This widget allows you to view your live camera with the more compatible MJPEG format for the live stream, and when a MP4 recording is made via the ipCamera binding, it will allow the folder icon to be clicked to show the recordings to be reviewed. Useful to show the number of people that have rung your doorbell, or driven up your driveway allowing a quick review of the recordings.
MJPEG has low latency and good compatibility with browsers.
There is a HLS version of this widget that will give higher resolution at the expense of latency and less compatible.
Once you have seen all the recordings, you can click on the “X” button to clear the counter which will NOT delete the recordings. The X just resets the number of how many recordings that have been made since you last reviewed and cleared the counter. The video camera icon returns you to the live view. You can enter full screen mode if the recording contains something of interest.
To get this widget working you MUST name your items with the default naming that occurs when you use the OH3 feature “Add equipment to model” from the things channel page (found at very bottom of page). If you manually create items, then the following items will need to be named as follows and linked to the channels of the same name:
EquipmentName (this is the item you select in the widget’s setup)
The Base Url config needs to be set to use your openHAB IP address and also be updated to include the cameras unique ID. This will look like this and will end with a /
Just updated the widget to work with the newer item naming structure as follows when you create equipment from a thing.
Items names need to be like this…
EquipmentName (this is the item you select in the widget’s setup)
I’m running OH 4.2.2-release build with the current IP Camera binding.
Currently I do have integrated my “DoorBird” camera, which is ONVIF-compatible and is able to provide a MJPEG feed on their own. Is it still necessary to configure ffmpeg for the binding to work? at least using the marketplace widget “Camera: Clickable thumbnail opens to a larger stream” does not retrieve the stream.
My thing:
UID: ipcamera:onvif:BinderDoor
label: BinderDoor
thingTypeUID: ipcamera:onvif
mjpegOptions: -q:v 5 -r 2 -vf scale=640:-2 -update 1
updateImageWhen: "0"
onvifPort: 80
gifPreroll: 0
ipWhitelist: DISABLE
mp4OutOptions: -c:v copy -c:a copy
pollTime: 1000
password: xxx
port: 80
snapshotOptions: -an -vsync vfr -q:v 2 -update 1
ptzContinuous: false
onvifMediaProfile: 0
username: yyy
hlsOutOptions: -strict -2 -f lavfi -i aevalsrc=0 -acodec aac -vcodec copy
-hls_flags delete_segments -hls_time 2 -hls_list_size 4
gifOutOptions: -r 2 -filter_complex
- id: startStream
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:startStream
label: Start HLS Stream
description: Lower the delay to start casting the camera by creating the files
non stop in case they are needed.
configuration: {}
- id: pollImage
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:pollImage
label: Poll Image
description: This can be used to trigger snapshot updates when an external PIR,
button or other form of sensor turns this channel ON.
configuration: {}
- id: image
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:image
label: Image
description: Low frame rate image from your camera. Recommend this is NOT used
unless you have large pollTime.
configuration: {}
- id: recordingGif
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:recordingGif
label: GIF Recording
description: Indicates how long the recording will occur for and when the file
is created, the channel will change to 0 by itself.
configuration: {}
- id: gifHistory
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:gifHistory
label: GIF History
description: A history of the last GIFs created in a CSV formatted string.
configuration: {}
- id: gifHistoryLength
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:gifHistoryLength
label: GIF History Length
description: How many GIFs are stored in the history.
configuration: {}
- id: recordingMp4
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:recordingMp4
label: MP4 Recording
description: Indicates how long the recording will occur for and when the file
is created, the channel will change to 0 by itself.
configuration: {}
- id: mp4History
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:mp4History
label: MP4 History
description: A history of the last mp4 recordings created in a CSV formatted string.
configuration: {}
- id: mp4HistoryLength
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:mp4HistoryLength
label: MP4 History Length
description: How many mp4 recordings are stored in the history.
configuration: {}
- id: lastMotionType
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:lastMotionType
label: Last Motion Type
description: A string that contains the type of motion alarm that was last triggered.
configuration: {}
- id: ffmpegMotionControl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:ffmpegMotionControl
label: Control FFmpeg Motion Alarm
description: Enable/Disable the motion alarm and control the sensitivity.
configuration: {}
- id: ffmpegMotionAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:ffmpegMotionAlarm
label: FFmpeg Motion Alarm
description: FFmpeg has detected motion.
configuration: {}
- id: thresholdAudioAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:thresholdAudioAlarm
label: Audio Alarm Threshold
description: By moving this control you should be able to change how sensitive
the audio alarm is to soft or loud noises.
configuration: {}
- id: audioAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:audioAlarm
label: Audio Alarm
description: Audio has triggered an Alarm.
configuration: {}
- id: externalMotion
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:externalMotion
label: External Motion
description: Use any external sensor like a ZWave PIR sensor to flag that the
camera has motion in its field of view.
configuration: {}
- id: motionAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:motionAlarm
label: Motion Alarm
description: Motion has been detected.
configuration: {}
- id: cellMotionAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:cellMotionAlarm
label: Cell Motion Alarm
description: Cell based motion has been detected.
configuration: {}
- id: lineCrossingAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:lineCrossingAlarm
label: Line Crossing Alarm
description: Motion has been detected.
configuration: {}
- id: fieldDetectionAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:fieldDetectionAlarm
label: Field Alarm
description: Intrusion has detected movement. AKA Field Detection Alarm.
configuration: {}
- id: faceDetected
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:faceDetected
label: Face Detected Alarm
description: A face has been detected.
configuration: {}
- id: parkingAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:parkingAlarm
label: Parking Alarm
description: A car has triggered the Parking Detection.
configuration: {}
- id: itemLeft
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:itemLeft
label: Item Left Alarm
description: An item has been left.
configuration: {}
- id: itemTaken
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:itemTaken
label: Item Taken Alarm
description: An item may have been stolen.
configuration: {}
- id: tamperAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:tamperAlarm
label: Tamper Alarm
description: Camera may be stolen or damaged.
configuration: {}
- id: tooDarkAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:tooDarkAlarm
label: Too Dark Alarm
description: Image is too dark.
configuration: {}
- id: storageAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:storageAlarm
label: Storage Alarm
description: An issue with the cameras storage has been reported.
configuration: {}
- id: sceneChangeAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:sceneChangeAlarm
label: Scene Change Alarm
description: Camera may have been moved.
configuration: {}
- id: tooBrightAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:tooBrightAlarm
label: Too Bright Alarm
description: Image is too bright.
configuration: {}
- id: humanAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:humanAlarm
label: Human Alarm
description: A person has triggered the Human Detection.
configuration: {}
- id: animalAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:animalAlarm
label: Animal Alarm
description: An animal has triggered the object detection.
configuration: {}
- id: carAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:carAlarm
label: Car Alarm
description: A car has triggered the Vehicle Detection.
configuration: {}
- id: tooBlurryAlarm
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:tooBlurryAlarm
label: Too Blurry Alarm
description: Image is out of focus.
configuration: {}
- id: gotoPreset
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:gotoPreset
label: Go To Preset
description: Move a P.T.Z camera to this ONVIF preset location.
configuration: {}
- id: mjpegUrl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:mjpegUrl
label: MJPEG URL
description: A link you can use in openHAB/HABpanel to fetch a MJPEG video feed
from the camera.
configuration: {}
- id: rtspUrl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:rtspUrl
label: RTSP URL
description: A link that the camera uses for RTSP.
configuration: {}
- id: imageUrl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:imageUrl
label: Image URL
description: A link you can use to fetch a static image from the camera.
configuration: {}
- id: hlsUrl
channelTypeUID: ipcamera:hlsUrl
label: HLS URL
description: A link you can use in openHAB to cast video feeds.
configuration: {}
Just give that config the http based url that gives you mjpeg and the binding will not use ffmpeg. I just updated the binding to support rtsp urls in that config, however all rtsp based urls will fall back to using ffmpeg and this is only in snapshot builds until the next milestone is released.
Hi @matt1,
First of, thank you for all the work you put into the binding & widgets!! Just a question, everything is working as it should, but for some reason, when i start from the first video, i can go back in history and view the recorded videos, but only up and till 49. If I try to view a video with the folder counyer at 50 and above(51,52,53) it fails. Openhab logs doesn’t give any feedback when this happens. Any ideas?
The binding limits it to stop the channel from using unlimited memory or hitting another limit. I think its a good idea to make this limit configurable so you can change it to a higher value. Did u want this or just wanted to know the reason why?
I’m guessing most people do not use this or know about this ability so keeping it to a low default value so the ram usage is low is what I think is best then you can up the value of you want 50+ history stored.
For me 50 is enough as I reduce false positives so that 50 visitors to my front door is more then I need.
Hi Matt, thank you for clearing that up, at least now I know why its doing it.
I guess there won’t be a simple way to go around this?
I was hoping to use the widget, kinda like a NVR if you might, to go back in history for a week or so to view videos. Is there maybe another way to do this, to access the saved clips on the drive?