Betatest - Renault ZE Services Binding

No, sorry, I am using Sitemaps with BasicUI and Android App.

I do not have a widget but I have a basic openHAB 4 page. Let me know if you need this but it is quite easy to make your own.

Sorry for the slow reply. How about the error to debug but the “lock status disabled message” to stay at warn? (The log is the only location I have to display things that are not working and why.)

Not a problem at all.
I know you would have answered faster if I had reported a binding malfunction :grinning:

That is perfectly fine. It just would show a cleaner openHAB startup, and if someone does not like it one can set the binding to error anyway.

Odometer and Estimated Range is showing meters and not kilometers?
Have played with gain and also unit metric change, but I didn’t get it.
How can I transform the value from meters to kilometers?

Assuming you are on openHAB4:

this config

Number:Length ZOE_km "Kilometerstand [%.0f km]" {unit="km", channel="renault:car:zoe:odometer"}
Number:Length ZOE_distance "Reichweite [%.0f km]" {unit="km", channel="renault:car:zoe:estimatedrange"}




PR for your logging request here:

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Since around three days there are reports of missing data from several sources (other home automation forums, stand alone php scripts) for the Renault servers.

I am seeing the same, neither the Renault app nor this bindings shows all previous available data for our Renault ZOE PhII. All Remote Services were renewed in February 2024 and are valid three years.

2024-04-19 09:06:18.042 [DEBUG] [lt.internal.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - Kamereon Request: Response: [404] Not Found
{"type":"FUNCTIONAL","messages":[{"code":"err.func.wired.notFound","message":"{\"errors\":[{\"errorCode\":404,\"errorMessage\":\"There is no data for this vin and uid\",\"errorLevel\":\"error\",\"errorType\":\"functional\"}],\"error_reference\":\"rrt-071990d735b57f7a5-c-eu-18017-5913616-95\"}"}],"errors":[{"errorCode":"err.func.wired.notFound","errorMessage":"{\"errors\":[{\"errorCode\":404,\"errorMessage\":\"There is no data for this vin and uid\",\"errorLevel\":\"error\",\"errorType\":\"functional\"}],\"error_reference\":\"rrt-071990d735b57f7a5-c-eu-18017-5913616-95\"}"}],"error_reference":"FUNCTIONAL"}
2024-04-19 09:06:18.063 [WARN ] [ault.internal.handler.RenaultHandler] - Disabling unsupported lock status update.
2024-04-19 09:08:25.460 [TRACE] [lt.internal.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - GigyaApi Request: Response: [200] OK
  "callId": "038757474631484bbfd52795c39ae372",
  "errorCode": 0,
  "apiVersion": 2,
  "statusCode": 200,
  "statusReason": "OK",
  "time": "2024-04-19T07:08:25.441Z",
  "registeredTimestamp": 1596643887000,
  "UID": "0797a2bf93b7446c950dfaabxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "UIDSignature": "a1kQuIqgfwCjqKwFxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "signatureTimestamp": "1713510505",
  "created": "2020-08-05T16:11:27.855Z",
  "createdTimestamp": 1596643887000,
  "data": {
    "personId": "44bcc109-6162-4703-818e-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "gigyaDataCenter": ""
  "preferences": {},
  "emails": {
    "verified": [
    "unverified": []
  "isActive": true,
  "isRegistered": true,
  "isVerified": true,
  "lastLogin": "2024-04-19T07:08:25.287Z",
  "lastLoginTimestamp": 1713510505000,
  "lastUpdated": "2020-08-05T16:11:54.340Z",
  "lastUpdatedTimestamp": 1596643914340,
  "loginProvider": "site",
  "oldestDataUpdated": "2020-08-05T16:11:27.855Z",
  "oldestDataUpdatedTimestamp": 1596643887855,
  "password": {
    "created": "2022-03-21T23:00:51.909Z"
  "profile": {
    "email": ""
  "registered": "2020-08-05T16:11:27.954Z",
  "socialProviders": "site",
  "verified": "2020-08-05T16:11:54.340Z",
  "verifiedTimestamp": 1596643914340
2024-04-19 09:08:25.481 [DEBUG] [lt.internal.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - personId ID: 44bcc109-6162-4703-818e-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx gigyaDataCenter:
2024-04-19 09:08:25.562 [TRACE] [lt.internal.api.MyRenaultHttpSession] - GigyaApi Request: Response: [200] OK
  "callId": "a2cd8769bf8642a8bb2b8e77efbe0294",
  "errorCode": 0,
  "apiVersion": 2,
  "statusCode": 200,
  "statusReason": "OK",
  "time": "2024-04-19T07:08:25.541Z",
  "ignoredParams": [
      "paramName": "personId",
      "warningCode": 403007,
      "message": "This parameter was not recognized as valid for this API method with your security credentials nor was it recognized as a standard Gigya control parameter."
      "paramName": "gigyaDataCenter",
      "warningCode": 403007,
      "message": "This parameter was not recognized as valid for this API method with your security credentials nor was it recognized as a standard Gigya control parameter."
  "id_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IlJFUTBNVVE1TjBOQ1JUSkVNemszTTBVMVJrTkRRMFUwUTBNMVJFRkJSamhETWpkRU5VRkJRZyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2ZpZG0uZ2lneWEuY29tL2p3dC8zXzdQTGtzT3lCUmtIdjEyNng1V2hIYi01cHFDMXFGUjhwUWp4U2VMQjZuaEFuUEVSVFVsd25Zb3puSFN4d1g2NjgvIiwiYXBpS2V5IjoiM183UExrc095QlJrSHYxMjZ4NVdoSGItNXBxQzFxRlI4cFFqeFNlTEI2bmhBblBFUlRVbHduWW96bkhTeHdYNjY4IiwiaWF0IjoxNzEzNTEwNTA1LCJleHAiOjE3MTM1MTA4MDUsInJpc2tTY29yZSI6MC4wLCJzdWIiOiIwNzk3YTJiZjkzYjc0NDZjOTUwZGZhYWI5YTMxZjRlMCIsImRhdGEucGVyc29uSWQiOiI0NGJjYzEwOS02MTYyLTQ3MDMtODE4ZS1iOTk5N2I3Nzg1YWUiLCJkYXRhLmdpZ3lhRGF0YUNlbnRlciI6ImV1MS5naWd5YS5jb20ifQ.DUmjXY8KetLSGKgEUYovGQz8_PYBSnltkRN5l179le-lyLMTPGr73BV_6aOMZ6pryWjfekZIMX2pYL6-KYAIb78rcRerPSQrxDUyMcFml7GfdAWZPyfboRSvO3alm5oIKn2oQeNV5eTIrHMB-wbU-W-o5MsnjziqCKbKhdKWle7X01nbvF5DmIGEHLg4CE9b3pkKtK-C9V26mssGzaNb5p4jtjOmjU27RKHBg8vWRsZXsgXc8Bnlt_bBax-zjBrB1PsV6QqqH1RiM0fgcQ9uGDt-a2-4gdofYn3YhZbK6d6YAYZ4Vy2KcwSCznzwYt0iEol4JqnNy_yoLQjsUE8JBw"
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Since a couple of hours everything seems to be working again :smile:

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For 3 days now, the odometer (mileage) has stopped displaying correctly - the MyRenault application has the correct value (the same as in the car)
via renault-api I also receive the correct value, but with Renault openhab binding the mileage value stopped 3 days ago :frowning:

by the way,
checking renault-api, I see that the item has appeared
“Charge rate” - I don’t know if it was also available before, but maybe it’s worth adding to the binding?

My car is Zoe ZE50
I’ve been using the binding for less than a year and so far everything has worked perfectly.

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Unfortunately I did not look close enough to my own data, you are correct, the odometer Channel does not get the correct mileage of the car.

I found in another forum, that there are two different datapoints for that reading (/cockpit) in the Renault api, version 1 and version 2. Version 1 has the correct odometer reading, version two does not have the correct reading anmyore.

@Doug_Culnane, could you please have a look if you got some spare time? Maybe you should wait a couple of days for a fix, because three days ago version 2 of the mentioned datapoint was still working :grinning:

Edit: I read in another home automation forum, that they even have the option to switch between the two different cockpit datapoints, because Renault seems to change that from time to time …

Thanks for the info. Lets see what the stable fix (if needed) is likely to be, then I can modify the binding.

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looks like a path to solving the problem :wink:


Thanks for the excellent bug report and fix suggestion. I have opened a pull request.

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Is there a chance to get this fix for OH 3.4.x?