Hey community! So this is probably a very basic scripting question but I’m still struggling.
I want to populate some variables with numbers from items. I then want to compare those numbers in the variables to other numbers or variables. The issue is, I cannot get rid of the unit behind the number, W in this case, which makes it impossible to compare the numbers later in the logic.
The global project is to create a PV surplus charging rule with a SolarEdge inverter and Go-e Wallbox. I have basically access to all the data I need.
In the following case I populate the variable “SolarEdgeImport” with the value of the item “SolarEdge_PrivateAPI_Import”. This works ok so far. The issue is that I get the number with the unit W. So for example “1200 W”. Unfortunately I cannot create any logic with this. Same with the charge current in Amps (A) or battery state of charge in %.
Is this something I have to modify on the item config itself?
I’m glad for any hint in the right direction.
Here’s a basic test rule I created.
or the script
var SolarEdgeBatterySoC, SolarEdgeBatteryDischarge, SolarEdgeImport, SolarEdgeExport, AllowCharging, BatteryMinSoC, Phases, ChargeCurrent;
SolarEdgeBatterySoC = items.getItem('SolarEdgePrivateAPI_BatteryLevel').state;
SolarEdgeBatteryDischarge = items.getItem('SolarEdge_Private_API_Battery_Discharge').state;
SolarEdgeImport = items.getItem('SolarEdgePrivateAPI_Import').state;
SolarEdgeExport = items.getItem('SolarEdgePrivateAPI_Export').state;
AllowCharging = items.getItem('goe_forcestate_switch').state;
BatteryMinSoC = items.getItem('goe_battery_min_soc').state;
Phases = items.getItem('GoeCharger_Phases').state;
ChargeCurrent = items.getItem('GoeCharger_Maximum_Current').state;
if (AllowCharging == 'ON') {
if (SolarEdgeImport > 200 || SolarEdgeBatteryDischarge > 200) {
if (ChargeCurrent > 6) {
items.getItem('GoeCharger_Maximum_Current').sendCommand((ChargeCurrent - 1));
console.info('Charging current has been reduced by 1 A');
} else if (SolarEdgeBatterySoC <= BatteryMinSoC) {
console.info('PV surplus charging has been stopped due to no export');
And the item config: