October 11, 2018, 9:37am
i moved my openhabian to an external ssd.
now i’d like to backup everything (not only openhab settings > took me a while to get serial running…), but i have no idea how to that…
any ideas?
October 11, 2018, 10:02am
Amanda (integrated into openHABian) or raspiBackup .
How to backup your openHABian server using Amanda
# Intro
## The need for recovery
First, make yourself aware how important a comprehensive backup and recovery concept is.
Yes, this text is the README on the backup software part for openHABian that you're reading, but take a couple of minutes to
read and think about recovery in a generic sense first. This might avoid a LOT of frustration.
So you have your smart home working thanks to openHAB(ian).... but what if a component of your system fails ?
First thing is: you need spare hardware of EVERY component that needs to work for your smart home to work.
Think of EVERY relevant component and not just the obvious ones. Think of your Internet router, switch, server, NAS and required
addons such as a ZWave or 433MHz radio or WiFi USB stick, proper power supplies and the SD card writer.
Now think of a recovery concept for each of these components: what do you have to do if it fails ?
If the SD card in your Pi fails because of SD corruption (a very common problem), you need to have a PREinstalled, at least
somewhat current clone SD card to contain all your current OS packages, including all helper programs you might be using (such
as say mosquitto or any scripts you might have installed yourself), and your matching CURRENT openHAB config, and more.
If you believe "in case of SD card crash, I'll simply reinstall my server from scratch", then think first!
How long will that take you? Are you even capable of doing that ? Will the latest version of openHABian/Linux packages be
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