I’m running openHAB 3.3 and would like to calculate something (here: the heat index as mentioned here: [SOLVED]How to calculate temperature real feel (feels like, heat index) - #10 by martiniman). I encounter problems during the calculation probably because I calculate with items that use Units of Measurement.
- The code runs smoothly, but the heat index calculation is off (e.g. 5450 °C)
- From what I can see, it’s because of the way the temperature and relative humidity is formated on my system / comes in via HomematicIP without any stateDescription / Pattern formating. When I print out those two variables via…
logWarn("notifications", "Temperature: " + Thermostat_Wohnzimmer_ActualTemperature.state.toString + ", Relative humidity: " + Thermostat_Wohnzimmer_Humidity.state.toString)
it reads:
“Temperature: 26.2 °C, Relative humidity: 41 %” - I believe the wrong calculation occurs because the items use “Units Of Measurement” (the strings “°C” and “%”).
Question: Is there a way to get rid of the strings during the calculation?