Bind Yi Outdoor Cam to openHab

It won’t show up in any logs if you don’t have the channel linked at an item. Only when it is linked the event log will show the alarm channel move to on and off.

The control channel is the one you link to a dimmer. There are two channels you need to link. One is the output channel the other is the control.

Okay, so when

Switch Doorbell_ffmpegMotionAlarm "FFmpeg Motion" { channel="ipcamera:onvif:Doorbell:ffmpegMotionAlarm" }

changes from off to on the motion alarm is triggered.

Dimmer Doorbell_ffmpegMotionControl "Motion Threshold [%d]" { channel="ipcamera:onvif:Doorbell:ffmpegMotionControl" }

is the channel to control the motion sensitivity, right? Is there a channel which have to be set to ON as well to let this work?

The control channel can be linked to both a switch and a slider if you wish to have both. When you set a value for the threshold it is turned on at the same time. Sound like u understand it now, so hopefully it is working as the logs showed it was doing its job.