Binding Request: Synology Surveillance Station

I’ll try that in a bit. Thank you for the tip

looks like im missing some things
Error executing command: Error executing command on bundles:
Error starting bundle 224: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.synologysurveillancestation [224]
Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.jdt.annotation; resolution:="optional"
Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.eclipse.smarthome.config.discovery.mdns

This is very nice indeed. I’ve installed the Binding, connected to my NAS and found the camera. But how do I add it to the sitemap etc.?

Well at least I can see the snapshot in Paper UI :).
Instead of performing snapshots continuously, it could be nice if that could be disabled, and snapshots could be generated when needed in e.g. a rule.

Hi Rune! You can disable automatic snapshot refresh in the Camera configuration (by setting snapshot refresh to 0) and use a rule to send a REFRESH command to the snapshot item.

Was it possible to add some examples of how to add a camera in a sitemap and e.g. use this REFRESH in a rule? I can’t figure out how it works :no_mouth:

@mrwee: Please check the newest release a21. In release notes there is a short guide for a sitemap configuration using new String channel “snapshot URI”.

@sjef86 Thank you for your idea now being implemented

This is the only new feature of this release so everyone else don’t need to update right now.

Got it up and running. Thanks for the pointer to the release notes. Will play around with it, and see if I can come up with the rule for manual refresh :slight_smile:

Why would you need an additional rule?

after a long and painful upgrade to 2.2.0 i have this working now.

I’ve got snaps showing up in the sitemap, thank you very much.

holy cow does this spam the event log or what? :laughing:

Glad you’re through! Upgrading was a long story for me too :slight_smile:

If you don’t need other channels and are using sitemap only, you can disable other channels or set refresh rates to 0 to avoid log spam. You can also disable event logging completely.

I’m filtering out some of it at the moment. If i can figure out how to have multiple filters it won’t be an issue at all

thank you for your hard work

is there any way to set the snapshot image size?
I’ve made a dashboard with all the cameras and there are a few that have different snapshot image sizes that make things kind of ugly.

Hi Scott,

snapshot is taken using “Balanced” stream profile of your IP Camera. Just use “Stream 2” for this and set it to your desired resolution:

Best regards

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Just installed that binding and I was playing with the paperUI, but then I wanted to move into a text file config mode (old school)

Bridge synologysurveillancestation:station:ds414j “Surveillance Station” [host=“xxx”, refresh-rate-events=0,protocol=“http”,port=“5000”,password=“xxx”,username=“xxx”]
Thing camera 2 “Salon” @ “Home” [refresh-rate-events=0,refresh-rate-snapshot=60]
Thing camera 3 “Jardin” @ “Home” [refresh-rate-events=0,refresh-rate-snapshot=60]

My config is as below and it works fine for the snapshots

My issue is for the home_mode

When I use the switch
Switch Home_Mode “Home Mode” { channel=“synologysurveillancestation:station:ds414j:homemode” }

I get this in the log

2018-02-23 18:29:08.358 [ERROR] [ncestation.handler.SynoBridgeHandler] - handle command: Surveillance Station::synologysurveillancestation:station:ds414j::{}

It works fine when I use the config from paperUI. Any idea what’s wrong ?

I also get a lot of timeout error, looks like my syno is reaching its limits (everything runs ona DS414j)

Hi Karl,

I’m not quite sure, what your problem could be. I’ve just pasted all your settings in my .items / .things and it worked as intended. Could you please recheck your settings and your log for some previous errors. If you still don’t see anything, please send me a PM and I’d send you a version with an extended exception logging.

As for timeouts, there is also a prototype in testing. The solution tested is to set timeout equal to refresh rate but silently skip failed frames without exception. This should stand for an illusion of continuity.

Neither DiskStation nor network itself seem to be a cause for a timeout. One reason for timeouts seems to be a slow camera response to a snapshot request from the DS, as this behavior has also been observed by rapidly calling snapshot URL with a simple desktop browser.

Best regards

Well, seems to be working now. Must some kind of overload or so.

Is there a way to suppress the refresh for the snapshot ? (set refresh to 0 ?) So snapshot would only be taken when request is made ? In paperUI, when it is all configured, there is a refresh button on top of the image, but can’t find a way to do that in basicUI

You can trigger a manual snapshot creation by sending a REFRESH to the IMAGE item. There is also a dynamic URL (which would also need its refresh rate). If you have a better proposal, you’re welcome.

the REFRESH seems to be a good option. What about that dynamix URL ? what is it exactly ?

The REFRESH is fine, just that the new picture is not updated in basicUI…