Betatest - Renault ZE Services Binding

I am not 100% sure,
but my understanding from the docs is that number:length item is expecting a meter value und if you like to display it as km you would add this in the item description.

If I do a analyze on the channel (not the item):

it shows a value of 2410430. I would assume that are 2410430 meters, but since you hand it over as as “KILO(METRE)” the analysis screen displays within the 2.500.000 km scale.

On the other hand I do not quite understand why the Channel then display it correct as 2410.3 km.
(Do not get confused by the screenshot (with 2460.7 km) - I took it later that day).

So why do I care at all and think there is a bug in your code or maybe in OH3?
I did added another number:length to the scale: a calculation of the included leasing kilometers for my ZOE.

Here is the formula:
// Allowed meters per day - named the item km but its meters :(
leasing_km_per_day = 10000000/365;
// Leasing Start Date
leasing_start_date = new Date("10/25/2021");
// Date Today
date_today = new Date();
// its meters
leasing_km_until_now = Math.round(leasing_km_per_day * ((date_today - leasing_start_date)/(1000 * 3600 * 24)));

And if I add this item to to scale - I do have one in meter (leasing) and the odometer in km:

But if I switch leasing to km everything is fine:

So something is wrong.

And to make this clear: There are a lot more important problems in my setup.
I do not really care. But I stumbled over it and thought it could be easy fixed.

Now that I tried to explain it in detail I am not sure anymore if this is a problem of the binding or the problem of the analysis screen :slight_smile:

Maybe someone like @ysc could explain this easily… but I do not want to bother him with such a minor problem :slight_smile:

@chrode Thanks for the details. I was not sure if I am reporting the value correctly so I chatted about this bug in the pull request at the bottom of here:

I think the binding is OK. It set KM correctly (I think…)

I can reproduce the error and I think it is the “analysis screen” is not using the units for the scale.

I do see meters stored in the database so there is some conversion to meters in the Number:Length maybe… However this is outside of the scope of my binding and knowledge. So I am afraid it is not easy to fix but maybe you have found an openHAB “analysis screen” bug that you could report.

I’m not too sure, but as a general principle the UI doesn’t take UoM into account for these graphs, and certainly doesn’t perform conversions (even from m to km). What the analyzer window does do however is assume (perhaps wrongly) that the detected current unit is the unit for the entire series. It will also try to group series with the same detected unit on the same axis, and add an additional axis for the second unit, etc.
It obviously doesn’t work too well if the reported unit for your item at the time is not the same as the one for values that were persisted.
For instance I have seen cases where the temperature unit was temporarily changed from °C to °F, and even if the unit is persisted, you still get a peak of °F temperatures in your otherwise °C temperature graph.
The UI cannot do much about it, if anything the API should take care of the conversion if at all possible.

I guess (and I mean wild stab in the dark guess) the issue is that the persistence stores Number:Length type in meters. The UI shows the unit and the value… I am not sure if this is correct or where the conversion should be done.

The new version of the Renault binding has been merged to the 3.3 milestone. Thanks for all the help getting this done.



I’m finally upgrading my old openhab 2 to version 3.2.0 (or rather rebuilding from scratch) and was happy to see there is a Renault binding so I could get rid of my custom python stuff that I used for ohab 2 with our ZE50

Just wonder whether it would be possible to add some more items (channels?) around the battery state?

So far only the batterylevel is provided but I see that the api provides much more data. (that I actually used in my old ugly python script based solution)

2022-03-02 21:28:20.299 [DEBUG] [lt.internal.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - Kamereon Response: {"data":{"type":"Car","id":"","attributes":{"timestamp":"2022-03-02T17:10:50Z","batteryLevel":87,"batteryTemperature":20,"batteryAutonomy":221,"batteryCapacity":0,"batteryAvailableEnergy":41,"plugStatus":0,"chargingStatus":0.0,"chargingRemainingTime":15,"chargingInstantaneousPower":1.1}}}

I would love to get the batteryAvailableEnergy and batteryAutonomy values in the binding


ha, found this is already done! [renault] Renault more channels and HVAC ON / toggle charge mode (#12… · openhab/openhab-addons@605c061 (

@Doug_Culnane any way to get this version of the binding into my openahb 3.2.0?

I run it via docker, would this be included in the snapshot images for 3.3?

Hi @JensA,

It should be available in the 3.3 SNAPSHOTS or you can copy this jar ( ) into your addons folder inside your docker container. You will need to uninstall the binding using the Web UI first and then reconfigure your car thing.

This binding jar should work with 3.2 but use at your own risk. It is compiled with the latest 3.3-SNAPSHOT code at the time of writing this.

