Binding request: Growatt Server

Hi Nils, shine lan should work. I know there is at least one person is using it…

I believe the shine lan does not use encryption (and other record specs). Maybe you can test it with decrypt = False and/or compat = False.

See also:

If this not works than I have to look at the output.

Stupid question but did you rerouted the data via the device Grott is running?

I think i’ve tried all possible options regarding decrypt = False and/or compat = False. But still not getting any mqtt data.
I only set net.ipv4.ip_forward to 1 in /etc/sysctl.conf.

#Specify grott monitor configuration


Specify inverter id

inverterid = 5FZI909093

Specify mode (sniff or proxy)

mode = proxy

specify port to listen to (only proxy, default 5279)

port = 5279
#Decrypt is False if growatt communication is not encrypted (older inverters)
decrypt = False
#Compat is True and valoffset needs to be set if offset / growatt protocol has been changed. Since 2020 this needs to be specified (True,26)
compat = False
valueoffset = 26

#ip address and port of Growatt server
ip =
port = 5279

#mqtt parameters definitions
ip =
port = 1883
topic= energy/growatt
auth = False
user = …
password = …

May 24 09:57:14 openhab systemd[1]: Started Grott Growatt monitor.
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: Grott Growatt logging monitor : 2.0.1
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: Grott Command line parameters processed:
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: verbose: True
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: config file: grott.ini
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: output file: <_io.TextIOWrapper name=’’ mode=‘w’ encoding=‘UTF-8’>
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: nomqtt: False
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: trace: False
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: Grott settings:
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: _Generic:
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: version: 2.0.1
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: verbose: True
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: trace: False
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: config file: grott.ini
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: minrecl: 100
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: decrypt: False
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: compat: False
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: valueoffset: 26
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: offset: 6
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: inverterid: 5FZI909093
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: mode: proxy
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: grottport 5279
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: _MQTT:
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: nomqtt False
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: mqttip:
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: mqttport: 1883
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: mqtttopic: energy/growatt
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: mqtttauth: False
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: mqttuser:
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: mqttpsw:
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: _Growatt server:
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: growattip:
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: growattport: 5279
May 24 09:57:14 openhab grott[1589]: Grott proxy mode started

And then nothing…

Hi Nils. This looking oke but it did expect that data that was send from the inverter to the growatt server had been shown as well.

Did you configured your lan stick to send the data to server where grott is running? That is also needed for the proxy mode. Grott will then send the data to Growatt.

This can be done in eiher the setup dialog of the lan stick or via the Growatt website.

It is second part of what is described in the wiki in the IP-Forwarding description.
You can ignore the ip forwarding setup.

The growatt website has been changed so the screens look different. I will update the wiki for this.

I do understand that it is not totally clear that also in proxy mode you need to send the growatt data via the server grott is running. I will describe that as well.

1 Like

Thanks Johan, got it working now.

And for the grott.ini file i had to use :
decrypt = True
compat = False

My inverter is a Growatt - 4200MTL-S.

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Hello Johan,
I installed Grott on my RPI3B and I can confirm it works very well with OpenHAB2.5. As a bonus also pvoutput is updated.Thank you for the excellent work!
If you are interested I can share my OpenHAB config for your wiki.
Regards, Ton

1 Like

Hi Ton,

Thank you for your feedback. Always nice to hear it is running well :slight_smile:

Yes please share your OpenHAB config. It will be a good addition to the wiki.


Hello Johan,

Please find below the way I installed Grott and present the PV information with OpenHAB and pvoutput. I have a RPI 3B, running OpenHAB 2.5. I am using the textual configuration for OpenHAB.

I installed your Grott on the RPI in the proxy mode. The scripts I placed in directory /etc/openhab2/scripts/grott. I also created an account for This is all documented in your Wiki (first time installation).

With openhabian-config I installed MQTT mosquitto on the RPI. I added Mqtt to addons.cfg. In the PV installation I changed the server address to the ip adress of my RPI, according to the instructions in your wiki.

The OpenHAB configuration files are adopted in the following way.


