Can someone talk me through getting 1-Wire to work please

I’ve just bought a USB9097 1-Wire adapter which I want to get working with the Openhab 1-Wire binding. It works on Windows so I now need to climb through a few hoops to get it working on Raspbian.
Getting this working apparently needs OWFS installing on the Pi2, and apparently this relies on something called “fuse.”
I’ve had a google but can’t find anything obvious that explains what needs to be installed, in which order and what commands to use.
Can someone help me with this one - I’ve been in computers all my life, but not Linux / Unix


you don’t need owfs. You only need owserver and (optional) owhttpd. Then you don’t need fuse.

I have a usb master, the 9097 is a serial bus master via usb and need a different configuration. It should work like this:

Plug in the bus master. Type

cat /var/log/dmesg

So you should see in the output a line like

ch341-uart converter now attached to ttyUSB4

Then configure the /etc/owfs.cfg file like this:

# Sample configuration file for the OWFS suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main OWFS configuration file. You should read the
# owfs.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here.
######################## SOURCES ########################
# With this setup, any client (but owserver) uses owserver on the
# local machine...
!server: server = localhost:4304
# ...and owserver uses the real hardware, by default fake devices
# This part must be changed on real installation
#server: FAKE = DS18S20,DS2405
# USB device: DS9490
#server: usb = all
#timeout_usb = 20
#error_level = 9
# Serial port: DS9097
server: device = /dev/ttyUSB4  <--TODO: insert here your correct ttyS1 Port
# owserver tcp address
#server: server =
# random simulated device
#server: FAKE = DS18S20,DS2405
######################### OWFS ##########################
#mountpoint = /mnt/1wire
####################### OWHTTPD #########################
http: port = 2121
####################### OWFTPD ##########################
#ftp: port = 2120
####################### OWSERVER ########################
server: port = localhost:4304


service owserver start


Thanks very much for your reply, I’ll give it a try next week
Have a good weekend!

That worked, thanks very much!.
A couple of points for others following in my footsteps.

  1. I also opened a port on the firewall to allow local access to OWSERVER by typing
    sudo ufw allow 2121/tcp which allowed me to access OWSERVER from my desktop by typing
    http://address of machine with owserver on it:2121
    This allowed me to find the individual device serial numbers that I needed to add to the items file.
  2. I configured OWSERVER to start on boot with the command
    sudo update-rc.d owserver enable

Its been a few weeks now and this has been working flawlessly. thanks again for your help Dennis650!

I was having a similar problem in that I could see the one-wire server on a host Raspberry Pi, but I could not see it from another host running the Openhab server. From the Pi I could see the server using a server address of “localhost” or, but not if I used the hostname or the assigned network IP address.
Eventually I “fixed” the problem by changing the following lines in the /etc/owfs.cfg file:


#!server: server = localhost:4304
!server: server = *:4304


####################### OWSERVER ########################
#server: port = localhost:4304
server: port = *:4304

This seems to fix the port table to accept requests from any IP address.

Listing the ports before the change:

$ sudo lsof -Pnl +M -i4
owserver  6195        0    7u  IPv4  15146      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)          

Listing the ports after the change and restarting the owserver

$ sudo lsof -Pnl +M -i4
owserver  20459        0    7u  IPv4 112454      0t0  TCP *:4304 (LISTEN)

Hope this helps someone in the future!

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