Busch-Jaeger Free@Home

Yes, it was just to get the device displayed in the inbox. Next, could you screenshot the device as it is displayed in the inbox? Would need the Device type ID (4 digit number) as included in the device name for further investigation. The sensor/dim actuator is not included in the binding as per now, so further investigation wrt channel/idp/odp would be required.

Here is my screenshot
Bildschirmfoto 2021-07-31 um 19.35.59

Right, so the 1017 device is not included by the binding as per now. We would need to identify channel and idps/odp for the device to get it included.

Hello. Sorry for my late answer.
How do I identify the channel and idps/odps?

Would need to sniff the response of the device, either via web browser (network inspector) or via ABB Developer program (Postman for Cloud API or Swagger for REST API depending on which SysAp version you have).

@Olafsc @jannodeluxe
I have been playing around with the binding in an attempt to have the binding automatically handle virtual switches, i.e. without using virtualDeviceEmulation, and to have the binding read/write values without having to use rules.

I.e. my attempt has been to update/read idp value on both side of things, and to automatically send an update to odp to also synchronise/update the SysAp. Meaning, when triggering virtual switch from OH side using idp, the binding should also send the value to odp to update everything on the SysAp side. Also, when triggering the virtual switch from the SysAp side, the binding is set up to read the idp value, and should reply automatically to the odp to keep everything synchronised.

Please feel free to test. Haven’t tested myself yet, as I will have to remove reference to virtualDeviceEmulation first. Would also need to delete and recreate thing for proper discovery/Thing initialisation.

I have started testing myself, and realised there had to be made some modifications to the binding to achieve the automatic odp update. Link above is updated, and the binding now seems to handle the virtual switch correctly, without using virtualDeviceEmulation, and I also did not have to delete/recreate thing.

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Hi, thanks for the efforts - right now I added them with VirtualDeviceEmulation and it works, so I am careful to not. touch things until I would have more time to fix it back in, I apologize for being a non(bad) tester at the moment :slight_smile:

Thanks Stian.

This means that i don’t have to change the Backupfile from the sysap with “virtualdeviceemulation” ?
Works this only with virtual switches, or also with virtual window sensor etc…

Yes, it is no longer required to use virtualDeviceEmulation (which regardless is not recommended by ABB) for virtual switches.

Currently, the binding only supports virtual switches, not any other virtual devices like window sensor. Thus the binding has no way to detect websocket messages related to virtual window sensors, and thus it is not possible to have the binding autoupdate on required channels.

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Hello, I would like to bring up an old topic again, since I discovered a Problem with binary switches 8/8 actuator. If it is set to windows sensor in free@home everything works fine in Openhab. However if it is set to motion sensor in free@home I can’t get any signal in Openhab? Has anyone an idea? I only found out, that the free@home internal address changed to x0006 as for the standard motion sensors

Here is my thing file : Thing binary ABBxxx_ch0006 “leer 6” @ “Room” [ deviceId=“ABBxxx”, channelId=“ch0006”, dataPointId=“idp0000”, dataPointIdUpdate=“odp000C” ]

Item as switch : {channel=“freeathome:binary:sysap:ABBxxx_ch0006:binary_switch_channel”}

Well, I believe this would be a challenge, as the B008 device (8-fach actuator with binaries) per default is recognised as 8 switch channels and 8 binary channels as window sensors, based on previous input.

If binaries are selected otherwise, and not operating under same channels / idps / odps as window sensors, I have no clue how this should be solved by the binding. My best suggestion is then to create manual things for the device serial, and to play around to find the correct channel / idp / odp.

I´m on OH 2.5.12, Binding 2.5.8 and AP FW 1.0 = 2.6.2
Does the AP FW 2.6.4 function with binding 2.5.8 on OH 2.5.12 ??

Thank you for your help and support.

I’m on 2.5.12, binding 2.5.0 and just updated to FW 2.6.4, still works what I use :slight_smile:

Thank you for youe feedback :slight_smile:

Update: BJ FW 2.6.4 function with OH 2.5.12 and Binding 2.5.8 :wink:


thanks for your binding, but can’t figure out why its not working for me.
Im running OH 3.0.0.M5-debian on Docker on Synology 920+.
BJ FW is 2.6.4 Revision 8172.
The binding is org.openhab.binding.freeathome-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (also tried the 3.2.0 one).

Via adding Things manually i can select the free@home binding, and i can “add” the Bridge. But even with entering the, imo, correct login info for an installer account the Thing stays in the state of “INITIALIZING”.
Also no logs are written in the openhab.log file.

I tried to restart OH (the docker container) and clearing the cache (deleting the contents of the cache folder).

Is there another way to debug this? Or do you know what I can try next?

Thank your very much for your work!

After trying around a bit more, i found, that after adding the bridge things, this is written in my terminal:

[OH-safeCall-3] WARN org.openhab.binding.freeathome.internal.handler.FreeAtHomeBridgeHandler - Problems getting JID: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.net.SocketException: Network is unreachable

I read alot of posts above, that when you have problems wwith “getting JIDs” you might have a wrong GSON (never heard of that before) and you can install it with a command. but sadly, this also does not work :frowning:

You are sure you are using the correct ip address of your sysap? As you are getting “Network unreachable”.

Hey Stian,
yes I was using the correct IP Address.
Meanwhile I solved the problem after a week of trying.

  1. The bridge didn’t update after creating the thing and editing the ip / username / pw. The logs are only written when i created the thing, but not when updating the things after i “saved” it once.
  2. I had to restart the binding while OH running.

What I did to get it running was, entering the correct IP / Username / PW before “creating” it, then restarting the binding. Then it finally turned from Initializing to Online and it began writing logs =)

Hi Stian,

I finally got it to install your new Binding version 3.2.0 and did some tests with virtual switches without deviceEmulation. I created the virtual switch via Postman. It gots visible in SysAP and can also be detected by OH. But I faced one problem. As you wrote, it should be possible to switch the virtual switch wether from OH or from SysAP. But for me, only one way is working. When I switch it from OH, then the status is also changed in SysAP, but when I click on it in SysAP or also Panel, the status does not change at all.
When I have a look on the free@home Monitor, I can see it like below:
Switched from OH:
→ everything seems to be ok.

Switched from SysAP:
→ Status does not change

Is it a general problem or do I make anything wrong?
Should I gather some more logs for you?

One further info:
I already created a virtual switch long time ago. Here, deviceEmulation is enabled. And with this setting, I can switch this old virtual switch. But it looks a little different in the Monitor.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Uncertain what your issue is, as it appears like switching within sysap actually makes your switch (SwitchOnOff) change from 0 to 1…? Do you get a visual change from 0 to 1 for the switch in sysap? In that case it seems like the binding is working as it is set up to.

Due to the nature of virtual switches, as they are set up to report idp value and rely on outside control of odp value (opposite to regular hardware which reports odp values), the binding is set to listen for idp values, and reply with the same value for odp to get the visual switch change in sysap.

If you are not getting the visual change in sysap when operating the switch from sysap, you could try a couple of sysap reboots (known issue when new virtual switches are created). You could also try cache clean/OH reboot to ensure only the new part of the binding is running. Also try hitting the switch repeatedly in sysap to see if you get it triggered.