small project work.
In the meantime, however, the project has matured further on my GitHub page, see ,GitHub - M3taKn1ght/AzTouchMQTTInterface: Use the AZ Touch as control device for MQTT-Devices or device for Homeautomation. and further features are planned.
Please don’t be surprised about the current state of the GitHub page,I will gradually update the description and wiki here, but first I wanted to get the project running for me and my family. Many features have already been implemented, more are planned and will follow.
But why MQTT?
You can do a lot with MQTT, especially in combination with openHAB and Node Red. Almost every IoT device understands/can use MQTT and so my AzTouchMQTT interface project can be used without openHAB. All you need is an MQTT broker.
I am happy to receive suggestions and criticism.
Until then