Battery remote requires 2 single presses for a 1 press scene

I’ve noticed that when using the Zooz Zen37 800LR battery powered remote (Top large button: light A, Other large button: Light B) sometimes a button has to be pressed a second time to get a light to turn on. It should only require one press which works once in a while. It always turns on with a 2nd press. I can’t really see a pattern based on time since the last press but perhaps the remote is asleep for the first press? The distances between the remote, the light switch and the controller are not extreme. Anyone have any idea on how to remedy this? Perhaps I’m using the remote incorrectly?

Remote code:

UID: zwave:device:18364cd37a:node10
label: "ZW N10: ZEN37 4 Button Remote"
thingTypeUID: zwave:zooz_zen37800lr_00_000
  binding_cmdrepollperiod: 500
  group_9: []
  group_8: []
  group_5: []
    - node_5
    - node_9
    - node_9
    - node_5
  wakeup_interval: 43200
    - controller
  group_3: []
  group_2: []
  config_1_1: 5
  config_2_1: 0
  config_7_1: 5
  wakeup_node: 1
  config_3_1: 0
  config_4_1: 0
  config_5_1: 0
  config_6_1: 10
  node_id: 10
bridgeUID: zwave:serial_zstick:18364cd37a
location: Kitchen Table
  - id: scene_number
    channelTypeUID: zwave:scene_number
    label: Scene Number
    description: Triggers when a scene button is pressed
    configuration: {}
  - id: alarm_power
    channelTypeUID: zwave:alarm_power
    label: Alarm (power)
    description: Indicates if a power alarm is triggered
    configuration: {}
  - id: battery-level
    channelTypeUID: system:battery-level
    label: Battery Level
    description: Battery level as a percentage (0-100%)
    configuration: {}

Are you using openHAB zwave binding or what?
does the light connect directly to the remote? or does it trigger thru a rule / item?
Are items bound to any of the remote’s channels?

And finally… does any of this activity show up in the logs?

I’m using the openHAB zwave binding. I wasn’t sure about the direct connection from light to remote so I shut down the OH application on the server and the lights still work with the remote, so I assume the connection is direct, no rules or other triggers involved. Not sure about bound items to remote channels, how would I determine this?

When OH is up and running the events to show up in the logs.

Do these observations clue you in to what I should try next?

I think these devices can be a little tricky. Since the same button has tap, press, hold or tap again, there can be a delay with the device waiting to decide if your “press” might linger and become a hold or another tap is coming. If different people are pressing the buttons they might have some variation in “tap” speed that confuses the device.

My only suggestion is if nodes 5 and 9 are not dimmers take nodes 5 and 9 out of group 4. From the manual that is a hold group to increase the brightness.

I’m also assuming the answer here is no. The channel in question is the scene number. As alluded to by @Andrew_Rowe the scene number channel can trigger rules to turn on/off lights. However, if you do have this linked and are not using it, remove the link and item so the device is only set up for direct toggle control (groups 6 and 7). It might work better.

I’ve fiddled around with button presses to see if the length of “hold” makes any difference. It does not appear to. Nodes 5 and 9 are dimmer nodes and I can control the dimmer function with a long press of the buttons.

I did find something interesting though:
If one of the lights is turned on by the physical switch, I can see the state change to ON on my Overview page. However, pressing the remote button will not turn it off until the 2nd press as if the system doesn’t know it’s already on (but it seems like it should). So the first press appears to try to turn it on again (it’s already on) and the 2nd press is required to toggle it off.
Once the light is off, if I turn it on via the remote it does so on the 1st press and off with another press as it is back in sync.

Does this help diagnose the issue? Do I need to turn this control into a rule?

Is it possible to add the remote to a report group on the device connected to the physical switch? If the problem is that the remote gets out of sync with the device, this could possibly be a solution.

I have a similar issue, where I have a spare input on a flush dimmer that I use to control a different device. These can get out of sync in the same way you describe, and I have to push it twice to turn on/off the other light.

I think the analysis by @pacive explains the situation. When the physical switch is turned on the Zen remote has no way of knowing that. However, I don’t think adding the zen to a physical switch control group will work. First I don’t think the Zen would know what to do with the Basic Set (what button?) and Second, as a battery device it would need to be awake to do anything.

A rule (logic something like) When Scene (received update), If ON >>OFF If OFF >> ON. A concern here is that the second press on the same button may not be interpreted as an update. You might have to end the rule with an artificial scene item.postUpdate (). Use your favorite language.

To stick with the direct control option you could put Node 5 in group 2 and node 9 in group 3. Then use button 1 to turn 5 on and button 2 to turn 5 off. Likewise for buttons 3/4 on node 9. (assuming I have read the manual correctly :wink:)

Thanks for the suggestions. I am aware of the 2 button on/off option for the remotes. I can live with pressing the button again if I can’t figure out a way to change the behavior. Just trying to figure out how the Zwave devices work and interact. Didn’t expect these things to be so complex and confusing.

Are Zigbee devices easier (less confusing) to work with or is one just trading in one set of issues for another set?