Bringing electricity information from and into Openhab

sure :slightly_smiling_face: It is a clean installation, and the only addons are Energy Data Service and RRDJ4 Persistence


  - items:
      - Energi_Data_Service_Spotpris
      - forecast
    filters: []
  - name: everyMinute
    cronExpression: 0 * * ? * *
  - name: everyHour
    cronExpression: 0 0 * * * ?
  - name: everyDay
    cronExpression: 0 0 0 * * ?
  - everyChange
thresholdFilters: []
timeFilters: []
equalsFilters: []
includeFilters: []


  chartType: ""
  period: D
  label: Spotpris
    - component: oh-chart-grid
        includeLabels: true
    - component: oh-time-axis
        gridIndex: 0
    - component: oh-value-axis
        gridIndex: 0
    - component: oh-time-series
        name: Spotpris
        gridIndex: 0
        xAxisIndex: 0
        yAxisIndex: 0
        type: line
        item: Energi_Data_Service_Spotpris
    - component: oh-chart-tooltip
        confine: true
        smartFormatter: true
    - component: oh-chart-legend
        bottom: 3
        type: scroll
    - component: oh-chart-datazoom
        type: inside

Just to be sure, was the item already configured to be persisted before starting the binding? Does the issue persist if you pause/resume the Thing?

I first entered the Energy Data Service and added an item for spot price. After that, I went to RRDJ4 to configure this item to follow the forecast strategy.

It doesn’t change if I pause/resume the thing, a restart doesn’t help either.

It looks like RRD4j implements only QueryablePersistenceService:

and not ModifiablePersistenceService which is needed for storing time series.

Therefore you’ll need to use another persistence service to take advantage of this feature.

Hi Jacob,
Finally got some time to upgrade to 4.1.0 and would like to test the time series.
Which persistency service do you use? I’m currently also using RRD4J but are thinking to move to InfluxDB. Have you got any experience with it?

Also another question regarding “reduced electricity tax rate”, how does it affect hourly price and calculations? Or does it simply use the reduced electricity tax rate for hourly price and calculations without considering the 4000kWh threshold?

Edit: BTW I noticed today the El Net Tariff was changed from 0,456kr to 1.367kr at 18:00 instead of 17:00, maybe an issue with the data provider :smiley:

I would recommend upgrading to 4.1.1 since it contains some fixes for Energi Data Service as well as in-memory persistence and core fixes related to the new currency unit.

No, but it implements ModifiablePersistenceService, so it should work just fine. Personally I use MySQL for historical reasons (I’ve been running it for 20 years or so), as I already had an instance running when I got started with openHAB.

See Energi Data Service - Bindings | openHAB. The 4000 kWh threshold is not considered as there wouldn’t be any logical reason to do so. See Energi Data Service Binding [; - #41 by laursen.

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Thanks for your reply! I noticed today the El Net Tariff was changed from 0,456kr to 1.367kr at 18:00 instead of 17:00, do you see the same issue with your installation? Would like to exclude something wrong with my setup. In previous days it did change at 17:00.

What is the exact name of your grid provider (or its GLN)?

@laursen : it’s Radius - GLN is 5790000705689

It should have changed at 17:00 - this is the currently valid record:

			"ChargeOwner": "Radius Elnet A/S",
			"GLN_Number": "5790000705689",
			"ChargeType": "D03",
			"ChargeTypeCode": "DT_C_01",
			"Note": "Nettarif C time",
			"Description": "Nettarif C time",
			"ValidFrom": "2023-01-01T00:00:00",
			"ValidTo": "2023-02-01T00:00:00",
			"VATClass": "D02",
			"Price1": 0.1701,
			"Price2": 0.1701,
			"Price3": 0.1701,
			"Price4": 0.1701,
			"Price5": 0.1701,
			"Price6": 0.1701,
			"Price7": 0.5103,
			"Price8": 0.5103,
			"Price9": 0.5103,
			"Price10": 0.5103,
			"Price11": 0.5103,
			"Price12": 0.5103,
			"Price13": 0.5103,
			"Price14": 0.5103,
			"Price15": 0.5103,
			"Price16": 0.5103,
			"Price17": 0.5103,
			"Price18": 1.5308,
			"Price19": 1.5308,
			"Price20": 1.5308,
			"Price21": 1.5308,
			"Price22": 0.5103,
			"Price23": 0.5103,
			"Price24": 0.5103,
			"TransparentInvoicing": 0,
			"TaxIndicator": 0,
			"ResolutionDuration": "PT1H"

Since it worked yesterday for the same record, did you change anything since yesterday? Do you use persistence with strategy forecast? In order to investigate further, I would need you to enable trace logging, and report back with some logs if you see this again.

Erhm, sorry, looked at the wrong record. This is the one:

			"ChargeOwner": "Radius Elnet A/S",
			"GLN_Number": "5790000705689",
			"ChargeType": "D03",
			"ChargeTypeCode": "DT_C_01",
			"Note": "Nettarif C time",
			"Description": "Nettarif C time",
			"ValidFrom": "2023-10-01T00:00:00",
			"ValidTo": "2024-04-01T00:00:00",
			"VATClass": "D02",
			"Price1": 0.1215,
			"Price2": 0.1215,
			"Price3": 0.1215,
			"Price4": 0.1215,
			"Price5": 0.1215,
			"Price6": 0.1215,
			"Price7": 0.3645,
			"Price8": 0.3645,
			"Price9": 0.3645,
			"Price10": 0.3645,
			"Price11": 0.3645,
			"Price12": 0.3645,
			"Price13": 0.3645,
			"Price14": 0.3645,
			"Price15": 0.3645,
			"Price16": 0.3645,
			"Price17": 0.3645,
			"Price18": 1.0934,
			"Price19": 1.0934,
			"Price20": 1.0934,
			"Price21": 1.0934,
			"Price22": 0.3645,
			"Price23": 0.3645,
			"Price24": 0.3645,
			"TransparentInvoicing": 0,
			"TaxIndicator": 0,
			"ResolutionDuration": "PT1H"

Now the numbers also match the ones you posted (just in this case excluding VAT). But it still should change at 17:00.

Ok, that looks strange. From the events.log I can see yesterday it was updated at 17:00 but today it was updated at 18:00:

2024-01-14 13:00:05.499 [INFO ] [hab.event.ItemTimeSeriesUpdatedEvent] - Item 'TransmissionNetTariff' updated timeseries [Entry[timestamp=2024-01-13T12:00:00Z, state=0.09250000]]
2024-01-14 15:00:00.005 [INFO ] [hab.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'TotalPrice' changed from 2.30093750 to 2.33048751875 through NetTariff
2024-01-14 17:00:00.167 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'NetTariff' changed from 0.45562500 to 1.36675000
2024-01-14 17:00:00.182 [INFO ] [hab.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'TotalPrice' changed from 2.41941253625 to 3.33053753625 through NetTariff
2024-01-14 21:00:00.005 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'NetTariff' changed from 1.36675000 to 0.45562500
2024-01-14 23:00:00.007 [INFO ] [hab.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'TotalPrice' changed from 2.26588752750 to 2.18665000875 through NetTariff
2024-01-15 00:00:00.004 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'NetTariff' changed from 0.45562500 to 0.15187500
2024-01-15 00:00:00.011 [INFO ] [hab.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'TotalPrice' changed from 2.21237503000 to 1.90862503000 through NetTariff
2024-01-15 06:00:00.008 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'NetTariff' changed from 0.15187500 to 0.45562500
2024-01-15 06:00:00.018 [INFO ] [hab.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'TotalPrice' changed from 2.00463752750 to 2.30838752750 through NetTariff
2024-01-15 09:00:00.006 [INFO ] [hab.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'TotalPrice' changed from 2.4887625125 to 2.49798751875 through NetTariff
2024-01-15 13:00:12.577 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemTimeSeriesEvent   ] - Item 'NetTariff' shall process timeseries [Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T12:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T16:00:00Z, state=1.36675000], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T20:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T23:00:00Z, state=0.15187500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-15T05:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-15T16:00:00Z, state=1.36675000], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-15T20:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-15T23:00:00Z, state=0.15187500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-16T05:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-16T16:00:00Z, state=1.36675000], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-16T20:00:00Z, state=0.45562500]]
2024-01-15 13:00:12.578 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemTimeSeriesEvent   ] - Item 'TransmissionNetTariff' shall process timeseries [Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T12:00:00Z, state=0.09250000]]
2024-01-15 13:00:13.517 [INFO ] [hab.event.ItemTimeSeriesUpdatedEvent] - Item 'NetTariff' updated timeseries [Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T12:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T16:00:00Z, state=1.36675000], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T20:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T23:00:00Z, state=0.15187500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-15T05:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-15T16:00:00Z, state=1.36675000], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-15T20:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-15T23:00:00Z, state=0.15187500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-16T05:00:00Z, state=0.45562500], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-16T16:00:00Z, state=1.36675000], Entry[timestamp=2024-01-16T20:00:00Z, state=0.45562500]]
2024-01-15 13:00:13.518 [INFO ] [hab.event.ItemTimeSeriesUpdatedEvent] - Item 'TransmissionNetTariff' updated timeseries [Entry[timestamp=2024-01-14T12:00:00Z, state=0.09250000]]
2024-01-15 14:00:00.007 [INFO ] [hab.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'TotalPrice' changed from 2.32889999375 to 2.35081253000 through NetTariff
2024-01-15 18:00:00.010 [INFO ] [hab.event.GroupItemStateChangedEvent] - Item 'TotalPrice' changed from 2.64043747000 to 3.55156247000 through NetTariff
2024-01-15 18:00:00.018 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'NetTariff' changed from 0.45562500 to 1.36675000

This is 17:00, so it was published correctly as time series.

