Building Pages in the OH3 UI: documentation draft (1/3)

For some reason it seems to happen when I have multiple SSE connections open - i.e. had the problem when I was streaming events in the developer toolbar, but after I stopped it, it started working normally again.

I am not sure when exactly this happens. Maybe you are right and it happens when i have another tab open or have the page open in my laptop and my smartphone at the same time because i did not open the developer toolbar during changing the color.

Glad that you are able to reproduce this issue.

Hey @ysc i have absoerved a strange behavior with a String item linked to an iCalendar channel.

The item state is not shown in the item view nor when i add it to a page:

(Same view when i add a label box with the item as source. Just the dash.)
But the item has received some update from the icalendar binding, when i request the status from console for example.


(The old date should be fine in my view since i jsut filtered for some Text at all.)

Could you identify the issue why this happens? It is spamming my logfile and constantly sending commands to the led stripe.

Hi guys
Do you think is possible linking somewhere the home documentation page for the YAML reference? I mean, a list of components for each type of entity

To use as a full reference. Linked so the timid fellows can skip without pain.
Reason being that looking at the YAML of a specific entity does not - I guess - ensure that all possible parameters are listed

There must be somewhere something cooked up by the core team - I hope

For the tech guys, I hope you get what I try to mean - something like the syntax of a command in the OS

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rereading wth fresh mind still I don’t get why Configuration descriptions have been given so much prominence
 I am not sure I get it but after maybe understand what is that about I found that a level of detail not in line with the rest of the page.
Maybe it just deserve an hyperlink, instead of that huge box below imho.
As for the namespaces, well, under a practical point of view for a end user : could not it be translated in
“beware! If you’ve found a foo parameter in the page YAML, it will have no relationship whatsoever with the identically named foo parameter you can spot among widgets YAML”.

I think this wiki was just to server as the basis / source for the official documentation on the web site.

I don’t think such a reference exists yet.

Over all Pages documentation is incomplete. In fact these pages were originally intended to the the start of the reference docs and somehow both Yannick and I forgot that and included them as part of the Getting Started tutorial. I think it’s fair to say that before OH 3.1 comes out these parts of the tutorial will need to be completely rewritten. Unfortunately I don’t understand this stuff myself to have the best idea how to do it yet. I’m definitely going to try to include a step-by-step to create that custom Chromecast widget I discussed with RGroll and Yannick above.

The challenge I think is providing that bridge between them with their very deep knowledge of F7 and all the rest of the stuff Pages are built upon, and those like me who don’t know an F7 card from a hole in the ground. There are enough examples I think but not the bridge explaining when and why one element would be chosen over another.

That’s going to take some time unfortunately.

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By when are you planning to implement custom png icons - do you have a rough timeline for it?

PNG support for icons is already implemented afaik. The system will look for svg as well as png icons in the icon-folder and will take the one thats available


so I saw that the sidebar can now be hidden. But one more thing with pages:

I would like to pin a certain page to the homescreen of my mobile. But opening it brings me always to the Overview page. Am I doing wrong?

Also: is it possible to hide the Other Apps icon in the top right corner as well?

Kind regards!

I don’t know the answer to either question unfortunately.

if you have an iPhone, you can create a shortcut which directly goes to the page you want, if Android, you can use Tasker.

@Benny_Dormaels: your’re right. I’m using an iPhone, too.

Doing it one time I succeed, but next time - after deleting the link from the iPhone home screen and creating it again - the link will takes me to the Overwiew instead of the certain page again. I only changed the UI theme to dark mode in between, which isn’t displayed btw (still in Default light theme on PC and iPhone).

As with other parts of the UI - I already opened a thread for semantic modelling with Edge vs. Chrome - it seems to me not predictable and for this a little frustrating. Page reloads (tip from Yannick), clearing browser caches, restarting browser, logging out and in on OH UI,
 seems to help from time to time.

Just to avoid any confusion : with ‘creating a shortcut’ I don’t mean put your page via safari at your home screen but really going into the iOS shortcuts app and create a shortcut which opens the URL you want with Safari.

This will always open the dedicated page and not the home page.

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Hmm, true - I do create out of Safari. Thank you for the hint how to do it otherwise and hence the viable workaround.

But to be honest: both should work. Maybe the problem lies on Apple’s side?

Anyway, I will use your way for getting results and maybe test mine from time to time.

what do you mean with ios shortcut app?

there is an app on your iphone called “shortcuts” (if it is set in english), there you can create a new shortcut which you can then put on your homescreen. By clicking on this icon it will take you then exactly to the page in openhab where you wanna be.

if you don’t know what the shortcuts app is on your iphone, I suggest you google first on how to use the shortcuts app

@knxhab how do you change the UI theme? I seem to remember it asking which theme I wanted when OH3 ran through its initial set up but I haven’t found a way to change that setting after the fact

@gatekeeper6838 I found the hint in another thread. You have to click Help&About on the OH3 Home Screen.