Hi Thomas,
thank you for your interest.
Well, the binding is optimized to run with a special Beckhoff PLC LIB (shiped together with the binding), so you probably have to reimplement the PLC program for your home.
You do not need to start on a green field: the PLC-Library ships with an easy to use reference project. If you have to control lights, dimmers, blinds, room temperature and things like that then you’ll need about a week end to finish the project.
Alternatively, you can also leave your program and logic as-is and glue that to my LIB. I think, at the end the programing effort remains the same.
The advantage of using my lib is, you get a lot of ready to use home automation logic. For example if you want to have a room temperature controller you just need to call a function module instance like this:
VAR fbTempWO: FB_OHThing_TempControl;
sOHThingLabel:='Temperatur Wohnzimmer',
aProg:=fbSetTimesFBH.aProgTimes, // optional array of heating times for day/night
bExtEco:=bOpenWindowWO // optional link to a window reed contact
And you get this(!) all automagically on openHAB side:
These 5-6 lines are a ready to use room controller - the whole logic is included within the special Beckhoff PLC LIB. You see the actual room temperature, the history and a graph, two setpoints (day and night temperature), automatic mode switch based on a time array, an optional connection to the window reed contact (hence it shows EXT_ECO in my screenshot), etc.
On openHAB side everything works per plug&play. The Binding is able to automatically analyze the PLC program, and all the necessary configuration files for openHAB are created automatically (a sitemap, a persistence file, etc.).
If you do not need the built-in logic but want to use your own, then you can use simple switches, sliders, etc. and bind them to your variables.
The software should work on all TwinCAT 3 PLCs, I’m running the software in all projects on a CX9020.
I could send you the latest release of the LIB, the reference project, the openHAB binding and a time limited test licence so you can try everything on a test-PLC and a Raspberry. If you’re a pro in PLC programming and if you want I can also help you to get the project run in your productive PLC… just for fun. I’ve done this several time remote (by phone, email, team viewer…).
Are you leaving in Germany? If yes, we can talk in German 
If you want, I can show you a live demonstration via Netmeeting (Teamviewer). Or if you’re leaving not far from Kassel then we can even meet somewhere - after the Corona Crisis.
The official home page of my start up is http://bashatec.de
You could also drop me a mail osman[at]bashatec.de
Best regards from Kassel,