Binding-mqtt - 2.5.0.SNAPSHOT; rollershutter command is sent wrong

Hello Guys,

I am using the Shellyswitch2 for handling a rollershutter.

My setup is:
Openhab2 latest snapshot with binding-mqtt - 2.5.0.SNAPSHOT
Mosquitto broker
Mosquitto clients

I added the Thing in paperUI

created a Channel in paperUI

and linked an Item in paperUI

In control I see the controls for the rollershutter

Now for the issue I don’t understand…
When I push a control-button it publishes:
0 instead of stop
0 instead of up
100 instead of down
on the mqtt-broker and the ShellySwitch2 does not react.

I filled in the correct pay-load and toppic…I think.

Can annyone help me?

A rollershutter is a percentage value for openHAB internally. Put aside that stop was wrongly implemented by me and a fix is on the way (after everybody returned from holidays), UP and DOWN will send the target percentage. This might not be clear from the docu (create an Issue if so).

If your shelly wants “stop”, “up” and “down” you should define a switch with those three commands instead. (Can only be done textual on item level unfortunately)

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Same thing here with openHab 2.4

Rollershutter item type publishes:

0 for stop
0 for up
100 for down

Moreover, channel type “Rollershutter” should handle on, off, stop optional string but…it is not working…

Here is my definition


Thing topic rollershutter {
Type rollershutter : westrollershutter “Gestion volet roulant ouest” [ commandTopic="/xxxx/openhab/rollershutter",on=“ON”,off=“OFF”,stop=“STOP” ]


Rollershutter WestRollerShutter “Volet roulant Ouest” {channel=“mqtt:topic:homeMqttBroker:rollershutter:westrollershutter”}

No, the concept describes a RollerShutter to accept UpDown, StopMove and Percentage commands, so if a device expects “Up” as a command, the binding just should send “Up”.

Kai doesn’t agree on this: See [mqtt] Rollershutter STOP command, outgoing transform, chained incoming transformations by davidgraeff · Pull Request #6695 · eclipse-archived/smarthome · GitHub

I would understand his comment in a different way, as it is about the state handling, which indeed is a percentage value. Movement control should be possible by sending Up/Down/Stop to a device, without the need of workarounds like virtual items and rules.


I need to “cache” the mqtt topic value, because I get it only once, while subscribing. Now imagine the following scenarios:

  • The user publishes “37” → I’m storing a percentage value of 37% and hand it over to the framework as state update. All good.
  • The user publishes “UP”,“DOWN”,“STOP”. I have no idea how to “change” my cached value. In my earlier version of the PR I just left it as it is and posted UP/DOWN/STOP as a command to the framework. Kai wants me to post a command of 0% and 100% for UP/DOWN respectively though.

User changes state

  • The user changes the rollershutter item state to “37” → I’m publishing a value of “37”.
  • The user issues an “UP”,“DOWN”,“STOP” command. In my earlier version of the PR I was just sending those commands. But Kai presumably disagrees, because he wants me to publish “0” and “100” for “UP” and “DOWN” respectively.

So I don’t really know how to handle this at the moment. That’s why the PR is a bit stale right now.

If a DOWN command is issued without interruption, this would result to a percentage value of 100%, UP to 0%.
So far so good. What about a STOP command? how would you translate this to percentage, what value to cache?
I see the main issue and concerns in caching any values.

I need to cache values otherwise I can’t perform relative commands (increase brightness) or partial commands (change brightness on an hsb type).

I was able to successfully integrate the MQTT binding with the new version 2.5.0 into my system with RbP3.
The Sonoff switches work, now I still have RGB LED bands and IR transmitters on Sonoff.
Has anyone done that on the new MQTT?
I would be grateful for any tips! :slight_smile:

In Mysensors bindings, you cans send UP/DOW/STOP and percentage direct to the bindings (and the mysensors firmware have to handle message correctly).

Thanks, i check this now

Is there any update on this? I updated to the 2.5.0 snapshot version of OH because I had both MQTT1 and MQTT2 bindings running to allow me to use my MQTT rollershutter (a Shelly2) with openHAB 2.4.0. After a reboot a few days ago somehow the old binding wouldn’t really work anymore, so the device (and others which I haven’t converted to MQTT2 yet) stopped working…

I have now created an MQTT thing:

    Thing mqtt:topic:shelly1_rollladen_kuechentuer_topics "Shelly 1 Rollladen Küchentür" {
            Type rollershutter : rollershutter [ stateTopic="shellies/shellyswitch-135267/roller/0/pos", commandTopic="shellies/shellyswitch-135267/roller/0/command", transformationPattern="" ] //on="up", off="down",stop="stop", 

and I am not sure what to do about the problem that only 0 and 100 are published to the command topic. The Shelly2 needs “open” (100) and “close”. I do have those mappings in the file, but it looks like that isn’t used.

You need an outgoing transformation, not a receive transformation.

And no, there is no progress. I will not do any MQTT stuff this month and do care about all the MQTT issues (about 12 on github) next month.

Ok, thanks.

So I cannot use the binding for the rollershutters yet? You said in another post:

If I understand correctly, that hasn’t been integrated yet? I guess I will have to find out why the MQTT1 does not work anymore until you get to implementing the outgoing transformation?

That should work already. The other PR is still on hold unfortunately.

How do I use an outgoing transformation? “transformationPattern” is for incoming transformation, if I understood correctly.

Ah my mistake, outgoing transformation was not separated but is part of that bigger PR.


any update on this topic?
When will it be able to use mqtt with UP/DOWN/STOP command/state?
Hopefully soon.


You could provide your coding skills and submit a PR. :sleeping: