I am starting a new project at my home where I want to integrate a myhome bticino wired system with RTS Somfy sunblinds, Netatmo WiFi valves and plugs and Alexa voice commands. The heart of the system is a Raspberry Pi 3+ with openhab 2 and the OpenWebNet binding.
I’m starting from scratch. I’ve bought all the hardware and laid the bus cable in the house. I’ve installed openhabian and OWN. Now I am about to start the myhome system, based upon myhomeserver1 and myhome_up. Then Alexa will follow and finally the Netatmo system for heating.
the openhab system is now ready on the raspberry. The BT/OWN binding has been activated.
Openhabian installation went smooth. Added emacs and played with network so that WIFI is put down if Ethernet is plugged in and viceversa.
BT/OWN binding installation from Eclipse IoT Marketplace. Turnaround needed for java as suggested in the README. Activation and installation of the binding went smooth.
Now what?
I was thinking to install first the myhomeserver1 and see if it is discovered. Is this something worth testing?
A single F411U2 which controls a SOMFY dry contact RTS transmitter and three RTS sunblinds will be my first experiment. The F411U2 should mimic a double pushbutton not interlocked so that closing C1/C2 gives up/down and a group command that close both stops (if moving) or provides “my” (if not moving).
Is this configuration correct? Is it too complex to start with?
at some point you will want to install VSCode and edit your OH configs off of the samba share instead of using emacs through ssh. VSCode will give you code completion and really robust syntax checking as you type and given how bespoke the Rules DSL and other syntax used by OH having the syntax checking and code completion is a must.
I have no idea what to suggest. “Correct” in this domain is in the eye of the beholder. If that’s how you want it to work then that is correct. Now, when you start creating the config an Rules to make this happen you might run into trouble. At that point we can provide an opinion about the correctness of your approach. Until think, what you are describing are your requirements, and everyone’s bespoke home automation system has their own requirements, and they are all correct.
Though as you are just starting out I have the following suggestions:
start small and work your way up. Home automation is really complicated and OH has a lot of moving parts that all work together to support your home automation. If you try to do too much at once you will become frustrated.
Don’t be afraid to try stuff but be prepared to back up and try a new approach. As you learn you will discover new ways to do things.
Search and read the forums and the docs. There are not too many general problems or approaches that someone hasn’t already solved and posted a tutorial for.
On which system did you install OH, raspberry?
Which version OH, 2.4.0 ?
Which version OWN, 2.4.0 beta9 ?
Why what other WebServer do you have?
It is not very clear to me what you would like to do.
Configure OH with a practical test on your system so you can see if your items are discovered and how they work.
How are your F411U2 configured, Automation ?, A =? , PL =?
If you have configured as Automation (Rollershutter), WHO = 2, OH presents you with 3 buttons (UP - Stop - Down).
Start by getting familiar with the configura- tion via the paperUI interface and see how it works.
I switched to the configuration of all my system on .items and .things files because I have a lot more customization options, but this is a second step.
move to the other post and then delete.
I’ve already done
Change Topic header, No Tutorials&Examples
There is no easy way to move a post from one topic to another.
I edit the initial one, highlight all the post and copy and paste it on the new one.
Pay attention that if there are “quota” connections you have to redo them.
To quote someone, use the @user symbol and then choose who you are new to, try with @gozill and you will see a window of choice opens.
A notification is sent to the person who has a quote
Of the raspberry I rendered static ip address
If you have successfully installed OH on Raspberry, you will have shared folders on the network.
Search for \\ip_raspberry , password di default è openhabian
These are custom folders, openHAB-conf inside find other folders to write your custom files
I program their bticino devices using their software, MyHome-Suite, you can download it from their site
Crea delle copie della cartella OpenHab-conf sul tuo pc.
Impara ha farti la copia dell’interna immagine della tua SD sul pc.
Io uso Win32DiskImager.
Se il tuo raspberry crack non stai ha ripartire dall’installazione da zero.
If your raspberry crack is not you have to start from installation from scratch.
Install beta9:
Delete beta8 installation, vedi readme binding
Download the beta9 file and rename the extension from .pdf to .jar
Copy the file to the openhab2-addons folder, find it under the openHAB-Share folder
From the SSH window he enters console Karaf ssh -p 8101 openhab@localhost
password di default è habopen
Give the two commands feature:install openhab-transport-serial feature:install esh-io-transport-upnp
Reboot logout sudo reboot
I also use VS Code, find explanation and videos on the internet, I do not remember how I installed
Hi Michele. Sorry, my fault. Just assume I am starting from scratch
Yes, a Raspberry Pi 3+; OH 2.4.0-1; OWN beta 8 … Should I upgrade to beta 9? How?
I don’t have any other. Moreover, the bus is laid down but all the automation hardware is yet to be installed. Blinds, rollers and lights are all independent and controlled by local or remote switches. So my idea was to install and activate the MHserver1 as the first element of the system and see if it is discovered. Wasn’t this under test?