1 Like

that works! thank you :+1:


it’s been a few days that I am no longer getting info from my Zoé, although it work in the mobile app !?

Thing 'renault:car' changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Kamereon Response Forbidden! Ensure the car is paired in your MyRenault App. to UNINITIALIZED

anyone else getting this error ?
I have an older Zoe ZE40 R110, with OH3.2.0, latest binding

The Kamereon API key on the Renault server has changed, so the binding needs an update.
Renault changes that key about once a year :frowning:
@Doug_Culnane, we need your help :slight_smile:

@sihui and @loyd I also just noticed this error…

Looks like the python chaps have extracted the new api key.

I can update the code but this is a pain… maybe I should make this a configuration variable… in the next version.

Updating the key using the new one from Update default Kamereon API key (#552) · hacf-fr/renault-api@03f4dbd · GitHub worked on my computer…

Here is a new version of the jar with the new key if you need this now:

I will submit this change as a merge request and do a configuration variable of this value so that it can be updated quicker in future…

The new key has been merged to the main branch. ([renault] API key update. by dougculnane · Pull Request #12487 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub) I guess new openhab 3.3.0-SNAPSHOTs will be OK for a year.

@sihui Thanks for the clue about the fix.

I will work on a new version that has this value as a configuration parameter sometime before it changes again… this will allow this to be updated without updating the binding.


the new jar is working perfectly
and it’s a good idea to make this a variable
thanks for the quick action :slight_smile:

New versions of the renault binding will have the Kamereon API key as a parameter to make updates when it changes easier and quicker. This is the PR that just got merged: [renault] API key to configuration parameter and rule update. by dougculnane · Pull Request #12636 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub

I hope the renault-API project continues to extract this key so we can quickly update it.


I have been playing with openHAB UI3 and it is awesome. Here is an example interface for the Renault Car (Zoe) with Auto Charger and Charge Limit controls.

Here is the code if you want to add this and modify it.

  label: Zoe
  order: ""
  sidebar: true
  - component: oh-block
    config: {}
        - component: oh-grid-cells
          config: {}
              - component: oh-cell
                  color: blue
                  action: toggle
                  actionItem: AutoCharge
                  actionCommand: ON
                  actionCommandAlt: OFF
                  item: AutoCharge
                  title: Auto Charge
                  stateAsHeader: true
              - component: oh-label-cell
                  action: options
                  actionItem: RenaultCar_HVACStatus
                  item: RenaultCar_HVACStatus
                  title: HVAC Status
                  stateAsHeader: true
                  expandable: false
                  actionOptions: ON
        - component: oh-grid-row
          config: {}
              - component: oh-grid-col
                  width: "100"
                  xlarge: "55"
                  large: "35"
                  medium: "70"
                    - component: oh-list-card
                        mediaList: true
                          - component: oh-slider-item
                              item: RenaultCar_ChargeLimit
                              icon: f7:forward_end
                              title: Charge Limit
                              min: 60
                              max: 100
                              label: true
                              scale: true
                              unit: "%"
                              releaseOnly: true
                          - component: oh-label-item
                              action: analyzer
                                - RenaultCar_BatteryLevel
                              item: RenaultCar_BatteryLevel
                              title: Battery Level
                              icon: oh:Battery
                              actionAnalyzerChartType: month
                              actionAnalyzerCoordSystem: time
                          - component: oh-label-item
                              action: analyzer
                                - RenaultCar_EstimatedRange
                              item: RenaultCar_EstimatedRange
                              title: Estimated Range
                              fallbackIconToInitial: true
                              icon: pressure
                              actionAnalyzerChartType: month
                              actionAnalyzerCoordSystem: time
                          - component: oh-label-item
                              action: analyzer
                                - RenaultCar_BatteryEnergyAvailable
                              item: RenaultCar_BatteryEnergyAvailable
                              title: Battery Energy Available
                              fallbackIconToInitial: true
                              icon: energy
                              actionAnalyzerCoordSystem: time
                              actionAnalyzerChartType: month
                          - component: oh-label-item
                              item: RenaultCar_ChargingStatus
                              title: Charging Status
                              fallbackIconToInitial: true
                              icon: f7:car_fill
                          - component: oh-label-item
                              item: RenaultCar_PlugStatus
                              title: Plug Status
                              fallbackIconToInitial: true
                              icon: material:power
                          - component: oh-label-item
                              action: options
                              actionItem: RenaultCar_ChargingMode
                              item: RenaultCar_ChargingMode
                              title: Charging Mode
                              fallbackIconToInitial: true
                              icon: f7:list_bullet
                          - component: oh-label-item
                              action: analyzer
                                - RenaultCar_ChargingTimeRemaining
                              item: RenaultCar_ChargingTimeRemaining
                              title: Charging Time Remaining
                              icon: oh:Time
                          - component: oh-label-item
                              actionItem: RenaultCar_HVACStatus
                              item: RenaultCar_HVACStatus
                              title: HVAC Status
                              fallbackIconToInitial: true
                              icon: f7:power
                          - component: oh-label-item
                              action: analyzer
                                - RenaultCar_Odometer
                              item: RenaultCar_Odometer
                              title: Odometer
                              fallbackIconToInitial: true
                              icon: f7:sum
                              actionAnalyzerChartType: year
                              actionAnalyzerCoordSystem: time
              - component: oh-grid-col
                  xlarge: "45"
                  large: "65"
                  medium: "30"
                  width: "100"
                    - component: oh-image-card
                        item: RenaultCar_ImageURL
masonry: null
grid: []
canvas: []


