Bluetooth Binding not supporting RuuviTags (OpenHabian 2.4.1)

Once last thing :slight_smile:

2019-06-22 14:50:52.959 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - bluetooth_ruuvitag_beacon_hci0_cd21b7e16edf_accelerationx changed from -0.028 gₙ to -0.021 gₙ

2019-06-22 14:50:52.971 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - bluetooth_ruuvitag_beacon_hci0_cd21b7e16edf_accelerationy changed from -0.054 gₙ to -0.051 gₙ

2019-06-22 14:50:52.983 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - bluetooth_ruuvitag_beacon_hci0_cd21b7e16edf_accelerationz changed from 1.065 gₙ to 1.063 gₙ

Notice the odd character after the “g” on the accelerometer values.

I think it is subscript zero? So everything good now?

But there is still the problems with the accelerometer values. They don’t just appear like that in log.

What is the problem? I don’t understand.

Have a look at the attached…

obviously Paper UI does not know how to represent the subscript. Paper UI is just a maintenance user interface anyhow so not properly representing the subscript should otherwise not really matter.

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So Paper UI AND logging are in Error?

What character is expected there? How do you view the log?

I expect the unit should just show as g as it’s an Accelerometer value.
I am viewing the log via Openhab Log Viewer and via physical log files themselves via an ssh login to the OpenHabian Device itself.

This character (whatever it is) is already in the definition of the unit. Maybe @hilbrand can comment as he introduced that.

Yes, @J-N-K is correct. Instead of simple g unit, the definition uses g + subscripted n, or gₙ

This refers to

If it is not displayed correctly, it might be due to choice of font etc.


Would it not be simpler to go for the more commonly used g ?