Ok … as I told you, I still have to assemble the hw so I can install one piece at the time. I was thinking to start with this, which is relatively simple (but not so simple, after all). I was thinking of first configure the system through the myhome_up app and then, “discover” it in OH through the OWN binding. Is this what you mean when you say “Configure OH”?
Now I am a little confused here. Can you help me a bit? The F411U2 has to act as a non interlocked double button: a short push on channel 1 gives down, a short push on channel 2 gives up. A short push on both (a group command?) gives stop (if moving) or “my” position (if stopped). The F411U2 controls the Somfy RTS dry contact transmitter that talks with the sunblind motors. How should I configure the F411U2 in myhome_up?
This was the idea … once I have MHS1 and the F411 wired and configured in myhome_up I can start playing with the paperUI interface, right?
I do not have your devices.
If you are at the beginning for the moment leave Raspberry, OH and MyHome_up alone.
First you have to run everything on a test bench, Somfy RTS, F411U2 and myhomeserver1
If you use MyHome_suite, last version 3.4.7, you can create your system and configure all the bticino devices in “Advanced virtual configuration” mode, there are videos that explain how to use.
To configure addresses for F411 / U2, look at the user manual you find it also on the internet.
The blinds MUST be configured as “UP / STOP / DOWN” automation control
My switches work like this:
if I press down, the blind goes down … if we stop again
if I press up, the roller shutter up … if we stop again
You have to understand the addresses and type commands in bticino.
Commands Lights WHO = 1, point-to-point, monostable, bistable etc …
Automation commands WHO = 2, monostable, bistable etc …
Groups = GR
Generali = GEN
Addresses A and PL
Advanced commands, I do not know if you need them:
CEN commands
CEN + commands
AUX commands
Once you understand how the configuration of bticino devices thinks and in practice works well with Somfy RTS, then you can switch to interface with raspberry, OH
Once the previous two steps work you will watch the .sitemaps to make OH work on your cell phone at home and away from home
I saw a MyHome_up video and an app like OH apps, at the end Myhome_up will not serve you.
I became aware of the RTS binding only lately. My original idea was to first integrate RTS motors into the myhome environment, and then have it working under OWN. RTS is a proprietary protocol so you need a bridge. I decided for this Somfy dry contact transmitter (1810135800) which is controlled by a two-button non interlocked switch. It seems to me the cleaner and cheaper way to access the radio controlled motors. So from a single wired switch I can now control the sunblinds (up, down, stop, and “my”, which is preferred position). To have myhome control I have now to simulate a two-button non interlocked switch and this is where the F411U2 comes handy. Does this make sense to you?
I have read the documentation of Somfy 1810135800 and F411U2, we will actually have to understand how to handle the STOP command.
How many curtains do you have?
I’ve already bought most of the automation hw. Some choices have been made more than a years ago (Somfy motors, in particular) and have already been installed without automation.
About ZigBee, I am not sure I need it: the cable bus is already laid and covers the whole house. Somfy RTS motors do no speak zigbeeoise!
I have three sunblinds, which I control via a remote with one radio channel for each curtain plus a common channel that gives the same signal to all of them. I am pretty sure that I can program the 1810135800 to use the common channel. So i will control all of them together as a single one via myhome (which is what I want, use it as a general command) and each of them separately via the remote, when needed.
As for the stop command, 1810135800 receives the commands via a three-wire connection, say A, B, C:
A+B = up (plus sign means close)
A+C = down
A+B+C = stop
Think of it as a double NOT interlocked button (means that you can close both buttons simultaneously):
up button = up
down button = down
up+down button together = stop
So I was thinking to use the two channels of F411U2 for up and down and a group command for stop.
it is necessary to think that the OpenWebNet protocol works well
Example of frame code on the bus for shutters: *WHO*Comand*WHERE## *2*1*91## Up Relay 1 ON (button right) *2*0*91## Stop Relay 1 and 2 = OFF (button center) *2*2*91## Down Relay 2 = ON (button left)
Probably the percent command will not work.
WHO 2 = Automation must necessarily use the 2 to not have the problem of compatibility with the OH system
WHERE = 91 = A=9 and PL=1
In F411U2 if you configure the channel 1 and channel 2 with the same address PL1 = PL2 works interlock, in this case we can not handle the STOP because you need simultaneously Relay 1 and 2 ON, timed for example 1 second then return to OFF .
Quite right?
Another consideration is the management of the automation bus in Massi’s openwebnet binding.
The bus remains OFFLINE until it receives the corresponding command WHERE frame.
To configure different PL1 and PL2 you need to configure in “virtual configuration” and not “advanced virtual configuration”
With automatic STOP time configuration
With this configuration we have problems with OH
You have to do a practical test, one shutter, and see which frame codes are running on the bus, so we understand what happens.
Electrically connect all necessary hardware to the bench and press the keys
With the Openwebnet client software, you download it from the bticino site, it tells you which codes are running
If I understand correctly,
you use the remote control to control the blinds.
F411U2 uses it to interface OH with curtains.
You have no switches on the bus to control F411U2.
Exactly. Indeed, in the future, I can add a local double button directly connected to the 1810135800 or a 4652 connected to the SCS bus, mainly to be used as a general command. Is this correct?