Blockly: Possible to get the "triggering item label" (instead of "triggering item name") via block "contextual info"?

Platform information:

  • Hardware: Raspi 5, 4 GB (Raspian OS 12)
  • openHAB Software: 4.1.1 Release Build, Persistence via InfluxDB

There have been several new blocks in Blockly for contextual info (e.g. the name of the triggering item, which is and works fantastic!). I use this block to let me know which of my HomematicIP-devices have gone offline (they each have a switch called “unreach” which the Gateway sets to “ON” if the device can’t be reached anymore).

My rule works perfectly with those two blocks…

… except that I can (via the block image) only access the name of the item, not the name of the triggering item. It’s not that big of a deal, but the label of an item typially looks much nicer than the rather cryptic name of an item.

Is this possible?

I could not find anything on that in the official docs nor the forum.

Btw: I love how versatile Blockly has become. If I understand things right, Blockly is also more update-safe (than e.g. writing your own code, in which I am terribly slow in the first place). Not sure who should get the credits for Blockly in openHAB, but so far this has been a fantastic job!

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Is this what you are looking for?

…now I feel a bit embarrased. Thanks! :slight_smile: