For iOS you need to use a webview, at least I don’t get it to work without it. Also I have a DCS-2132L so might be different
Group label="Camera Video - Android" icon="video" {
Video url="http://user:password@ipadress:80/video2.mjpg?user=user&password=password" encoding="mjpeg"
Group label="Camera Video - iPad/iPhone" icon="video" {
Webview icon="video" url="http://user:password@ipaddress:80/video2.mjpg?user=user&password=password" height=480
Not sure you need user and password in both url and as query parameters, but that’s what worked for me.
I know this is an old post but nevertheless I’ d like to react.
First, thanks, this was very useful info. Nevertheless it didnt work for me, the sitemap crashed and disappeared from the sitemap list. Maybe something changed in what openhab accepts in the sitemap. The issue seemed to be in adding the port 8010 and/or the html file.
I am currently using a simple setup for my DCS-930. I use: Webview url="http://user:pw@" height=8
in my sitemap and that works without problems
( being the ip address of my camera)
Anyway, some months ago I was struggling with this as well, without result… and your post (and the one of @Seaside put me on the right track again.
It could very well be that my method will not work remotely (still need to test) but at least I have a start
Do I have to setup the camera with the D-Link app and afterthat link to the openhab or I can link to openhab without any setup befor and avoid to use the D-Link app?
That I do not know as I setup my camera long before I ever heard of openhab. I don’t think I used the app for it, just my browser. Downloaded the app later.
But anyway you need to do some setup if only to put yr web credentials in the camera
Working fine but with some little issues with DCS-930L
I tried with:
Webview url=“” height=8
This is working fine wthout authentication but:
When I set a admin password, I can not login with usr and pwd in the address. So, It is requested to login everytime I load the sitemap.
I do not get image thorugh myopenhab and iphone, I guess because of the authentication request. But even I do not get any authentication request. If I setup without autenthication, everything works fine.
With my iphone, it seems that after 30 minutes, the image disappear (through localhost still have it) … If I reconect the camera wroks fine, but after 20/30 minutes the conection is lost. This is strange.