Bridge mqtt:broker:bbp295broker "BBP295 MQTT Broker"[ host="", port=1883, secure=false]
    Thing topic pvbbp295info "PV BBP295 informatie"

            Type number : ch_pvpowerout "PV produktie" [ stateTopic="bbp295/growatt", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.values.pvpowerout" ]	
            Type number : ch_pvenergytoday "PV produktie vandaag" [ stateTopic="bbp295/growatt", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.values.pvenergytoday" ]
            Type number : ch_pvenergytotal "PV produktie totaal" [ stateTopic="bbp295/growatt", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.values.pvenergytotal" ]	
            Type number : ch_pvstatus "PV status" [ stateTopic="bbp295/growatt", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.values.pvstatus" ]	
            Type datetime : ch_time "PV laatste bericht" [ stateTopic="bbp295/growatt", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.time" ]				


Number		mqtt_pvpowerout			"PV produktie MQTT"  								   					   {channel="mqtt:topic:bbp295broker:pvbbp295info:ch_pvpowerout"}
Number		pv_pvpowerout			"PV produktie [%.3f kW]" 							   <energy> (P1_Chart)
Number		mqtt_pvenergytoday		"PV produktie vandaag MQTT"	 						   					   {channel="mqtt:topic:bbp295broker:pvbbp295info:ch_pvenergytoday"}
Number		pv_pvenergytoday		"PV produktie vandaag [%.3f kWh]"	 				   <energy>	
Number      pv_pvenergytoday_Euro   "PV opbrengst vandaag [%.2f Euro]"				       <energy> 
Number		mqtt_pvenergytotal		"PV produktie totaal MQTT"				  		       <energy>			   {channel="mqtt:topic:bbp295broker:pvbbp295info:ch_pvenergytotal"}
Number		pv_pvenergytotal		"PV produktie totaal [%.1f kWh]"		  		       <energy>	
Number      pv_pvenergytotal_Euro   "PV opbrengst totaal [%.2f Euro]"					   <energy> 
Number		pv_pvstatus				"PV status"         				  				   <energy> 	       {channel="mqtt:topic:bbp295broker:pvbbp295info:ch_pvstatus"}
DateTime 	pv_time					"PV laatste bericht [%1$td-%1$tm-%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]"   <clock> 	           {channel="mqtt:topic:bbp295broker:pvbbp295info:ch_time"}

Rule (To correct and present the output from your script).

rule "Update pv values"
	Item pv_time changed

	// Corrigeren mqtt waarden
	val Number mqttpowerout = mqtt_pvpowerout.state as DecimalType
	pv_pvpowerout.postUpdate(mqttpowerout / 10000)
	val Number mqttenergytoday = mqtt_pvenergytoday.state as DecimalType	
	pv_pvenergytoday.postUpdate(mqttenergytoday / 10)
	val Number mqttenergytotal = mqtt_pvenergytotal.state as DecimalType		
	pv_pvenergytotal.postUpdate(mqttenergytotal / 10)

	// Bedragen uitrekenen
	val Number pvenergytoday = pv_pvenergytoday.state as DecimalType
	pv_pvenergytoday_Euro.postUpdate(pvenergytoday * 0.19096)
	val Number pvenergytotal = pv_pvenergytotal.state as DecimalType
	pv_pvenergytotal_Euro.postUpdate(pvenergytotal * 0.19096)



	Text item=pv_pvpowerout valuecolor=["blue"]
		Frame  label="Produktie zonnepanelen" 
			Text item=pv_pvpowerout valuecolor=["blue"]
			Text item=pv_pvenergytoday
			Text item=pv_pvenergytoday_Euro				
			Text item=pv_pvenergytotal			
			Text item=pv_pvenergytotal_Euro	
		Frame  label="Status zonnepanelen" 			
			Switch item=pv_pvstatus mappings=[0=Waiting, 1=Normal, 2=Fault]				
			Text item=pv_time				

This should do the trick. Please let me know if you have enough information.

1 Like

Hi Johan,

I am trying to use the Grott SW for the 6000TL3-S inverter which has a different data format as it is a 3-phase device.
Do you have information on the data format used by Growatt for their 3-phase inverters?
This would allow me to modify your SW to work properly with my inverter.


Yes, I have the information available. Somebody else already build it and sent me the changes.
I had planned it for a next release to build it in.

For me it is a little bit more work because I have to investigate, build and test for all types of records (at this moment there are 5 different record layouts).

Do you have Grott running already? If you have and you can sent me your data (layout type and growatt original data). I can send you the needed changes or if you like I can build it in directly (would have done this anyhow in the comming weeks).

