Building Pages in the OH3 UI: documentation draft (1/3)


@knxhab Thank you, I would have never thought to find that setting under Help & About… I kept looking for it under settings and under the login profile. :laughing:

A local search option for the UI config and items could be helpful in such cases…

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Open an issue on GitHub suggesting that :wink:

Yes. That’s where I first searched for it, too. What keeps me puzzled is, that there is an option under settings, but I don’t know what it is for.

Dark Mode Theme

Basic UI is an older UI which renders Sitemaps. These are the settings for Basic UI, not Main UI.

Nice GIF, by the way…! :wink:

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How do i change the color of a marker on a map page? - component: oh-map-marker
There’s no UI way of changing it and editting the ‘color’ property in the code view does not work.

I know you can change the color of the circle marker (oh-map-circle-marker)

Hey folks. I’m brand new to openHAB and I wanted to give some feedback to the experience. The landing was pretty rough. I spent a lot of time working through the documentation, to eventually realize that I needed to find this tutorial. Then I worked through this tutorial and started struggling to convert the exercise for the reader weather widget to be functional. Through all of this I accidentally clicked in to eventually find HABPanel and had a new weather widget up in moments.

This is to say, if you’re trying to onboard new users I think the lift here is a bit large. I completely appreciate how much knowledge I learned to start understanding the model structure. I also feel like there could be a faster path to an easy win. Perhaps a short tutorial that at the end of it you have a fully configured weather clock and weather widget. This is a sensor that visual combo that most users can relate to even if they are not personally interested in it.

Happy to talk more if having a fresh set of eyes helps. Thanks for the great work. I’m slowly converting from HomeAssistant now and still getting my head wrapped around the differences.


I agree with you @Funkymonkey. I’ve been on OH for a long time, but the jump from OH 2.5 to 3.0 is huge.

The tutorials on setting up the Model have been great. The ‘Pages’ have lots of documentation, but I’ve been unable to find a ‘tutorial’.

In OH 2.x, you added items and they automatically showed up on the “Control” tab where you can control them or see a status. In 3.0, there are so many options, I don’t know where to start.

I’m focusing on writing what will hopefully be comprehensive reference docs for everything widget/pages related. Will take a few days though…


there are now a few video on YouTube which are quite helpful for understanding OH3. I often find videos easier than reading through documentation.

Writing proper documentation is definitely needed, but I have some strong concerns about the way users are supposed to setup MainUI. Some of the fundamentals are not quite right I believe.

As a release which is focussed on improving usability, OH3 failed in my opinion. Of course design posibilities have been greatly extended (which was definitely neccessary and the right move), but at the same time it is really hard (even for long-term OH users) to create a properly designed and working pages (beyond just adding a few widgets).

Many Users right away (have to) start looking for “how to’s”, secret hacks and workarounds and code snippets in the forum from people who have found ways to achieve certain layouts (partly by reverse-engineering OH). Thats’s exactly the same situation what most people were complaining about with OH2.

I have to admit until the documentation is ready I am really struggling with the new pages design. I am reasonably competant with OH2 but this is just trial and error for me at the moment. I can see that this will allow us to create some better looking interfaces but I will leave it for the pros for now! I do think beginners will have a big learning curve. I will stick with the Basic UI in the meantime - it is more limited but easier to programme - I think for beginners this would also be the case.


First of all, I think that OH3 is a huge step forward and I really like the way it looks and feels now.

I already spent some time creating widgets and pages and trying to optimise the automatically generated pages. Regarding usability I see room for improvement mainly in two ways:

  1. What I find really cumbersome is the need to click through a lot of items when you realised that you used the wrong semantic classes/properties or whatever. It would be really nice to have the option to have different views e.g. showing all semantic classes and see the corresponding items/equipment/points. This way you could also see when you accidentally have e.g. one of ten similar items wrongly configured and perform a mass change of these properties.

  2. Closely related to 1. and I can think of ways to solve both of these with the same solution: I really miss some options to filter especially the items view. The model is great for structured information but it is often that you want to change items of things consistently that can be found in every room of your house. This is where the model does not really help as you would need to click through all rooms/equipments/points and there will still be some items left that are not part of the model anyway. Instead a simple name filter or as mentioned under 1. a semantic classes based filter or similar would come in super handy… This could also be used to find no longer used items or items that need attention because they may need to be persisted or are missing properties or have incorrect names or whatever depending on your individually applied design patterns (e.g. show items that are not part of the semantic model, not linked to things, not part of a group etc.)

For any feature requests or suggestions for improvements please file an issue on the openhab-webui repo (search first to make sure there isn’t already an issue open that covers it).

As for the docs, we are doing the best we can. If anyone wants to pitch in and help we sure could use the help. No one seems to want to help though so everyone will just have to wait for the volunteers to finish their contributions.

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I will do that, but I have to think a bit more about what I think would actually be most useful. But maybe you are right and GitHub is the better place to discuss this.

Regarding documentation: there is already a lot and I discover some more every day. Of course there is always room for improvement but I really appreciate all the hard work that has gone into it so far.

Thank you - I tried that.
The problem is, that I cannot see the URL of the homescreen.
I would like to open directly the “locations” tab, but this does not have a different url but just:

See here: Configure default page (Overview/Locations/Devices/Properties) · Issue #866 · openhab/openhab-webui · GitHub

As far as I know it’s not possible to link directly that’s why i’ve created this issue

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Thank you, Sascha!

ive upgrade from 2.5 to 3.2 and all is well and working
only issue i have for now is the pages ive created for testing dont show on landing page.
just says ‘no pages’