Backup account not available

I’m setting up my new system (so far migrating things/items/rules) and i thought i’m on the right path, but when i tried to set up amanda i ran into this problem:

[16:49:57] openhabian@OHab2:~$ sudo su - backup
This account is currently not available.

my system:

##   Release = Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
##    Kernel = Linux 4.19.118-v7l+
##  Platform = Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1
##    Uptime = 0 day(s). 0:38:16
## CPU Usage = 0% avg over 4 cpu(s) (4 core(s) x 1 socket(s))
##  CPU Load = 1m: 0.09, 5m: 0.20, 15m: 0.21
##    Memory = Free: 2.78GB (72%), Used: 1.07GB (28%), Total: 3.86GB
##      Swap = Free: 0.68GB (100%), Used: 0.00GB (0%), Total: 0.68GB
##      Root = Free: 10.96GB (79%), Used: 2.74GB (21%), Total: 14.32GB
##   Updates = 0 apt updates available.
##  Sessions = 1 session(s)
## Processes = 123 running processes of 32768 maximum processes

              Welcome to            __  _____    ____  _
            ____  ____  ___  ____  / / / /   |  / __ )(_)___ _____
           / __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ /_/ / /| | / __  / / __ `/ __ \
          / /_/ / /_/ /  __/ / / / __  / ___ |/ /_/ / / /_/ / / / /
          \____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/_/ /_/_/  |_/_____/_/\__,_/_/ /_/
                  openHAB 2.5.6-2 (Release Build)

i had another error popping up today (not being problematic for now)
i don’t know if this related:

[16:50:02] openhabian@OHab2:~$ sudo systemctl stop openhab2.service
Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of openhab2.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.

(sudo) daemon-reload runs ok, but after reboot the error/problem appears again…

until now everything went great. the only error i made was this:
i enabled ZRAM via openhabian-config (while it was already enabled from the beginning… i’ve read @mstormi but i was somehow did NOT read it again and so i didn’t see the thirds line…)
today i figured out that ZRAM wasn’t working, so disabled and enabled it again via openhabian-config. ZRAM seems to work (at least now i don’t lose logs / persistence after reboot).

is any of this related?


edit: i was on 2.5.5-1 when i made this post. i upgraded to 2.5.6-2 - all problems remain though

You have not set the initial password for user backup (can do via openhabian-config menu).

that’s ture.

i went for entry 34 Change passwords and chose “Amanda backup User account; “backup” to handle openHAB backups”, but i still can’t use the backup user (same “error” message as before). amanda is not installed yet, as i have no prepared everything… tried with terminal:

[18:10:22] openhabian@OHab2:~$ sudo passwd backup
Geben Sie ein neues Passwort ein:
Geben Sie das neue Passwort erneut ein:
passwd: Passwort erfolgreich geändert
[18:12:01] openhabian@OHab2:~$ sudo su - backup
This account is currently not available.

of course, it is created no sooner than on Amanda install