Hi @Andy_Co,
Still trying to replicate. I setup a new VM on our servers (VirtualBox didn’t play ball on my laptop), installed 4.3.2 (will try and find a way to get 4.3.1 instead and retest after restoring the fresh OS image). So far I’ve seen the other bug’s, but nothing relating to the bridge going online and offline.
I take it the bridge was not auto-discovered, and you did Add Bridge, and then added it by its IP in the UI. (Just to rule out mdns related bits)? Sorry do you mean the Tap or the Gateway was auto-discovered?
At the moment I’m wondering if one of the other dependencies took a while to start, but then I’d be surprised if you didn’t get a different error in the logs.
Okay I got 4.3.0-1 installed and soak testing now. Just one other question - do you use authentication on the web interface for the Gateway or is it unset?
P.S I’ve had one through about it now I’ve taken a step back the timeouts were changed to 3 seconds during the PR based on the very quick timings of the GW02 model. It may be the GW01 need’s longer - so am checking with LinkTap regarding this, and whether your unit happened to be firmware updating at that timestamp (just in case).