Broadlink binding for RMx, A1, SPx and MP. Any interest?

I forked the github project and (dirty) fixed the Broadlink binding for Openhab 2.5 M6:

The new jar can be downloaded from here:

I basically added back the removed bundleContext to the BroadlinkRemoteHandler class. But I have read the bundleContext should not be used anymore. Maybe someone else wants to fix it properly according to this thread: [SOLVED] Cannot figure out how to avoid bundleContext.registerService()!
I didn’t want to invest too much time into this :stuck_out_tongue:

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Tried to install it several times on my 2.5-M6, unfortunately with no luck.
Maybe is just me.

I was not luck as well. Maybe someone else help us?

Hello Berni,

I tried to use your jar but it does not work with currently version. I can see on openhab-cli

openhab> bundle:list | grep Broadlink
259 | Active | 80 | | Broadlink Binding

but I can see on openhab paperui binding

Build #1774

Did you solved it?

It works for me…
Did it work for you with the old binding? Do you have some error stacktrace?

I just compiled it again with Java 8 instead of Java 9, try this one:

Unfortunately that’s the first time I touched the code of a Openhab binding, if this does not work for you I don’t know why.

I got no error come out with this one or previous work, but no response after, no IR send out from RM2, on RM2, red led should on when Tx IR, but no.

Albeit I am still running on 2.5M3 and everything works for me (so i’m not switching now), I just wanted to thank you for contributing. It feels like this binding really changes the use of many of our homes.


how to choose the update for M3 or M4? I only was able to update to latest milestone and do not choose tM3 or m4

Unfortunately binding still doesn’t work for my setup 2.5 M6, I can’t even see the binding on the paper UI list.

Another colleague told me that it works for M4 versions, but I’m not sure how to choose or jump to this version

Hi everyone, I’m new around here and new to openhab too, but amazed of what you could realize with it.
Last year i bought a RM mini 3 always used with his app, worked like a charm, now that I discovered OH I’d like to integrate with it, but I’m facing some problem:
I installed the binding, and followed the steps to get it working, but I got stucked in the channel linking:
no channel is associated with the broadlink item:

I’m using Paper UI and OH 2.4 stable, these are my config files:

String AIR “Air” { channel=“broadlink:rm3:brdlk3:command” }

sitemap default label=“Test sitemaps” {
Switch item=AIR label=“Power” mappings=[AIR_ON=“On”,AIR_OFF=“Off”]


I really don’t understand why it doesn’t work. Any help will be appreciated.

Hi @BundleBee - did you forget to post your rule file or is this the bit you are missing?

Hi @Andrew_Pawelski, I don’t have any rule file, it wasn’t mentioned in the installation post :thinking:

did you put in broadlink thing config?
did you try restart?

I inserted the broadlink device manually through the paper UI interface, my items folder is empty, and yes I restarted OH.

Looking a bit more at this…pretty sure you cant send a switch command to a string item

Also have you installed the MAP transformation?

Create a proxy item for your switch

sitemap default label="Test sitemaps" {
      Switch item=AIR_Proxy label="Power"

Then adding a rule like this:

 rule "AIR Control"
        Item AIR_Proxy received command
        switch(receivedCommand) {
        case ON: {
        case OFF: {

Case statement a bit of overkill for two conditions but I am predicting you may be doing more than on or off at some stage.

This is the situation, after editing the sitemap and adding the rule, nothing changed.
Seems like the sitemap is ignored, as only if i change the item file, for example the name from “Air” to “Test”, changes are done.

Can you repost your files?

Did you also using OH 2.5 M6-1? I got no error come out with java8 or java9, but no response after issue command, no IR send out from RM2, on RM2, red led should on when Tx IR, but no LED blink