Same with MHI devices using Intesis WiFi Adapter. You need the original remote to turn off the LED of the indoor units. Might be possible with your devices as well…
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Exactly, with the remote indeed it works. I’ll probably wire a d1 mini with an ir blaster just to turn that blasted light off ;;
My devices keep this setting until mains power failure…
Huh. One sec…
Nope, no such luck. Darned things just take another “on” command and the light is back on. It’s fine though, all it takes it for the wife to get angry and the leds will get electrical tape on top of them
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Based on the reference above I’d add the Midea binding (currently a forum binding here - but I have a PR for an official add-on) would possibly work similarly. I did extract a command for the LED light from a HA implementation, but it didn’t work for me (only LED off via IR). For me the AC season is over however.
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