Blockly library: Flexible amount of else if

Hi all,
I want to create my own block in my library.
I want to have a block where I can flexible decide on how many statement spaces I would provide. In the blockcodetemplate I would connect them with an else if and the last one with an if. similar to the if block itself.
Are there possibilities to achieve this?

another option would maybe, to break out of the rule if the the if condition is true

It is not clear to me what you intend to achieve. What are you missing here?

Writing Blockly libraries is possible but only to a certain extent unless you are really start contributing to the core which has more flexibility. What you require for these kind of blocks are mutators which is the functionality that allows a block to change it’s design on the fly (e.g. with the cog item you see above). Mutators are not supported (and most likely will never be) in the block libraries because they they tend to be pretty complicated to be implemented.