Hi Johan,

I figured out myself how the info is constructed and can read the data for all 3 phases. I can share that with you.
One other question.
I observed that Grott receives two records. One has encrypted and the other has plain data.
I can see that the raw data of one package is identical (except for the last 4 bytes) to the decryoted data of the other record,
Grott still decrypts the the unencrypted record with the result that the data itself is now rubbish. Is there any additional check possible to verify if the record is encrypted or plain, as the current implementation doesn’t seem to verify this properly.


    self.recorddict2 = {"T05NNNN": {
        "decrypt"           : "True",
        "pvserial"          : 36,
        "date"              : 56,
        "pvstatus"          : 78,
        "pvpowerin"         : 82,
        "pv1voltage"        : 90,
        "pv1current"        : 94,
        "pv1watt"           : 98,
        "pv2voltage"        : 106,
        "pv2current"        : 110,
        "pv2watt"           : 114,
        "pvpowerout"        : 122,
        "pvfrequentie"      : 130,
        "pvrvoltage"        : 134,
        "pvrcurrent"        : 138,
        "pvrwatt"           : 142,
        "pvsvoltage"        : 150,
        "pvscurrent"        : 154,
        "pvswatt"           : 158,
        "pvtvoltage"        : 166,
        "pvtcurrent"        : 170,
        "pvtwatt"           : 174,
        "pvenergytoday"     : 182,
        "pvenergytotal"     : 190,
        "pvtemperature"     : 206,
        "pvipmtemperature"  : 242,
        } }

I am not aware Grott is receiving 2 data records (haven’t seen it before).

It either unecrypted (T02NNNN) or encrytpted (T05NNNN or T06NNNN).

At start up there is a announce record that looks alomst the same: T0x0103. But I think that is encypted to.

I am very interested in the types of records you see.


Hereby an exemple.


    - Growatt packet received:
              <socket.socket fd=4, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 53790), raddr=('', 5279)>
     - Growatt original Data:
     - Grott automatic protocol detection
     - Grott data record length 225
     - layout   :  T055104
     - Record layout used :  T05NNNN
     - decrypt :  True
     - Growatt data decrypted V2
     - Growatt plain data:
     - Growatt new layout processing
             - decrypt       :  True
             - offset        :  6
             - record layout :  T05NNNN

     - Grott data record date/time processing started
     - no or no valid time/date found, grott server time will be used (buffer records not sent!)
     - Grott values retrieved:
             - pvserial:          HBD3931020
             - pvstatus:          1
             - pvpowerin:         392.8
             - pvpowerout:        345.4
             - pvenergytoday:     4.2
             - pvenergytotal:     7645.4
             - pv1voltage:        396.0
             - pv1current:        0.5
             - pv1watt:           198.0
             - pv2voltage:        389.7
             - pv2current:        0.5
             - pv2watt:           194.8
             - pvfrequentie:      50.01
             - pvrvoltage:        400.7
             - pvrcurrent:        0.7
             - pvrwatt:           161.6
             - pvsvoltage:        400.0
             - pvscurrent:        0.7
             - pvswatt:           161.3
             - pvtvoltage:        399.0
             - pvtcurrent:        0.7
             - pvtwatt:           160.9
             - pvtemperature:     25.6
             - pvipmtemperature:  31.1
     - MQTT jsonmsg:
                     {"device": "HBD3931020", "time": "2021-01-23T13:53:04", "buffered": "no",
                     "values": {"pvstatus": 1, "pv1watt": 1980, "pv2watt": 1948, "pvpowerin":
                     3928, "pvpowerout": 3454, "pvfrequentie": 5001, "pvrvoltage": 4007,
                     "pvrcurrent": 7, "pvrwatt": 1616, "pvsvoltage": 4000, "pvscurrent": 7,
                     "pvswatt": 1613, "pvtvoltage": 3990, "pvtcurrent": 7, "pvtwatt": 1609,
                     "pvenergytoday": 42, "pvenergytotal": 76454, "pv1voltage": 3960,
                     "pv2voltage": 3897, "pv1current": 5, "pv2current": 5, "pvtemperature": 256,
                     "pvipmtemperature": 311}}
     - MQTT connection refused by target
     - Grott Send data to PVOutput disabled
     - Grott Send data to Influx disabled
     - Grott extension processing disabled

     - Growatt packet received:
              <socket.socket fd=4, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 53790), raddr=('', 5279)>
     - Growatt original Data:
     - Grott automatic protocol detection
     - Grott data record length 225
     - layout   :  T055104
     - Record layout used :  T05NNNN
     - decrypt :  True
     - Growatt data decrypted V2
     - Growatt plain data:
     - Growatt new layout processing
             - decrypt       :  True
             - offset        :  6
             - record layout :  T05NNNN