Do you use persistence with strategy forecast? If you do, it should have been updated on the event bus automatically by core. If not, it should still have been updated by the hourly job. In any case, trace logs will be needed.

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@DanielMalmgren - I don’t want to change the topic in this thread:

But I’m wondering if you by any chance are in price area SE3 or SE4? It seems Energi Data Service provides spot prices for those areas, so in this case you might be able to use this binding. The configuration needed:

With Freecurrency installed as well:

With VAT if you’d like:

With persistence:

I just did a quick backport of Freecurrency to 4.1, but did not yet test it:

Yep, I’m in SE3, so this is exactly what I need! Also I don’t really care about currency, what I need right now is just information about which hours are the cheapest :wink:

I tried though and can’t really get it to work. I now have a script with the following code:

val actions = getActions("energidataservice", "energidataservice:service:energidataservice")
var java.util.Map<String, Object> result = actions.calculateCheapestPeriod(now.toInstant(), now.plusHours(12).toInstant(), java.time.Duration.ofMinutes(90))

…which I think should give me a nice Map, but all I get is the following error:
Script execution of rule with UID ‘9b226fe25a’ failed: Instance is not an EnergiDataServiceActions class.

Any idea what could be wrong?

Can you show your Thing definition? If created from the UI, perhaps the thingUID is not energidataservice:service:energidataservice?

I assume you also have this in the beginning of your DSL rule:

import java.time.Duration
import java.util.Map

Ah, you’re right! The UID of my thing actually is “energidataservice:service:635c20512c”. I guess that’s auto generated in some way when creating the Thing through GUI. Works better now!

However, I’m stuck again at the next step, trying to get the actual time. I’m doing this:
logInfo(“Cheapest start”, (result.get(“CheapestStart”) as Instant).toString)

and I get the following in my log:

12:36:21.316 [WARN ] [ernal.action.EnergiDataServiceActions] - Cannot calculate sum when spot price currency is EUR
12:36:21.320 [WARN ] [ernal.action.EnergiDataServiceActions] - Price missing at 2024-03-25T11:00:00Z
12:36:21.323 [ERROR] [.internal.handler.ScriptActionHandler] - Script execution of rule with UID ‘9b226fe25a’ failed: cannot invoke method public java.lang.String java.time.Instant.toString() on null

Changing from EUR to DKK in the Thing configuration makes the first disappear, I guess it’s some conversion error?

Tried with debug logging on for the binding:

12:47:01.591 [DEBUG] [rnal.handler.EnergiDataServiceHandler] - Cached spot prices still valid, skipping download.
12:47:01.592 [DEBUG] [rnal.handler.EnergiDataServiceHandler] - Cached tariffs of type SYSTEM_TARIFF still valid, skipping download.
12:47:01.596 [DEBUG] [rnal.handler.EnergiDataServiceHandler] - Cached tariffs of type TRANSMISSION_GRID_TARIFF still valid, skipping download.
12:47:01.598 [DEBUG] [rnal.handler.EnergiDataServiceHandler] - Cached tariffs of type ELECTRICITY_TAX still valid, skipping download.
12:47:01.603 [WARN ] [ernal.action.EnergiDataServiceActions] - Price missing at 2024-03-25T23:00:00Z
12:47:01.605 [ERROR] [.internal.handler.ScriptActionHandler] - Script execution of rule with UID ‘9b226fe25a’ failed: cannot invoke method public java.lang.String java.time.Instant.toString() on null

edit: After some more digging (with my limited knowledge of Java) I’ve come to the conclusion that calculateCheapestPeriod returns an empty map for me. Don’t really know where to go from that knowledge…

I need to look into this one. I think I’m missing an overload of the method taking price components into consideration. Since tariffs will always be in DKK, it’s not possible to create a sum of EUR and DKK. The problem is that the method will take tariffs into consideration as well, but there are actually no tariffs to be considered in your case. I will check later. For now you can use DKK, and if you prefer EUR or SEK, you can use Freecurrency.

This is actually correct since your rule calculates 12 hours into the future, but there are still no prices available after midnight. Please try again in three minutes, or adjust your rule. :slight_smile:

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Ah, that makes sense. Now I get a correct time out of it! Just need to get the logic together and I’ll get my house battery charging when it’s at the cheapest :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi @laursen :

I noticed some weird issue with the data and maybe you can give me some hints where to look. I have defined NetTariff below:

Number              NetTariff                     "Current El Net Tariff [%.2f kr/kWh]"             <price>    (TotalPrice)                    {channel="energidataservice:service:energidataservice:electricity#grid-tariff" [profile="transform:VAT"]}

It used to work fine but don’t know since when it returns UNDEF value, and make the current EL price wrong. It also look strange to me that hourly price looks like the following:


I’m no expert in taxation, but doesn’t looks right to me that reducedElectricityTax is higher than electricityTax. transmissionGridTariff also seem to be the same value for all hours. Could there be some API change recently?
Many thanks in advance!