Blitzwolf/Gosund tasmota plug not communicating over mqtt

Hello Community,
i hope one of you can help me out.
First at all i flashed 5 of my Blitzwolf Sockets and now they are running tasmota 8.
Everything is working as it should be.
I am running openhabian on a raspberrypi 3 over ethernet. Also working good.

Now to my problem, i can’t get the switch turn on/off (or anything else) over openhab. I followed every tutorial i could find for sonoff or gosund/blitzwolf sockets but after 5 days im absolutely clueless…

I’ll post the files i currently use and my settings for openhab and the plug.

At this moment i just try to turn it on and off.


Bridge mqtt:broker:mosquitto "Mosquitto" [ host="localhost", port=1883, secure=false, username="openhabian", password="openhabian", clientID="openHAB2" ]
Thing topic bwshp2_1234 "Blitzwolf SHP2 #1 (tasmotalicht)" @ "MQTT" {
	    Type switch : BW_1234_powerswitch    	"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Power Switch" 			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/stat/POWER", commandTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/cmnd/POWER", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
	    Type switch : BW_1234_powerswitchres 	"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Switch State" 			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/stat/RESULT", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER",on="ON",off="OFF"]
	    Type string : BW_1234_time          	"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Time"             		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Time" ]
	    Type string : BW_1234_uptime        	"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Uptime"           		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Uptime" ]
	    Type number : BW_1234_vcc           	"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: VCC"              		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Vcc"  ]
	    Type string : BW_1234_ap       			"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Wifi AP"          		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.AP" ]
	    Type string : BW_1234_ssid     			"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Wifi SSID"        		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.SSId" ]
	    Type string : BW_1234_channel  			"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Wifi Channel"     		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.Channel" ]
	    Type number : BW_1234_rssi     			"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Wifi RSSI"        		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.RSSI" ]
	    Type string : BW_1234_sensortime    	"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Sensor Time"      		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Time" ]
	    Type string : BW_1234_starttime  		"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Start Time"  			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.TotalStartTime" ]
	    Type number : BW_1234_total      		"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Total"       			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Total" ]
	    Type number : BW_1234_yesterday    		"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Yesterday"       		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Yesterday" ]
		Type number : BW_1234_today    			"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Today"       			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Today" ]
		Type number : BW_1234_period    		"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Period"       			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Period" ]
		Type number : BW_1234_apparent    		"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Apparent Power"       	[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.ApparentPower" ]
		Type number : BW_1234_reactive    		"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Reactive Power"       	[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.ReactivePower" ]
		Type number : BW_1234_factor    		"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Factor"       			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Factor" ]

		Type number : BW_1234_power   			"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Power"       			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Power" ]
		Type number : BW_1234_voltage    		"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Voltage"     			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Voltage" ]
		Type number : BW_1234_current    		"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Current"     			[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/SENSOR", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ENERGY.Current" ]

	    Type string : BW_1234_devicestate   	"Blitzwolf SHP2 #1: Device State"     		[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/tele/LWT" ]


// Blitzwolf BW-SHP2 #1 (1234)                                                       
Switch BW1_Switch 		  	"Blitzwolf#1: Switch 1" 	     	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_powerswitch" }
Switch BW1_State 		  	"Blitzwolf#1: State 1"          	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_powerswitchres"}
Number BW1_Vcc 		    	"Blitzwolf#1: VCC  [%s]" 		 	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_vcc" }
String BW1_WifiAp 			"Blitzwolf#1: Wifi AP  [%s]" 	 	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_ap" }
String BW1_WifiSsid 	  	"Blitzwolf#1: Wifi SSID  [%s]" 		{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_ssid" }
String BW1_WifiChannel 		"Blitzwolf#1: Wifi Channel [%s]"	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_channel" }
Number BW1_WifiRssi 	  	"Blitzwolf#1: Wifi RSSI  [%s]" 		{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_rssi" }
String BW1_Uptime 		  	"Blitzwolf#1: Uptime" 		     	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_uptime" }
String BW1_Time 		    "Blitzwolf#1: Time" 		     	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_time" }
String BW1_DeviceState 		"Blitzwolf#1: Device State"     	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_devicestate" }
String BW1_SensorTime 		"Blitzwolf#1: Sensor Time"      	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_sensortime" }
String BW1_startTime 		"Blitzwolf#1: Start Time"  			{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_starttime" }
Number BW1_Total 	  		"Blitzwolf#1: Total [%.3f kWh]"     { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_total" }
Number BW1_Yesterday 	  	"Blitzwolf#1: Yesterday [%.3f kWh]" { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_yesterday" }
Number BW1_Today 	  	    "Blitzwolf#1: Today [%.3f kWh]"     { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_today" }
Number BW1_Period 	  		"Blitzwolf#1: Period"       	    { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_period" }
Number BW1_Apparent 	  	"Blitzwolf#1: Apparent"       		{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_apparent" }
Number BW1_Reactive 	  	"Blitzwolf#1: Reactive"       		{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_reactive" }
Number BW1_Factor 	  		"Blitzwolf#1: Factor [%.1f]"       	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_factor" }
Number BW1_Power            "Blitzwolf#1: Power [%.3f W]"       { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_power" }
Number BW1_Voltage   		"Blitzwolf#1: Voltage [%.1f V]"     { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_voltage" }
Number BW1_Current 	  		"Blitzwolf#1: Current [%.3f A]"     { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_current" }


sitemap tasmotalicht label="Tasmota" {
Frame label="Tasmota Steckdosen" {
Switch item=BW1_Switch icon="light"

There should be the channels from the mqtt.things, right ?

More images
Netstat grep
Tasmota mqtt settings

many thanks in advance.

When you look at the created MQTT thing on PaperUI, what is the channel definition for the channel …powerswitch channel? My guess " :tasmotalicht" is no part of it!

I can’t see any channels in PaperUI… only what you can see in the screenshot.
I tried this

then i got some channels but that also ain’t working.

The screenshot shows the broker thing!
You should have a thing named “bwshp2_1234”.

Looking at your files I would expect the stateTopics to read something like:
stat/tasmotalicht/POWER and the commandTopic: cmd/tasmotalicht/POWER that’s for the first channel, the following change the same way.

My guess for the correct channel setting when linking an item:

I tried some old files (had nearly 20) and it finally worked !

with this blitzwolf.items

// Blitzwolf BW-SHP2 #1 (1234)                                                       
Switch BW1_Switch 		  	"Blitzwolf#1: Switch 1" 	     	{ channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:tasmotalicht:BW_1234_powerswitch" }

and this mqtt.things

Bridge mqtt:broker:mosquitto "Mosquitto" [ host="localhost", port=1883, secure=false, username="USERNAME", password="PASSWORD", clientID="openHAB2" ]
    // Sonoffs
    Thing topic tasmotalicht "Tasmota Smartplug" @ "Some Room" {
        Type string : reachable "Reachable"            [ stateTopic="tele/tasmotalicht/LWT" ]
        Type switch : BW_1234_powerswitch     "Power"                [ stateTopic="stat/tasmotalicht/POWER", commandTopic="cmnd/tasmotalicht/POWER" ]
        Type number : rssi      "WiFi Signal Strength" [ stateTopic="tele/tasmotalicht/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.RSSI"]

Working with

[ stateTopic="stat/tasmotalicht/POWER", commandTopic="cmnd/tasmotalicht/POWER" ]

not working with

[ stateTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/stat/POWER", commandTopic="tasmota/tasmotalicht/cmnd/POWER", on="ON", off="OFF" ]

@TLDlegal install a mqtt tool to see what is being sent and received. Speaking of mqttfx there are others as well.