Hi @all,
is ist possible to send a „start charge“-command?


Hi @DJFlaxi

No is the sort answer, but here is also a longer one…

You can change the charging mode from schedule to instant. (If you set a dummy schedule that is not ever active this is effectively OFF) Setting to instant charge is then ON.

There is an example of this at the bottom of this page: Renault - Bindings | openHAB

Normally (in my case at least) the charger controls the supply turning it ON and OFF and setting the maximum amps. You need a smart charger for this like the GoE (Go-eCharger - Bindings | openHAB)

Hi community,

installed the binding and the sitemap.

What do I wrong?
Do I need items for the channels?

getting the following…

user/pass VIN,… has been entered correctly

2022-08-04 08:18:02.570 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.571 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.573 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.575 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.578 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.580 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.582 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.584 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.586 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.588 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.591 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:02.593 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:02.595 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:02.597 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:02.599 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:02.601 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:08.099 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ImageURL' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Image
2022-08-04 08:18:08.102 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ImageURL' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Image
2022-08-04 08:18:08.104 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ImageURL' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Image
2022-08-04 08:18:08.106 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.108 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.110 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.113 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.115 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.117 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.119 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.122 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.124 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.126 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.129 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.131 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.133 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.136 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:08.138 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:08.140 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:08.142 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:08.145 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:08.147 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:23.905 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ImageURL' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Image
2022-08-04 08:18:23.907 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ImageURL' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Image
2022-08-04 08:18:23.910 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ImageURL' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Image
2022-08-04 08:18:23.912 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.915 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.916 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.919 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.921 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.924 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.925 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_ChargingMode' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.928 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.930 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.932 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.935 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.937 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.939 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.941 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACStatus' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Selection
2022-08-04 08:18:23.943 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:23.946 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:23.948 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:23.950 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:18:23.952 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item 'RenaultCar_HVACTargetTemperature' for widget org.openhab.core.model.sitemap.sitemap.Setpoint
2022-08-04 08:19:11.552 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: ac_timer_on_off
2022-08-04 08:19:11.556 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: undefined
2022-08-04 08:19:12.256 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: ac_timer_on_off
2022-08-04 08:19:12.260 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: undefined
2022-08-04 08:29:03.742 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: AutoCharge
2022-08-04 08:29:03.744 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_HVACStatus
2022-08-04 08:29:03.746 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_ChargeLimit
2022-08-04 08:29:03.749 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_BatteryLevel
2022-08-04 08:29:03.751 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_EstimatedRange
2022-08-04 08:29:03.753 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_BatteryEnergyAvailable
2022-08-04 08:29:03.755 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_ChargingStatus
2022-08-04 08:29:03.757 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_PlugStatus
2022-08-04 08:29:03.759 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_ChargingMode
2022-08-04 08:29:03.761 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_ChargingTimeRemaining
2022-08-04 08:29:03.763 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_Odometer
2022-08-04 08:29:03.765 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_ImageURL
2022-08-04 08:29:15.599 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: AutoCharge
2022-08-04 08:29:15.601 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_HVACStatus
2022-08-04 08:29:15.603 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_ChargeLimit
2022-08-04 08:29:15.605 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_BatteryLevel
2022-08-04 08:29:15.607 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_EstimatedRange
2022-08-04 08:29:15.608 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_BatteryEnergyAvailable
2022-08-04 08:29:15.610 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_ChargingStatus
2022-08-04 08:29:15.612 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_PlugStatus
2022-08-04 08:29:15.613 [WARN ] [e.internal.SseItemStatesEventBuilder] - Attempting to send a state update of an item which doesn't exist: RenaultCar_ChargingMode