Bticino-somfy-netatmo-alexa integration via OWN

Yes, like GEN automations and / or GR

Oh, really? But they are implemented in myhome_up, right? Can I control scenarios from OWN?

That’s too much of information for me at the moment!! I can start with up and down (all up/all down) alone as a GEN command. Then I will experiment as suggested.

A good test indeed, uh? :slight_smile:

Would you please point me to the OpenWebNet client software on the bticino site and to the myhome_suite software? Do they run on a MAC too?

I do not know the bticino myhome_up software.
But I suspect no.
But sorry what do you need Openhab, if you keep talking about myhome_up?

But openhab you can command scenarios using the CEN / CEN + commands
I’m just discussing with Massimo for this implementation, a new beta will soon be released.

What is the rule for language here? If we switch to italian at some point, is it considered impolite?

If I remember correctly I’m for Windows

Per me molto meglio, ma non si può sul forum community.
In privato si.
Ti mando un messaggio privato.

Hi all,

it has been a long time since my last post, but in the meantime my home system has grown a lot. I have worked more on the myhome system than on its integration in OWN, but I had a big gap to fill. I have completed the automation of the roller-shutters, with ambient and point-to-point commands and also that of sun blinds.

A little recap here.

  1. I have three Somfy wired roller-shutters (S&SO-RS100 io HYBRID) each controlled with a F411U2. I have a local command on each window frame (which can host only one single standard llivinglight up/down button), which I connected to a 3477. Then, I have a couple of 4652/2 that I use for ambient and group up&down commands. I am not interested in controlling position but only in full open/close command. So the f411u2 is configured to stop after 29 seconds (which is the time from full open to full close).

  2. I have three Somfy radio sun-blinds (LT 50 CSI RTS) which I control via a remote (separately or together) and I want to control (as a group) in position. In particular, the motors have two preset programmable positions (one from full open and the other from full close) which are reached when the “my” button on the remote is hit with the blind at rest. When it is pushed with the blind moving, the “my” button simply stops the blind. I planned to control the Somfy side with a dry-contact RTS interface 1810135 which accepts a three-button input (up/down/stop) by a double not-interlocked button (both up&down button pressed gives the stop). Then I discovered F401/LN4660M2 provides exactly what I needed: 4660 is a three-button up/down/stop command and F401 controls blinds in position, by learning up&down time. They can set their own preset or can be configured (type 3, position 9) to act as I want, accessing the Somfy preset positions.

  3. Now I am starting to work on scenarios. I have a F420 module and an eight-button (!) command LN4652 to play with. I think I can program scenarios manually, but I would like to do it by computer. It doesn’t seem I can program F420 via myhome_suite. Can I do it via ScenarX? Even if I don’t have a F454 but a MHS1? Can I do it via OWN?

Use the OH rules to create your own scenarios without using F420
I would do everything in OH

Hi Michele, thank you for the quick answer, as usual.

Yes, I will, but I have already bought the F420 in the project phase at the very beginning (when I didn’t know anything about the OH world) and, anyway, I would like to get the most from the Myhome system, using OH at a higher level. For example to build some complex scenario that I can’t realize from inside the myhome system (integration with other components, Alexa and so on). But I would like to get the most from the Myhome system first.

So the question remains … can I program scenarios on the F420 with a MHS1 gateway? Can I use OH/OWN for this? Is there another way? ScenarX?

Btw @massi, are you aware that in the latest release of MHS1 firmware (2.14.16) a new ‘Integrazione Eliot’ menu has appeared? Something is moving in the direction of Alexa (and home assistant) integration? If you want me to check the capabilities of the new firmware just tell me what to do.

I’ve never used F420, I’m sorry I can’t help you.
the only thing I know bticino has integrated everything under the Myhome Suite.

In my house, i used a Bticino MyHome Scs bus and a blinds somfy rts.
For command a somfy blinds with the Bticino system, i used an rfxcom and CEN+ button
Thing Rfxcom
Thing rfy Vol_GF_Cuis “Cuisine Fenetre” [deviceId=“132609.2”, subType=“RFY”]

Thing Bticino
bus_cenplus_scenario_control RDC_CENplus_Scenario “CEN+ RdC” [ where=“22”, buttons=“10,11,16,17,19,20,28,29” ]
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Cuisine “Volet” (gGF_Shutters_Cuisine) [“Blinds”] { channel=“rfxcom:rfy:usb0:Vol_GF_Cuis:shutter” }
String Light_GF_Cuisine_02_HAUT “CEN_02CU_BTN_HAUT” (Cen) { channel=“openwebnet:bus_cenplus_scenario_control:mybridge:RDC_CENplus_Scenario:button_19” }
String Light_GF_Cuisine_02_BAS “CEN_02CU_BTN_BAS” (Cen) { channel=“openwebnet:bus_cenplus_scenario_control:mybridge:RDC_CENplus_Scenario:button_20” }
String Light_GF_Cuisine_02_STOPB “CEN_02CU_BTN_STOPB” (Cen) { channel=“openwebnet:bus_cenplus_scenario_control:mybridge:RDC_CENplus_Scenario:button_21” }

rule “Volet Cuisine Up”
Item Light_GF_Cuisine_02_HAUT received update “PRESSED”
sendCommand(Shutter_GF_Cuisine, UP)

rule “Volet Cuisine Down”
Item Light_GF_Cuisine_02_BAS received update “PRESSED”
sendCommand(Shutter_GF_Cuisine, DOWN)

rule “volet Cuisine Stop”
Item Light_GF_Cuisine_02_HAUT received update “RELEASED_EXT”
Item Light_GF_Cuisine_02_BAS received update “RELEASED_EXT”
sendCommand(Shutter_GF_Cuisine, STOP)