     - Grott data record date/time processing started
     - no or no valid time/date found, grott server time will be used (buffer records not sent!)
     - Grott values retrieved:
             - pvserial:          ?#0G~A^GSD
             - pvstatus:          30560
             - pvpowerin:         195377770.6
             - pvpowerout:        163502316.1
             - pvenergytoday:     195083936.5
             - pvenergytotal:     200280443.4
             - pv1voltage:        2459.1
             - pv1current:        2494.5
             - pv1watt:           195084027.5
             - pv2voltage:        3080.8
             - pv2current:        2980.9
             - pv2watt:           119868029.9
             - pvfrequentie:      250.62
             - pvrvoltage:        3091.8
             - pvrcurrent:        2981.1
             - pvrwatt:           119868035.9
             - pvsvoltage:        2837.2
             - pvscurrent:        2976.0
             - pvswatt:           191990609.2
             - pvtvoltage:        3171.4
             - pvtcurrent:        1829.3
             - pvtwatt:           187009618.9
             - pvtemperature:     2469.2
             - pvipmtemperature:  2952.8
     - MQTT jsonmsg:
                     {"device": "?#0G~A^GSD", "time": "2021-01-23T13:53:21", "buffered": "no",
                     "values": {"pvstatus": 30560, "pv1watt": 1950840275, "pv2watt": 1198680299,
                     "pvpowerin": 1953777706, "pvpowerout": 1635023161, "pvfrequentie": 25062,
                     "pvrvoltage": 30918, "pvrcurrent": 29811, "pvrwatt": 1198680359,
                     "pvsvoltage": 28372, "pvscurrent": 29760, "pvswatt": 1919906092,
                     "pvtvoltage": 31714, "pvtcurrent": 18293, "pvtwatt": 1870096189,
                     "pvenergytoday": 1950839365, "pvenergytotal": 2002804434, "pv1voltage":
                     24591, "pv2voltage": 30808, "pv1current": 24945, "pv2current": 29809,
                     "pvtemperature": 24692, "pvipmtemperature": 29528}}
     - MQTT send failed: Connection Refused: not authorised.
     - Grott Send data to PVOutput disabled
     - Grott Send data to Influx disabled
     - Grott extension processing disabled

Hmm interesting I haven’t seen this before. I assume you use Proxy mode?

It seems that 2 records are sent to grott. Are there any other records in between on the log?

A record T055104 should be encrypted. So why there is a uncrypted one I do not understand. It seems to be read direct from the network socket. Very weird.

Hi Johan,

I am indeed using proxy mode.
Not sure if you see the same, but right now I don’t receive any data records and I wonder if that is because the sun is down.
I will run a few more tests tomorrow as I observed that the behavior was different when I switched off MQTT.



Hello Johan,

I enabled MQTT, sending the data to a local MQTT server. So far I have not observed the problem anymore.
I also had another issue yesterday, but I am not sure how much this is related.
My router was showing weird behavior during testing of Grott.
I configured my network for fixed IP addresses using the DHCP server in the router itself, based on the devices MAC address.
My openhab system sometimes lost it IP address which was set to a completely wrong number. Rebooting the board didn’t fix it, it always has the address set by default on the raspberry linux when it doesn’t receive an IP number from the DHCP server.
Only rebooting the router solved the problem.
It looks as if the internal router tables are getting confused by the messages from Grott when this is configured wrongly.
Overnight I changed the Shinelan device to go straight to Growatt and I didn’t observe the issue.
I now routed this back to my Grott server and will keep a close eye if this happens again.

Did you see this as well in a, possibly, wrongly configured system?



Indeed in the evening the inverter will not sent any information.

I will try it without mqtt connection. Maybe I can recreate your issue.

My raspberry PI also has a fixed IP address defined in the router.

The growatt inverter gets an dynamic address from the dhcp server in the router.

At night the inverter is not powered (uses solar energy) and I can not configure the shinewifi then.

I have tested with MQTT enabled and no server available and al other things disabled (PVOoutput and Influx) to see if I can recreate your double record problem. But everything still works fine.

I might be a polluted netwerk setup indeed . Hopefully the router restart helped.

I have seen it before and I have not get the feedback from others that they had the same problems.

If it reoccurs it might by an idea to open an issue on Github. Maybe we can get feedback from others users as wll.

Hi Johan,

The SW has been running all day without any issue, while still providing the Solar readings in OpenHab and forwarding all the messages to the Growatt server. I checked the latter with my Shine app.

The problem appeared while I had a MQTT server, but I had set the MQTT authorization “auth” set to False, while it should be set to True.

I will keep a close eye on the system and will inform you when I see the problem again.
Thanks anyway for the investigation.

