Building an SMS gateway for openHAB (on Linux)


i have tried this, i can receive messages, the SMS.log is created with the message open.
In the openhab log the

Switch SMSreceived 

doesnt change to on, so the rule will not start, what could be the problem?

this is my log entry of the SMS.log > Wed May 16 18:41:23 CEST 2018: SMS from +4366412345678 reading open

I have installed openhab 2.2.

Thank you.

i have changed the

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: text/plain" --header "Accept: application/json" -d "ON" "http://localhost:8080/rest/items/SMSreceived"
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: text/plain" --header "Accept: application/json" -d $from "http://localhost:8080/rest/items/SMSnumber"
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: text/plain" --header "Accept: application/json" -d $message "http://localhost:8080/rest/items/SMStext"

Now in the openhab log i get the following messages:

2018-05-17 17:04:42.215 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘SMSreceived’ received command ON

2018-05-17 17:04:42.229 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - SMSreceived changed from OFF to ON

2018-05-17 17:04:42.312 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘SMSnumber’ received command 004366480095364

2018-05-17 17:04:42.319 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - SMSnumber changed from to 004366480095364

2018-05-17 17:04:42.421 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘SMStext’ received command on

2018-05-17 17:04:42.433 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - SMStext changed from to on

2018-05-17 17:04:43.261 [INFO ] [g.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.SMS] - SMS received - pausing before processing

2018-05-17 17:04:44.271 [INFO ] [g.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.SMS] - SMS received from 004366480095364:on

2018-05-17 17:04:44.281 [INFO ] [g.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.SMS] - Confirmed text from one of us

2018-05-17 17:04:44.297 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item ‘SMSnumber’ received command

2018-05-17 17:04:44.302 [INFO ] [g.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.SMS] - Done processing SMS

But the garagedor does not open

if you’ve used the original rules file then it opens only when it receives the message “open” (of course for testing purposes, in the real world better to use a password)

Your log suggests you received the message “on”

i have changed it to on for a test.
I unintentionally inserted a special character at the end of a line in the rule.
now it is working very well :slight_smile:

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Hello my dear, is it working with openHabian on raspberryPI?


I saw this post and thought that it might be a really nice option to add to a system.

I originally considered a dedicated GSM Gateway, which would enable SIP based phone systems to use the voice service too.

For a simpler option, you could always throw an old Android phone in a cupboard and use an SMS Gateway app like this


Or a search for “SMS gateway ultimate APK” and found this…

I like that it has a web server and that it can push an incoming SMS somewhere else.

Update - March 5th 2019

I’ve found a few minutes to test this… and it works :smile:

It is really easy to setup the outgoing SMS.

All I did was run the SMS Gateway Ultimate (Free) app on a very old Samsung S2, with a live SIM.

Once I setup a server on it and got the port number, I wrote / adapted a quick rule that captures a String Item and pushes the text into the SMS gateway.

The only minor detail is that any " " characters needs to be replaced with “+”

Rule looks like this…

rule "TTS VoiceCommand"
Item VoiceCommand received update

val String message = VoiceCommand.state.toString.replace(" ", "+")
say(VoiceCommand.state, "voicerss:enAU", "webaudio")

sendHttpGetRequest(""+message+"&smstype=sms") // Where the IP is that of the phone running the APP and the 'smsto' is the receiving phone number


The keen eyed will notice the &smstype=sms at the end of the command, you could change that to &smstype=email and get the phone to send out an email?
I’m not sure how it would cope in the event of a WAN / DSL internet connection failure, would it fail completely or would it roll back to it’s own mobile data connection???

??? The real question is… how do I force such a situation to test it?

So now any changes to my VoiceCommand string Item gets

  • announced by any instance of paperUI or habpanel.
  • sent as an SMS to any recipients I care to add to the rule

It is possible to create a Rule within SMS Gateway Ultimate that will forward any (matching?) incoming SMS to

  1. A new SMS recipient
  2. An email
  3. A HTTP GET command

What I can’t seem to do is place the attributes of an incoming SMS into the body of a POST command.
I’ve emailed the developer to ask if this is possible, but I haven’t heard back as yet.

Available attributes are –

  • %from%
  • %body%
  • %timestamp%
  • %time%
  • %timenow%
  • %timenowstring%
  • %pseudosubject%
  • %servicecenteraddress%
  • %devicemodel%
  • %device%

Update - March 13th 2019

I’ve stumbled across a work-around to enable the Android App to “PUT” the incoming SMS into openHAB2.

(It’s not pretty, but it works, so if anyone has a better solution please give (lots of) guidance.

What I found was that the ClassicUI supports GET requests via CMD?

So, I installed the ClassicUI user interface for openHAB2, via the paperUI addons section.

Then from a browser, I tried this command, to mimic an incoming SMS, where SMSRX is the String item I created to accept the SMS


So the next thing I did was to add this command into a “Rule” within the SMS Gateway Ultimate App.


With this rule, I can now spit out the sender of the SMS and the message.

// Var's at top of rule
var String SMSRXNumber = null
var String SMSRXBody = null

rule "SMS receive"

Item SMSRX received update

var String smsincoming = SMSRX.state.toString

var SMSRXNumber 	= (smsincoming.split(':').get(0))
var SMSRXBody 		= (smsincoming.split(':').get(1))

logInfo("SMS RX","Sender = "+SMSRXNumber+" Message = "+SMSRXBody)


Update - March 21st 2019

I’ve just tweaked the rule to allow me to send commands to my home via SMS.

To prove the idea, I created a “Say” and “Display” command.

to trigger these, I simply send a text in this format

say:Hello World


display:Put some text on the displays



The Say command pushes the SMSRXCommand variable to my ChromeCast devices and the Display command pushes the SMSRXCommand variable to the Oled displays of my Velbus glass panels.
There is also a filter in the Display command that sends an empty string to the OLED panels to clear the screen/s.

// Top of file - add this line to make the variable available to the whole rule
var String SMSRXCommand = null

// Annouce stuff

	if (SMSRXBody.trim == "Say" || SMSRXBody.trim == "SAY" || SMSRXBody.trim == "say" ){
	SMSRXCommand	= (smsincoming.split(':').get(2))
	say(SMSRXCommand, "voicerss:enGB", "webaudio")
	logInfo("SMS RX","SMS Sender Name = "+SMSRXName+" Sender Number  = "+SMSRXNumber+" Code = "+SMSRXBody+", Message = "+SMSRXCommand)
	say(SMSRXCommand, "voicerss:enGB", "chromecast:audio:3f5b31d2c7d792037ef036c498c40a1c")			// Bathroom
	say(SMSRXCommand, "voicerss:enGB", "chromecast:chromecast:dc1c3cdca7c119edda07b157b89213ed")	// Cabin
	say(SMSRXCommand, "voicerss:enGB", "chromecast:chromecast:9fcd8320e1763a302be40c2accd5decf")	// Lounge	
	say(SMSRXCommand, "voicerss:enGB", "chromecast:chromecast:aa06742fcb32f738f264f256ad1540c7")	// TV Room
//	say(SMSRXCommand, "voicerss:enGB", "chromecast:audiogroup:fda9a2ef-25e9-4ac6-bbfa-74acc2f5902b")	// ChromeCast Audio Group	
// Send the Command to the OLED panels
	if (SMSRXBody.trim == "Display" || SMSRXBody.trim == "DISPLAY" || SMSRXBody.trim == "display" ){
	SMSRXCommand	= (smsincoming.split(':').get(2))
	logInfo("SMS RX","SMS Sender Name = "+SMSRXName+" Sender Number  = "+SMSRXNumber+" Code = "+SMSRXBody+", Message = "+SMSRXCommand)
	if (SMSRXCommand == "clear"){



sorry, don’t know.

I am trying it, but it doesn’t work and in the app log there is message " - Authentication needed" ?

Where does it ask for authentication?

Can you post the log?

In the app logs: is the raspberryPi which hosts openHAB:


Is it required to make ip forwarding?

That’s curious.

I haven’t seen anything like that.

Is the app trying to send the SMS to your Pi


Is the PI trying to send an SMS?

Can you send an SMS from the web server of the app?

This is how mine behaves…

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Now it works when trying other mobile.

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I wonder what the problem was…

It is old mobile and stopped using it since period of time


I’m using an old Samsung G2, which seems fine.

Have you got your old phone configured to do something odd with the WiFi connection via your Pi by any chance?

No; but when I was using it, sometimes it was giving that it is busy when getting call, so I stopped using it. But sms was ok.


@dan12345 When I send the command sudo gammu identify, I get an Warning no configuration file found!

I use the pi user, and changed the gammu-smsdrc file in /etc

Have you an idea for this Problem?

Have you tried specifying the location of the config file?


gammu -c /etc/gammu-smsdrc

Sorry for hijacking this thread :wink:
For those still interested in plain old sms, or passing by this thread : I made a SMSModem binding.
Maybe it will be useful for some of you.

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Fantastic! I’ll certainly try it out!