Basic Ui Question


i have a few questions about the Basic UI.

First I wanna Add Date and Time to the UI so I installed the NTP Binding, and I Add in Paper Ui a Thing

I can see the Time and Date in the Paper UI, but not in my Classic Ui:

                Frame label="Wetter Leipzig" {
            Text item=LocalTime_Date
            Text item=Wetterinformation_Temperatur
            Text item=Wetterinformation_Luftfeuchtigkeit
            Text item=Wetterinformation_Luftdruck

Second Problem,

I added my heating and it works all fine. In Paper Ui I can push the Buttons to Change the Temperatur but I only see the changed Temperatur when I refresh the page (tested on Mac, Windows and iPhone)

Maybe someone can help me.

link the item to the top channel (ntp:ntp:local:dateTime)

Doesen´t Work :frowning:

Text item=Time_Date

what is the config of the sitemap

sitemap goodnight label="Wohnung"

Frame label=“Allgemein” {
Switch item=server icon=“cinema” label=“Server” mappings=[ON=“Einschalten”] // Server Einschalten
Switch item=heizungan icon=“heating” label=“Heizung auf Tagestemperatur” mappings=[ON=“Setzen”] // Heizung an auf Tagestemperatur
Switch item=goodnight icon=“moon” label=“Goognight” mappings=[ON=“Starten”] // good-night Switch for all
Frame label=“Wetter Leipzig” {
Text item=Time_Date
Text item=Wetterinformation_Temperatur
Text item=Wetterinformation_Luftfeuchtigkeit
Text item=Wetterinformation_Luftdruck
Frame label=“Stube” {
Text item=StubeThermostatCurrentTemp icon=“temperature” label=“Akutelle Temperatur” // current-Temperature for Stube
Setpoint item=StubeThermostatTargetTemperature icon=“heating” label=“Ziel Temperatur” minValue=5 maxValue=28 step=0.5 // set-Temperature for Stube
Text item=ThermostatStube_ModusDesGerTes icon=“settings” label=“Modus” // Modus Heizung Stube
Text item=FensterStube_FensterZustand icon=“contact” label=“Fenster” // Status Fenster Stube
Switch item=Pc icon=“softener” label=“Steckdose PC” mappings=[ON=“An”, OFF=“Aus”] // Steckdose PC
Switch item=TvStube icon=“sofa” label=“Steckdose TV” mappings=[ON=“An”, OFF=“Aus”] // Steckdose TV
Switch item=Deckenfluter icon=“slider” label=“Stehlampe” // Stehlampe Stube
Colorpicker item=LichtStube_Color icon=“colorlight” label=“Licht Decke” // Licht Stube
Frame label=“Flur” {
Colorpicker item=LichtFlur_Color icon=“colorlight” label=“Licht” // Licht Flur Farbtemperatur
Frame label=“Küche” {
Text item=KuecheThermostatCurrentTemp icon=“temperature” label=“Akutelle Temperatur” // current-Temperature for Küche
Setpoint item=KuecheThermostatTargetTemperature icon=“heating” label=“Ziel Temperatur” minValue=5 maxValue=28 step=0.5 // set-Temperature for Küche
Text item=ThermostatKChe_ModusDesGerTes icon=“settings” label=“Modus” // Modus Heizung Küche
Text item=FensterKueche_FensterZustand icon=“contact” label=“Fenster” // Status Fenster Küche
Frame label=“Bad” {
Text item=BadThermostatCurrentTemp icon=“temperature” label=“Akutelle Temperatur” // current-Temperature for Bad
Setpoint item=BadThermostatTargetTemperature icon=“heating” label=“Ziel Temperatur” minValue=5 maxValue=28 step=0.5 // set-Temperature for Bad
Text item=ThermostatBad_ModusDesGerTes icon=“settings” label=“Modus” // Modus Heizung Bad
Text item=FensterBad_FensterZustand icon=“contact” label=“Fenster” // Status Fenster Bad
Slider item=LichtBad icon=“slider” label=“Licht” // Licht Bad
Frame label=“Schlafzimmer” {
Text item=SchlafzimmerThermostatCurrentTemp icon=“temperature” label=“Akutelle Temperatur” // current-Temperature for Bad
Setpoint item=SchlafzimmerThermostatTargetTemperature icon=“heating” label=“Ziel Temperatur” minValue=5 maxValue=28 step=0.5 // set-Temperature for Schlafzimmer
Text item=ThermostatSchlafzimmer_Modus icon=“settings” label=“Modus” // Modus Heizung Bad
Text item=FensterSchalfzimmer_FensterZustand icon=“contact” label=“Fenster” // Status Fenster Schlafzimmer
Colorpicker item=LichtSchlafzimmer icon=“colorlight” label=“Farbtemperatur” // Licht Schlafzimmer Farbtemperatur
Switch item=Luftreiniger icon=“fan” label=“Luftreiniger” // Luftreiniger

You have to format the datetime item.

Text item=CurrentTime label="[%1$tH:%1$tM:%1tS]"

This dislays only the HH:MM:SS of the time.
You can check out the Java doc of the date time format.

This works thx for your help :slight_smile:

Sometimes its hard for me to understand the Documentation.