i setup the caldav binding successful together with nextcloud and everything is working as it should except one thing.
if i’m updating an event in nextcloud to add additional items to be executed the same is never getting updated in caldav/openhab. only if i remove the the event in the calendar and re-add it with the all the new items its working.
Yeah, sorry to tell you mate: OH2 + caldav: not working the way to be expected.
Yet there seems no one who did it. It seems the binding ain’t maintained, at least not for OH2. I gave it up. Its really unfortunate, but it seems no one has a clue what to do.
that’s really unfortunate, since that actually seams to be the only half working option i found to get a scheduler up and running. at least till we have a build in scheduler for OH2
may i ask if you using schedules in any other way?
I used caldav for the use of trash calender-items and I plugged the binding to owncloud.
Someone else here did manage a python-based script, which doenst fit my needs since ist made for Google and OAuth-Authentication.
What exactly do you want to realize?
I assume you want your shutters opened and closed at certain points of time?
If that’s the case, cron-based rules are the best way.
For everyone having the same problem. I tried tracing the problem for hours and found a solution. The items are not coming from caldavIO but form caldavPersonal. You need to add the calendar ID to the caldavPersonal.cfg like that
Of course, that documentation appears to be woefully out of date as it references “openhab.cfg” which doesn’t seem to exist in OpenHAB2 (or seems to be split across multiple configuration files in various directories).
For what it’s worth, I also got the caldav binding to work after hours of reading and trial of error. I installed it in OH2 from PaperUI. * When configuring, I initially had a typo, and the new configuration would not load before deleting the following files manually to trigger a reload:
rm userdata/config/org/openhab/caldav*
for each calendar, say caldavio:test also: rm userdata/config/org/openhab/test