[BTicino/OpenWebNet] Adding CEN commands: design

Hi Michele,

I suggest you do the following:

  1. remove all CEN/CEN+ devices you have configured in OH2, both from PaperUI or from file (.items/.things) configuration.
  2. deactivate the current OpenWebNet binding from Karaf console (see README howto )
  3. install the binding version beta9, I copy here again:
    org.openhab.binding.openwebnet-2.4.0-b9.pdf (157.8 KB)
  4. start a new discovery for CEN/CEN+.

It’s important to do that during the Scan process:

  1. start Scan from Inbox , wait 15 sec
  2. press one of the CEN/CEN+ buttons (eg button2)
  3. it should appear a new CEN thing in Inbox
  4. confirm the new thing to add in the list of things
  5. IMPORTANT at this moment no item is shown yet in PaperUI>Control page
  6. press again the same CEN button (its’ not important that Scan is still running now)
  7. refresh PaperUI>Control page

You should have now a new Thing in PaperUI with 1 channel: button2.

It works for me (in my simulator) and it works for others here (Julian_Divett, see above), so the CEN/CEN+ discovery by activation should work for you as well.
If it does not work all you have to do is set debug level to DEBUG (see README how), repeat the discovery process, send me the openhab.log file via PM.
